[Pkg-nlp-ja-devel] Hello, My private email address is (mrs.chantal @ gmx.us)

mrs.chantal; mrs_mrs2 @ aol.fr
2015年 10月 2日 (金) 00:53:44 UTC

Complimentof the day to you.
I ammrs.chantal I am sending this brief letter to solicit your partnershiptotransfer $10.5 million US Dollars. I shall send you more information and procedureswhen I receive positive response from you. please send me a message in my Email box Thanks , My private emailaddress is (mrs.chantal @ gmx.us)
 (3)Your full residentialaddress...............
promptresponse. Best regards,
Mrs.  Chantal
Email:    (mrs.chantal @ gmx.us)
call meif you are instrested +226 65369757
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