[pkg-ntp-maintainers] Bug#476491: still not fixed.... incorrect forwarded.

Andreas Henriksson andreas at fatal.se
Fri Aug 14 10:49:45 UTC 2015

Control: found -1 1:4.2.8p3+dfsg-1
Control: tags -1 - fixed-upstream


I've just looked at this issue again and the problem seems to still
be unfixed in 1:4.2.8p3+dfsg-1 (as of now == current sid version).

The forwarded url points to an upstream bug report which is for the
same issue in *html*, not in *manpage* as I originally reported.

Please see the *manpage* for ntpdate (as available in section 8).

(No idea if the debian package even ships the html documentation
that was altered in the upstream bug, but I can confirm the upstream
html file states the correct version via 
. This means the html documentation and the manpage is now inconsistent.)

Andreas Henriksson

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