[Pkg-nx-group] freenx debian packaging

Paul van der Vlis paul at vandervlis.nl
Fri Jan 11 12:54:45 UTC 2008

Israel Miranda schreef:
>      Right now I use the proprietary nomachine's package, but I'd like
>     to use
>     > a GPL version.
>     You can, no problem. I am using version 0.60 on many machines.
>     deb http://krnl.nl/freenx/ ./
>     Works great.
> Yeah Paul, I know that repo, actually I forgot to mention I'd like to
> use a stable/complete GPL version.
> I was using GPL freenx, but after reading this discussion I had a bad
> impression of the actual freenx code.

The freeNX code is OK.

Support for local devices like printers and USB-sticks is not so
perfect, but that's most of the time not really important.

With regards,
Paul van der Vlis.


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