[Pkg-nx-group] Current status?

Alexander Wirt formorer@formorer.de
Tue, 14 Jun 2005 08:41:57 +0200

Tollef Fog Heen schrieb am Montag, den 13. Juni 2005:

> * "Roberto C. Sanchez" 
> | I don't have anything yet.  I am also a bit busy until Monday or Tuesday
> | next week.  We should try and coordinate kick off meeting via an IM
> | chatroom or IRC.  Maybe 30-60 minutes long so we can all "meet" and get
> | an initial work breakdown structure.
> | 
> | I propose Monday 13 or Tuesday 14 Jun 2005 at 2000 GMT.  We can probably
> | setup a channel, say #debian-nx on irc.debian.org.
I'm currently involved at a customer in Berlin, so I'm not sure if I will be
able to participate at the meeting. 

So I would be pleased if somebody will do some logging. 
Here are some of the points I wanted to be discussed if I'm not available:

- What applications and libs need to be packaged to have a working freenx
  server und client?

- Whats the status about it? Has somebody some good packages?

- Who wants to package what applikation? (I want to touch my hands on the
  freenx script :)). 

- Who should be in the core team and should gain upload and commit rights

Hmm I hope thats all. 

Best wishes 