[Pkg-mysql-commits] r1868 - in mysql-dfsg-5.1/branches/unstable/debian: . additions

Norbert Tretkowski nobse at alioth.debian.org
Mon Apr 19 19:32:01 UTC 2010

Author: nobse
Date: 2010-04-19 19:31:59 +0000 (Mon, 19 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 1868

add patch from Kristian Nielsen

Modified: mysql-dfsg-5.1/branches/unstable/debian/additions/debian-start
--- mysql-dfsg-5.1/branches/unstable/debian/additions/debian-start	2010-04-17 10:37:41 UTC (rev 1867)
+++ mysql-dfsg-5.1/branches/unstable/debian/additions/debian-start	2010-04-19 19:31:59 UTC (rev 1868)
@@ -22,6 +22,11 @@
 # "check_for_crashed_tables" out.  
 # (There may be no output to stdout inside the background process!)
 echo "Checking for corrupt, not cleanly closed and upgrade needing tables."
+# Need to ignore SIGHUP, as otherwise a SIGHUP can sometimes abort the upgrade
+# process in the middle.
+trap "" SIGHUP

Modified: mysql-dfsg-5.1/branches/unstable/debian/changelog
--- mysql-dfsg-5.1/branches/unstable/debian/changelog	2010-04-17 10:37:41 UTC (rev 1867)
+++ mysql-dfsg-5.1/branches/unstable/debian/changelog	2010-04-19 19:31:59 UTC (rev 1868)
@@ -1,3 +1,22 @@
+mysql-5.1 (5.1.45-4) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * Fix that a SIGHUP somehow generated during install would abort the
+    mysql_upgrade process, causing upgrade to only complete on next server
+    restart.
+  * Fix that errors in other --bootstrap commands were silently ignored
+    due to pipe to $ERR_LOGGER.
+  * Bootstrap with InnoDB disabled to be more robust against a bad config
+    file.
+  * Remove old cruft that tried to modify the mysql.user table; it is
+    redundant as this is done by mysql_upgrade, and in any case it did not
+    work due to syntax errors and duplicate column errors.
+  * Thanks to Kristian Nielsen for providing the above patches! See 
+    http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~knielsen/ourdelta/bug_484127_484120_2/revision/68
+    for details.
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <norbert at tretkowski.de>  Mon, 19 Apr 2010 21:31:25 +0200
 mysql-5.1 (5.1.45-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Upload to unstable.

Modified: mysql-dfsg-5.1/branches/unstable/debian/mysql-server-5.1.postinst
--- mysql-dfsg-5.1/branches/unstable/debian/mysql-server-5.1.postinst	2010-04-17 10:37:41 UTC (rev 1867)
+++ mysql-dfsg-5.1/branches/unstable/debian/mysql-server-5.1.postinst	2010-04-19 19:31:59 UTC (rev 1868)
@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
 # This command can be used as pipe to syslog. With "-s" it also logs to stderr.
 ERR_LOGGER="logger -p daemon.err -t mysqld_safe -i"
+# This will make an error in a logged command immediately apparent by aborting
+# the install, rather than failing silently and leaving a broken install.
+set -o pipefail
 invoke() {
   if [ -x /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d ]; then
     invoke-rc.d mysql $1
@@ -18,7 +22,7 @@
-MYSQL_BOOTSTRAP="/usr/sbin/mysqld --bootstrap --user=mysql --skip-grant-tables"
+MYSQL_BOOTSTRAP="/usr/sbin/mysqld --bootstrap --user=mysql --skip-grant-tables --innodb=OFF --default-storage-engine=myisam"
 test_mysql_access() {
        mysql --no-defaults -u root -h localhost </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1
@@ -205,15 +209,6 @@
         "  Repl_slave_priv='Y', Repl_client_priv='Y', Create_view_priv='Y', "\
         "  Show_view_priv='Y', Create_routine_priv='Y', Alter_routine_priv='Y', "\
         "  Create_user_priv='Y', Event_priv='Y', Trigger_priv='Y' "`;
-    fix_privs=`echo -e \
-        "USE mysql;\n" \
-        "ALTER TABLE user ADD column Create_view_priv enum('N','Y') CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'; " \
-        "ALTER TABLE user ADD column Show_view_priv enum('N','Y') CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'; " \
-        "ALTER TABLE user ADD column Create_routine_priv enum('N','Y') CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'; " \
-        "ALTER TABLE user ADD column Alter_routine_priv enum('N','Y') CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'; " \
-        "ALTER TABLE user ADD column Create_user_priv enum('N','Y') CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'; " \
-        "ALTER TABLE user ADD column Event_priv enum('N','Y') CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'; " \
-        "ALTER TABLE user ADD column Trigger_priv enum('N','Y') CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'; " `
     # Engines supported by etch should be installed per default. The query sequence is supposed
     # to be aborted if the CREATE TABLE fails due to an already existent table in which case the
     # admin might already have chosen to remove one or more plugins. Newlines are necessary.
@@ -235,10 +230,11 @@
-    echo "$fix_privs"                                        | $MYSQL_BOOTSTRAP 2>&1 | $ERR_LOGGER
     echo "$replace_query"                                    | $MYSQL_BOOTSTRAP 2>&1 | $ERR_LOGGER
     set +e
+    set +o pipefail
     echo "$install_plugins"                                  | $MYSQL_BOOTSTRAP 2>&1 | $ERR_LOGGER
+    set -o pipefail
     set -e

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