[Pkg-mysql-commits] r1664 - mysql-dfsg-5.1/branches/experimental/debian

Christian Hammers ch at alioth.debian.org
Sun Jul 26 16:40:55 UTC 2009

Author: ch
Date: 2009-07-26 16:40:53 +0000 (Sun, 26 Jul 2009)
New Revision: 1664

I speak not good english...

Modified: mysql-dfsg-5.1/branches/experimental/debian/changelog
--- mysql-dfsg-5.1/branches/experimental/debian/changelog	2009-07-26 13:59:55 UTC (rev 1663)
+++ mysql-dfsg-5.1/branches/experimental/debian/changelog	2009-07-26 16:40:53 UTC (rev 1664)
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+mysql-dfsg-5.1 (5.1.36-5) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Applied debconf template patch from debian-l10n-english (thanks to
+    Justin B Rye).
+ -- Christian Hammers <ch at debian.org>  Sun, 26 Jul 2009 18:39:13 +0200
 mysql-dfsg-5.1 (5.1.36-4) unstable; urgency=low
   * dpkg-gensymbols caused a lot of FTBFS because the C++ libraries have

Modified: mysql-dfsg-5.1/branches/experimental/debian/mysql-server-5.1.templates
--- mysql-dfsg-5.1/branches/experimental/debian/mysql-server-5.1.templates	2009-07-26 13:59:55 UTC (rev 1663)
+++ mysql-dfsg-5.1/branches/experimental/debian/mysql-server-5.1.templates	2009-07-26 16:40:53 UTC (rev 1664)
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
 _Description: Really proceed with downgrade?
  A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system.
- Such file is an indication that a mysql-server package with a higher
- version has been installed earlier.
+ Such a file is an indication that a mysql-server package with a higher
+ version has been installed previously.
  There is no guarantee that the version you're currently installing
  will be able to use the current databases.
@@ -23,13 +23,12 @@
 Type: note
 _Description: Important note for NIS/YP users
- To use MySQL, the following entries for users and groups should be added
- to the system:
+ Using MySQL under NIS/YP requires a mysql user account to be added on
+ the local system with:
-  /etc/passwd   : mysql:x:100:101:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false
-  /etc/group    : mysql:x:101:
+  adduser --system --group --home /var/lib/mysql mysql
- You should also check the permissions and the owner of the
+ You should also check the permissions and ownership of the
  /var/lib/mysql directory:
   /var/lib/mysql: drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql
@@ -58,7 +57,7 @@
  While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password
  for the MySQL administrative "root" user.
- If that field is left blank, the password will not be changed.
+ If this field is left blank, the password will not be changed.
 Template: mysql-server/root_password_again
 Type: password
@@ -85,6 +84,6 @@
 Template: mysql-server/no_upgrade_when_using_ndb
 Type: error
 _Description: NDB Cluster seems to be in use
- MySQL-5.1 has orphaned NDB Cluster support. Please migrate to the new
+ MySQL-5.1 no longer provides NDB Cluster support. Please migrate to the new
  mysql-cluster package and remove all lines starting with "ndb" from
  all config files below /etc/mysql/.

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