[pkg-ntp-maintainers] Top 50 February

Bonesca Mailing mailing at bonescamail.nl
Sat Feb 10 02:44:05 UTC 2018

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Good afternoon, Gutentag, Goedemiddag, Bonjour,

GB:  In the attachment you can find our top 50 February offer!
DE: Im Anlage finden sie unsere Top 50 Februar Angebot!
NL: In de bijlage vind u onze top 50 februari aanbieding!
FR: Dans l'attachement vous pouvez trouver notre top 50 février

Kind regards, Mit freundlichen grüssen, Met vriendelijke groet,

Bonesca Import en Export BV

Bertus Brouwer
Director/Purchase - Dutch / English / German
Tel.: +31 (0) 527 68 07 81
Mail: bertus at bonesca.nl

Nedal Muhtaseb
Sales - Dutch / Arab / English / German
Tel: +31 (0) 527 68 07 83
Mail: nedal at bonesca.nl

Marianne Kramer
Sales - Dutch / French / English / German
Tel: +31 (0) 527 68 07 82
Mail: marianne at bonesca.nl

Henry Bakker
Tel: +31 (0) 527 68 07 85
Mail: henry at bonesca.nl; info at bonesca.nl;invoice at bonesca.nl

Thu Hanh
Sales Vietnamese / Thai / Laothian / German / English
Tel: +49 (0) 32221097676
Tel: +31 (0) 527 68 07 88
Mail: thu at bonesca.nl

Ramesh Raja
Sales Tamil / Dutch / English
Tel: +31 (0) 527 68 07 84
Mail: raja at bonesca.nl

Policarpo J. Olivas
Sales Spanish, French, Portugese, Italian, English
Tel Spain: +34 (0) 649 566 367
Tel Rep. Dominican: +1 (0) 809 778 4040
Mail: polivas at bonesca.nl

Cornelis Ras
Office support
Dutch / English
Tel: +31 (0) 527 70 10 63 option 1
Mail: stage at bonesca.nl

Jacob Cornelis Hakvoort
Accounting Dutch / English
Tel: +31 (0) 527 68 07 86
Mail: stage at bonesca.nl

Warehouse - Albert Korf / Willem Bakker / Fokke Korf
Tel: +31 (0) 527 68 07 89
Mail: expeditie at bonesca.nl

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