[pkg-ntp-maintainers] Bug#560046: Add option to ignore DHCP timeservers

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 18 13:28:50 UTC 2013

Hi, a bit of a "me too" post; running stable/squeeze here, and
all our machines are without functioning ntp. :-(

The central campus DHCP supplies a couple of campus-hosted ntp
servers. This overrides the ones I've set in /etc/ntp.conf.

The central campus DHCP servers are all down & who knows when
they'll be back.

Thus, all our machines are without functioning ntp. :-(

rinse and repeat. I don't really trust our infrastructure to
have very good uptime, but at least I trust our guys not to
be evil as might happen at some rouge ISP.

I wouldn't mind if Debian's ntp *added* the DHCP supplied ones
to the ones I set in the ntp.conf file, that would be quite nice
(perhaps with a switch to ignore the dhcp ones?), but forcibly
replacing the ones we've set with ones which happen to be out of
our control && flaky does not make for good time(s).

for now I'm getting by with a modified dhclient.conf on those
machines where it really matters, which is easy enough to do.


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