[Pkg-nx-group] New darcs repository

Per Olofsson pelle at debian.org
Fri Sep 22 08:10:30 UTC 2006

>   We are writing an applet 
> (http://ulpmm-projets.u-strasbg.fr/projets/applet-univrx/) using NX 
> compression relying on nxproxy (client) and nxagent (server) inside pure JAVA 
> SSH tunnels (using jsch).
>   We would really love seeing both components in debian until we get NX2 
> working (yes, we still rely on 1.4-1.5).

Well, libXcomp and nxproxy shouldn't be too difficult. However,
relies on X server sources so it will be a bit harder to
package. But it's not impossible.

I think I'll be able to make an upload of libXcomp and nxproxy soon.


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