[Pkg-nx-group] Packaging NX

Per Olofsson pelle at debian.org
Tue Sep 19 13:43:15 UTC 2006

Maximiliano Curia:
> Excellent, well, I actually joined recently to this list to comment some of 
> the packaging I've being doing with the "easy to package" parts of nx.
> I made a few packages to get to know nx more closely. As I wanted to make them 
> for personal use I made some important changes in the way the nx has been 
> packaged before ( personal opinion, cdbs can be a pain, and if upstream has 
> different tarballs for different parts of the project it's usually a good 
> idea to keep them separated ), so I packaged libxcomp2 (and -dev), 
> libxcompext2 (and -dev), nxssh and nxproxy using debhelper. And started 
> looking nx-X11, which is quite "not nice", I hope upstream migrates nx-X11 to 
> the modular xorg structure soon.
> The 4 packages ( libxcomp2 ,libxcompext2, nxssh and nxproxy ) are needed to 
> get almost any free nxclient working, so I believe it's a good start.
> The packages are available at http://maxy.com.ar/~maxy/debian/nx

Well, that's great! I hope we can merge our work in the SVN. I'm going
to upload my packages there now, and maybe some admin can add you to
the project so you get commit privs too.


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