Bug#392098: [pkg-ntp-maintainers] Bug#392098: ntpdate: init script missing in package

Richard Thrippleton ret28 at cam.ac.uk
Tue Oct 10 13:05:37 UTC 2006

On Tue Oct 10 14:59, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> Richard Thrippleton wrote:
> > As of a recent package upgrade, ntpdate no longer includes the script
> > in init.d to update the time.
> That is intentional.  Read NEWS.Debian.
OK. The implication is that ntp should be the longterm maintainer of time. Is
this appropriate for a system with patchy network connectivity that isn't
turned on a lot of the time (specifically, my laptop)? I thought the answer to
this was "no", so I just had ntpdate run in a cronjob from time to time. What's
the correct solution?


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