[Pkg-nx-group] Progress?

Roberto C. Sanchez roberto at connexer.com
Fri Jan 5 03:36:43 CET 2007

On Thu, Dec 07, 2006 at 01:04:18PM +0100, Marcus Better wrote:
> Hi,
> is there any progress or plans for packaging the 2x terminal server? I would 
> like to help, but would need a roadmap of the required tasks.
I have been meaning to get back into packaging this.  However, my time
is quite limited at the moment and I am not sure when I will have
sufficient time to embark on this.  Having briefly looked at the NX
code, I believe it will take *lots* of work to make it suitable for
inclusion in Debian.  IIRC, they ship an entire X server embedded in
their software, which is not something we really want to for a number of
reasons, including wasted disk space, possible regressions, FHS
compliance and security.

If anyone feels strongly about getting this packaged, they are more than
welcome to get started.  I will help as I can, but I'm afraid my
contributions won't be too substantial.



Roberto C. Sanchez
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