Contact Western Union Agent.

Mr. James William mrjameswilliam1972 at
Thu Oct 24 21:59:54 UTC 2013

I want to appreciate and compensate you with this FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND 
DOLLARS for all your past efforts and attempts to assist me during the 
transfer of my fund abroad despite that both of us couldn't make it up, 
I succeeded in completing the transfer with ENG OTTO MULLER who used his 
international bank contact to complete the transfer to his foreign 
account safely.

Because of my urgent traveling to me him in his country, I decided to 
register the money with the WESTERN UNION as I misplaced the jotter 
where I wrote your complete informations, I only have your email id off 
head, You should contact the Western Union Manager now with your data 
and request him to send the money to you, Remember to indicate the 
registration code BJ/CTNU/EB-25960 when you contact him.

Contact Person: Mr Fabien Guanson.
Email:info-wumt at

I will be waiting to hear good news from you after you have received the 
money from him.
Mr James William.

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