Bug#798329: ifconfig: changed output format breaks scripts

Guillem Jover guillem at debian.org
Tue Sep 8 11:48:27 UTC 2015


On Tue, 2015-09-08 at 12:56:09 +0300, Martín Ferrari wrote:
> On 08/09/15 12:34, Thorsten Glaser wrote:
> > I need reliable, consistent, parsable output across all Debian versions
> > (and some derivates).
> There is no software that currently offers that promise. I understand it
> is annoying, and myself have reported a bug to iproute2 (#726417) for a
> similar situation, but the maintainer also did not want to diverge from
> upstream, so I had to live with that.

Well, the ifconfig implementation in inetutils provides selectable
output formats, which might be close to that promise, but I think
I agree in general that relying on this kind of output is not wise.

> >> direcly parsing files in /proc/net
> > 
> > Excuse me, but WTF?
> > 
> > The standard Unix interface for things is stdout of other commands,
> > as in, filters and pipes. ifconfig is *the* standard utility to get
> > information about interfaces.
> Sorry, but ifconfig output is not standarised by policy or any other
> doc. In fact, it varies wildly in its many implementations. It has been
> deprecated as a means of talking with the network stack in Linux since
> iproute exists, which is a Long Time Ago.

Yes, see the above comment on inetutils' ifconfig selectable output.

> Also, it is not breaking other Debian packages, nor it is
> malfunctioning, so severity can't be more than wishlist.

We might not know yet, I do actually expect this might break some
stuff also parsing output from ifconfig. Perhaps a quick check could
be performed on codesearch.d.n?

> Finally, I have no intentions on maintaining a fork of net-tools to
> support the 14 years old output format of ifconfig, so I am closing this
> as wontfix.

This is quite reasonable IMO.


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