[Pkg-net-snmp-devel] Bug#932775: Bug#932775: snmpd: init script does not respect /etc/default/snmpd

Daniel Reichelt debian at nachtgeist.net
Wed Jul 24 23:17:29 BST 2019

Hi Craig,

> It's a little more complicated than that. The defaults are loaded in>
> by init-d-script but are then overwritten by the snmp init script.

Whoops…I totally missed the usage of init-d-script. Shouldn't be writing
bug reports that late…

> Actually looking at the init script, it does check SNMPOPTS is set
> and this is the only variable in the default file. What exactly is
> not getting picked up or overwritten?

My /etc/defaults/snmpd looks like this:

SNMPDOPTS='-LS5d -Lf /dev/null -u Debian-snmp -g Debian-snmp -I
-smux,mteTrigger,mteTriggerConf -p /run/snmpd.pid'

Notice -Ls5d versus the default of -Lsd...this doesn't get picket up and
snmpd is started with the defaults.

Here's my analysis using a somewhat fresher head:

- user calls /etc/init.d/snmpd
- init-d-script is sourced
- init-d-script does its magic and itself sources /etc/init.d/snmpd again
- this time around init-d-script does not get called and snmpd actually
executes DAEMON_ARGS="$SNMPDOPTS -p $PIDFILE". However, at this point,
$SNMPDOPTS has not been set yet.
- snmpd continues, declares do_start_prepare()
- init-d-script continues and only *now* /etc/default/snmpd gets
sourced, thereby picking up on my custom $SNMPDOPTS...which doesn't get
used any more.
- init-d-script calls do_start_prepare() <-- this one's important for
the fix
- init-d-script calls do_start_cmd(), which calls start-stop-daemon with
DAEMON_ARGS still containing the wrong SNMPDOPTS

My new fix is to move the assignment of DAEMON_ARGS into
do_start_prepare(). That way, the assignment happens *after* $SNMPDOPTS
possibly got set by /etc/default/snmpd.

I compiled bash with the fix for CVE-2016-7543 ($PS4 vulnerability)
reverted and got a much more informative trace than I got before just by
running the original bash -x under root.

Please find attached two traces. First, I set PS4:

# export PS4='\t:${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}:${FUNCNAME[0]}

Then I created the traces by invoking

# bash-vulnerable-PS4 -x /etc/init.d/snmpd start

twice. The orig.log contains the trace running the unchanged init
script, while patched.log contains a trace running it having the
attached patch applied. This should make thinks clearer.

Hauler if you have questions!

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