[pkg-ntp-maintainers] Bug#769146: openntpd: fails to upgrade from 'sid' - trying to overwrite /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.ntpd

intrigeri intrigeri at debian.org
Fri Aug 14 09:36:25 UTC 2015


intrigeri wrote (26 May 2015 09:06:57 GMT) :
> Dererk wrote (23 May 2015 12:45:16 GMT) :
>> What would you say about importing ntp apparmor's hardening profile into
>> ntp package?
>> This carries a little bit of work, trivial in my opinion, that is
>> installing the ntp profile, build-depend on dh-apparmor and to Suggest
>> on apparmor for activation runtime.
>> I wouldn't think the changes are more than 4 or 5 lines of diff.

> Note that Ubuntu has been shipping that AppArmor profile in their ntp
> package for years now, so the work that needs to be done is basically
> importing the relevant parts of the Ubuntu diff.

> Kurt, are you interested in giving it a try, or would you happily take
> (good) patches?

There's a related discussion on https://bugs.debian.org/768415.

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