Bug#384857: [pkg-ntp-maintainers] Bug#384857: ntp: transition packages needed; ntp-simple removes ntp user on purge

Julien BLACHE jblache at debian.org
Sat Sep 2 09:34:11 UTC 2006

tags 384857 + patch


Attached is a patch that implements a proper transition to the new ntp

Please apply.


 Julien BLACHE <jblache at debian.org>  |  Debian, because code matters more 
 Debian & GNU/Linux Developer        |       <http://www.debian.org>
 Public key available on <http://www.jblache.org> - KeyID: F5D6 5169 
 GPG Fingerprint : 935A 79F1 C8B3 3521 FD62 7CC7 CD61 4FD7 F5D6 5169 

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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: ntp-transition.patch
Type: text/x-patch
Size: 1822 bytes
Desc: NTP transition patch
Url : http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-ntp-maintainers/attachments/20060902/9607a582/ntp-transition.bin

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