[Pkg-nethack-devel] nethack/doc fixes34.3,NONE,1.1
Joshua Kwan
Tue, 09 Dec 2003 16:55:18 +0000
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Update of /cvsroot/pkg-nethack/nethack/doc
In directory quantz:/tmp/cvs-serv12033/doc
Added Files:
Log Message:
add some files that are new in this release
--- NEW FILE: fixes34.3 ---
$RCSfile: fixes34.3,v $ $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2003/12/09 16:55:16 $
General Fixes and Modified Features
monster draining the player using Stormbringer decreased monster's hitpoints
polymorphing to a flaming sphere should cure slime like other flaming monsters
grammar, spelling and other typos
wishing for student corpse yielded a valkyrie one, not an archeologist one
fix typo in bustling town down stairs declaration
you could exceed the limits on nazgul and erinys counts via bones files
fix inconsistency where you can't kick something out of a pit, but you can
escape the pit and still pick it up; items are now assumed to be at
the bottom of pit
room cleanup, eg on Bustling Town, could incorrectly truncate room bounds
for rooms that become L shared due to partial overlap with the MAP
approaching Medusa while having reflection+invisibility+esp would cause her
to turn herself to stone if you happened to be blind at the time
Master Kaen's death message was not appropriate
missing fountain tag in minend-3
do not pacify shopkeeper when the hero enters a shop if that hero previously
angered the shopkeeper without ever visibly entering the shop
attempting to place migrating monsters onto a monster-saturated level no
longer triggers impossible()
open_levelfile_exclusively() was showing the return value -1 in a panic message,
even though that was the only possible value; show errno instead
it was inappropriate to have a ghost "appear" in desecrated temple when
you were blind and without telepathy
accept wish for "grey spell book" not just "grey spellbook"
do not double credit when putting gold into an unpaid container
manes are nonliving
poles and grappling hook worked thru walls when wearing Eyes of the Overworld
more tweaks to fog cloud behavior
when dismounting by choice and unimpaired, try not to land on a boulder
casting stone-to-flesh on self while wielding a statue caused problems
add tab support to menu strings for control-x minimal_enlightenment()
if the monster that a statue represents is not made of flesh then don't
allow stone_to_flesh to animate it, make a meatball instead
attempting to saddle a cockatrice while wearing gloves shouldn't stone you
kicking a closed drawbridge and dieing should not say "kicking a wall"
cannot get blessed potions from sink, remove unreachable message
couldn't insert gold into a container using full menu style if no other
objects in inventory unless compiling with GOLDOBJ
nagas eat
always have warriors on the Valkyrie quest be female
be more consistent with sounds when dropping into water
surface() returns "bottom" when Underwater
bill for all discarded, opened tins
monsters that cannot pick things up cannot throw things either
eating an amulet of unchanging un-changes you
Vlad won't waste time trying to use wand of digging in his own tower
non-weapon iron objects should rust when dipped in fountains since
iron weapons rust
suppress "turn to flee" message if monster is mfrozen
don't silently interrupt monster's hold on you if Levitation/Flying ends
while over water
you could specifiy '~' with crystal ball and have it try to detect monsters,
but it never revealed anything; show the entire long worm now
allow a crystal ball to detect ghosts-and-shades via space key, and display
the results using detected_mon_to_glyph() so that they show up in
inverse video
allow a crystal ball to detect boulders using the user-defined boulder symbol
allow a crystal ball to detect mimics via ']'
prevent boulder option from accepting a symbol that matches a monster symbol
traveling while standing on a trap would sometime step in the wrong direction
avoid traveling into water/lava, using usual running rules
unchanging iron golem would still rehumanize in a rust trap
fix an impossible rndmonst: bad `mndx' bug
pets should not try to go after objects that they can't reach
cutting a shopkeeper polymorphed in to a long worm would generate strange
messages and could cause a crash
reading a cursed scroll of light in a corridor wouldn't display correctly
if lit_corridor option was disabled
barbarians can become export in short sword skill
samurai are now limited to master in martial arts skill; barbarians and
cavemen are now limited to master in bare-handed combat skill
tweak messages when werefoo summons help
when polymorphed into a quantum mechanic, it was possible to jump into
the water on a no teleport level and instinctively teleport
when polymorphed into a quantum mechanic on a no teleport level and swallowed,
no feedback was given when you teleported the swallower away
allow Conflict-resistant monsters to respond to conflict attacks rather than
sitting there and taking the attacks until they die
prefer herbivorous stone-to-flesh message when hero is a vegitarian
try even harder to avoid incorrect map display while changing levels
no "freaked" message by exploding black light, unless you really are
sleeping monster could respond to attacks by other monsters
sleeping shopkeeper responds to various events without waking
rotting corpses grammar fix
allow successful teleport to more locations on debug mode level teleport menu
trapped monster repeatedly switched between ranged and hand-to-hand weapon
silver items such as wands avoided all the silver checks in hmon_hitmon()
resuming an interrupted 'A' command could cause crash if pending worn item(s)
were stolen or destroyed
resuming interrupted 'A' sometimes ended with "You finished disrobing" twice
when you're asleep you shouldn't "notice" monsters that have become undetected
must be able to reach floor in order to use stethoscope on corpse or statue
fix a few coordinate (y,y) -> (x,y) typos in apply.c, mon.c, and wizard.c
killing a long worm on a drawbridge could produce a panic
prevent "see it drop from your pack" when figurine monster becomes undetected
attempting to drop a subset of a stack of multiple cursed loadstones could
corrupt inventory or cause a crash
"miss" message was missing for thrown or kicked gold not caught by a monster
prevent recursive impossible() and panic() calls from leading to a stack overflow
tainted meat didn't invoke cannibalism
shopkeepers can't act as porters for the Amulet
dismissed monsters can't remove special items from play
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
win32tty: fix visible CRLF characters during lockfile error message
win32tty: switch to low level console routines
win32tty: refrain from cursor movement until an input is pending (M. Lehotay)
win32tty: distinguish blue, bright blue, cyan, and bright cyan (Nicholas Webb)
win32tty: fix hanging problem when you ctrl-C at "Who are you?" prompt
win32gui: you couldn't specify an alignment in defaults.nh and have it stick
win32gui: allow race/gender/alignment selections beyond those specified in
defaults.nh, while still honoring defaults.nh choices
unix: don't define errno if NHSTDC
unix: save file permissions could be wrong in explore/debug mode
X11: avoid a possible crash when using window manger to close a player
selection window
Gnome: add Quiver menu item, fix outdated Quit menu item
Gnome: key values on unsigned char platform could fail to compare correctly
Gnome: real extended command menu so all extended commands can be entered
Gnome: ignore interrupts to avoid infinite loop in gnome library
tty: avoid crash displaying quit inventory if inventory was already displayed
tty: use "bold" in menu heading if available and requested
tty: differentiate between default unlit and lit corridor symbols
winCE: ensure orphaned lockfile is always deleted on single-user handhelds
General New Features
bones file compatibility info is now written into the dat/options file
extend autodig to work downwards via '>'
make attribute that is used to distinguish headings in a menu configurable
add experimental build option AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTIONS for filtering pickup of
items by pattern matching against their doname() description
include version number in paniclog entries
add a section on "shops and shopping" to the Guidebook
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific New Features
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