Bug#700008: Unreproducable

Adam Borowski kilobyte at angband.pl
Sat Feb 9 02:37:47 UTC 2013

tags 700008 -unreproducible
severity 700008 important

On Fri, Feb 08, 2013 at 09:12:05PM +0100, Anton Gladky wrote:
> I am not able to reproduce FTBFS in a clean
> environment. Please, confirm.

After more checking, it appears to build in pbuilder but not on my live
system.  The latter is usually just as important, but in this case, it turns
out I have some parts that are not relevant for wheezy.

I just found out that x32 "unstable" has a newer linux-libc-dev.  I knew I
upgraded parts of the toolchain on the main amd64 system from experimental,
but because of the former not having any experimental on it I assumed I
don't need to check whether the culprit is too new.  Sorry for the

On the other hand, the bug is real, just not RC yet.  It will bite us after
the first upload of src:linux once wheezy is released.

Fortunately, while using newer kernels on stable systems is a major use
case, upgrading userspace headers is not.


Meow and happy hacking!

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