[pkg-ntp-maintainers] Bug#856343: ntpdate: tell kernel time is synced

Ben Hutchings ben at decadent.org.uk
Tue Feb 28 14:45:18 UTC 2017

Control: severity -1 wishlist

On Tue, 28 Feb 2017 10:02:04 +0100 Daniel Pocock <daniel at pocock.pro> wrote:
> There appear to be a few things that could be done in ntpdate:
> - it could clear the STA_UNSYNC flag when setting the time, so the
> kernel will automatically update the hardware clock.  This also depends
> on the kernel being compiled with certain flags enabled, this is the
> approach assumed by systemd.

This would be very wrong - there's no reason to think the system clock
will be more stable than the RTC after a one-shot synch.

> - if not using STA_UNSYNC, it could add an option for explicitly
> invoking "hwclock --systohc" from ntpdate and if the user doesn't
> specify that option, it could emit some warning to the console that the
> hardware clock will never be updated at shutdown

ntpdate is deprecated so adding features to it makes no sense.

> - or it could just log a warning without any attempt to do the sync

Could do.


> Discussed on debian-devel[1]
> 1. https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2017/02/msg00634.html
Ben Hutchings
Never attribute to conspiracy what can adequately be explained by

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