[Pkg-mythtv-maintainers] Pricelist 05-07-2017
Bonesca Mailing
mailing at bonescamail.nl
Wed Jul 5 13:38:06 UTC 2017
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Good morning, Gutentag, Goedemorgen, Bonjour,
GB: In the attachment you can find our pricelist!
DE: Im Anlage finden sie unsere Preisliste!
NL: In de bijlage vind u onze prijslijst!
FR: Dans l'attachement vous pouvez trouver notre liste des prix!
Special Summerpromo Tilapia Whole Gutted Cleaned 500-800 in 4 kilo &
800+ in 5 kilo Individually Wrapped and sealed :
10 palets up (mix of both sizes allowed) € 1,63 per kilo!!
This month we receive many loads of Shrimps, but be quickly with your
inquiries while sales are very fast!
Kind regards, Mit freundlichen grüssen, Met vriendelijke groet,
Bonesca Import en Export BV
Bertus Brouwer
Director/Purchase - Dutch / English / German
Tel.: +31 (0) 527 68 07 81
Mail: bertus at bonesca.nl
Ramesh Raja
Sales தமிழ் / Tamil / Dutch / English
Tel: +31 (0) 6 24 42 62 49
Mail: stage at bonesca.nl
Nedal Muhtaseb
Sales - Dutch / Arab / English / German
Tel: +31 (0) 527 68 07 83
Mail: nedal at bonesca.nl
Thu Hanh
Sales Vietnamese / Thai / Laothian / German / English
Tel: +49 (0) 32221097676
Mail: thu at bonesca.nl
Marianne Kramer
Sales - Dutch / French / English / German
Tel: +31 (0) 527 68 07 82
Mail: marianne at bonesca.nl
Henry Bakker
Tel: +31 (0) 527 68 07 85
Mail: henry at bonesca.nl; info at bonesca.nl;invoice at bonesca.nl
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