[Pkg-nlp-ja-devel] Bug#845098: chasen: FTBFS on m68k due to mismatched symbols file

John Paul Adrian Glaubitz glaubitz @ physik.fu-berlin.de
2016年 11月 20日 (日) 11:57:24 UTC

Source: chasen
Version: 2.4.5-29
Severity: normal
User: debian-68k @ lists.debian.org
Usertags: m68k


chasen currently fails to build from source on m68k due to a mismatched
symbols file. Please use the information provided in the diff below to
update the symbols file accordingly. Do not apply the diff directly,
rather include or exclude symbols using the (arch=$ARCH $!ARCH) mechanism.


dpkg-gensymbols: warning: some new symbols appeared in the symbols file: see diff output below
dpkg-gensymbols: warning: some symbols or patterns disappeared in the symbols file: see diff output below
dpkg-gensymbols: warning: debian/libchasen2/DEBIAN/symbols doesn't match completely debian/libchasen2.symbols.m68k
--- debian/libchasen2.symbols.m68k (libchasen2_2.4.5-29_m68k)
+++ dpkg-gensymbolsriBiT7	   2016-10-04 21:14:20.000000000 +0000
@@ -30,8 +30,11 @@
  _ZN5Darts15DoubleArrayImplIchlmNS_6LengthIcEEED0Ev @ Base 2.4.5
  _ZN5Darts15DoubleArrayImplIchlmNS_6LengthIcEEED1Ev @ Base 2.4.5
  _ZN5Darts15DoubleArrayImplIchlmNS_6LengthIcEEED2Ev @ Base 2.4.5
- _ZNSt6vectorIN5Darts15DoubleArrayImplIchlmNS0_6LengthIcEEE6node_tESaIS5_EE13_M_insert_auxEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPS5_S7_EERKS5_ @ Base 2.4.5
- _ZNSt6vectorIlSaIlEE13_M_insert_auxEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPlS1_EERKl @ Base 2.4.5-7
+ _ZNKSt5ctypeIcE8do_widenEc @ Base 2.4.5-29
+#MISSING: 2.4.5-29# _ZNSt6vectorIN5Darts15DoubleArrayImplIchlmNS0_6LengthIcEEE6node_tESaIS5_EE13_M_insert_auxEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPS5_S7_EERKS5_ @ Base 2.4.5
+ _ZNSt6vectorIN5Darts15DoubleArrayImplIchlmNS0_6LengthIcEEE6node_tESaIS5_EE19_M_emplace_back_auxIJRKS5_EEEvDpOT_ @ Base 2.4.5-29
+#MISSING: 2.4.5-29# _ZNSt6vectorIlSaIlEE13_M_insert_auxEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPlS1_EERKl @ Base 2.4.5-7
+ _ZNSt6vectorIlSaIlEE19_M_emplace_back_auxIJRKlEEEvDpOT_ @ Base 2.4.5-29
 #MISSING: 2.4.5-11# _ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSt4pairIKSslESt10_Select1stIS2_ESt4lessISsESaIS2_EE10_M_insert_EPKSt18_Rb_tree_node_baseSB_RKS2_ @ Base 2.4.5-7
 #MISSING: 2.4.5-7# _ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSt4pairIKSslESt10_Select1stIS2_ESt4lessISsESaIS2_EE15_M_insert_equalERKS2_ @ Base 2.4.5
  _ZTIN5Darts15DoubleArrayImplIchlmNS_6LengthIcEEEE @ Base 2.4.5
dh_makeshlibs: failing due to earlier errors


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer - glaubitz @ debian.org
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin - glaubitz @ physik.fu-berlin.de
  `-    GPG: 62FF 8A75 84E0 2956 9546  0006 7426 3B37 F5B5 F913

Pkg-nlp-ja-devel メーリングリストの案内