[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] r1212 - trunk/tools/dh_ocaml

Stefano Zacchiroli zack@costa.debian.org
Wed, 06 Apr 2005 09:28:05 +0000

Author: zack
Date: 2005-04-06 09:28:04 +0000 (Wed, 06 Apr 2005)
New Revision: 1212

checked in ocaml md5sums registry manager
(debhelper maintainer told me that dh_ocaml does too much on his own,
thus I'm moving away registry handling in an external tool that will
be invoked both by dh_ocaml at package build time and by postrm/postinst

Modified: trunk/tools/dh_ocaml/Makefile
--- trunk/tools/dh_ocaml/Makefile	2005-04-06 09:26:54 UTC (rev 1211)
+++ trunk/tools/dh_ocaml/Makefile	2005-04-06 09:28:04 UTC (rev 1212)
@@ -7,8 +7,12 @@
-all: $(SCRIPTS) debhelper
+# all: ocaml-md5sums $(SCRIPTS) debhelper
+all: ocaml-md5sums
+ocaml-md5sums: ocaml-md5sums.ml
+	ocamlfind ocamlc -package str,unix -linkpkg -o $@ $<
 	apt-get -d source debhelper

Added: trunk/tools/dh_ocaml/ocaml-md5sums.ml
--- trunk/tools/dh_ocaml/ocaml-md5sums.ml	2005-04-06 09:26:54 UTC (rev 1211)
+++ trunk/tools/dh_ocaml/ocaml-md5sums.ml	2005-04-06 09:28:04 UTC (rev 1212)
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+open Printf
+(** {2 Constants} *)
+let ocamlobjinfo = "/usr/bin/ocamlobjinfo"
+let md5sums_dir = "/var/lib/ocaml/md5sums"
+let md5sums_index = "MD5SUMS"
+let md5sums_ext = ".md5sums"
+let registry_file = sprintf "%s/%s" md5sums_dir md5sums_index
+(** {2 Regular expressions, for parsing} *)
+let unit_name_RE =
+  Str.regexp "^[ \\t]*Unit[ \\t]+name[ \\t]*:[ \\t]*\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)[ \\t]*$"
+let md5sum_RE =
+  Str.regexp "^[ \\t]*\\([a-z0-9]+\\)[ \\t]+\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)[ \\t]*$"
+let blanks_RE = Str.regexp "[ \\t]+"
+(** {2 Argument parsing} *)
+let objects = ref []
+let pkg_version = ref ""
+let pkg_name = ref ""
+let action = ref None
+let usage_msg =
+  "Use and maintain system registry of ocaml md5sums\n"
+  ^ "Usage:\n"
+  ^ "  ocaml-md5sum compute --package [name] --version [version] object ...\n"
+  ^ "  ocaml-md5sum dep     --package [name] --version [version] object ...\n"
+  ^ "  ocaml-md5sum update\n"
+  ^ "Options:"
+let cmdline_spec = [
+  "--package", Arg.Set_string pkg_name,
+    "set package name (required by compute and dep actions)";
+  "--version", Arg.Set_string pkg_version,
+    "set package version (required by compute and dep actions)";
+let die_usage () =
+  Arg.usage cmdline_spec usage_msg;
+  exit 1
+(** {2 Auxiliary functions} *)
+let warning msg = prerr_endline ("Warning: " ^ msg)
+let error msg =
+  prerr_endline ("Error: " ^ msg);
+  exit 2
+(** @param fnames list of *.cm[ao] file names
+ * @return a pair of hash tables <defined_units, imported_units>. Both tables
+ * contains mappings <unit_name, md5sum>. defined_units lists units defined in
+ * given files while imported_units imported ones *)
+let unit_info fnames =
+  let (defined, imported) = (Hashtbl.create 1024, Hashtbl.create 1024) in
+  List.iter
+    (fun fname ->
+      let ic = Unix.open_process_in (sprintf "%s %s" ocamlobjinfo fname) in
+      let unit_name = ref "" in
+      try
+        while true do
+         let line = input_line ic in
+         if Str.string_match unit_name_RE line 0 then
+           unit_name := Str.matched_group 1 line
+         else if Str.string_match md5sum_RE line 0 then
+          let unit_name' = Str.matched_group 2 line in
+          let tbl = if unit_name' = !unit_name then defined else imported in
+          Hashtbl.replace tbl unit_name' (Str.matched_group 1 line)
+        done
+      with End_of_file -> close_in ic)
+    fnames;
+  Hashtbl.iter  (* imported := imported - defined *)
+    (fun unit_name _ -> Hashtbl.remove imported unit_name)
+    defined;
+  (defined, imported)
+(** @param fname file name of the registry file
+ * @return an hashtbl mapping pairs <unit_name, md5sum> to pairs <package_name,
+ * version_info>. E.g. ("Foo_bar", "74be7fa4320ebd9415f1c7cfc04c2d7b") ->
+ * ("libfoo-ocaml-dev", ">= 1.2.3-4") *)
+let parse_registry fname =
+  let registry = Hashtbl.create 1024 in
+  let ic = open_in fname in
+  let n = ref 0 in
+  (try
+    while true do
+      incr n;
+      let line = input_line ic in
+      (match Str.split blanks_RE line with
+      | [ md5sum; unit_name; package; version ] ->
+          Hashtbl.replace registry (unit_name, md5sum) (package, version)
+      | _ ->
+          warning (sprintf "ignoring registry entry (%s:%d)" registry_file !n))
+    done
+  with End_of_file -> close_in ic);
+  registry
+(** {2 Main functions, one for each command line action} *)
+let compute ~package ~version () =
+  if (package = "" || version = "") then die_usage ();
+  let defined, _ = unit_info !objects in
+  Hashtbl.iter
+    (fun unit_name md5sum ->
+      printf "%s %s %s %s\n" md5sum unit_name package version)
+    defined
+let dep ~package ~version () =
+  if (package = "" || version = "") then die_usage ();
+  let _, imported = unit_info !objects in
+  let registry = parse_registry registry_file in
+  Hashtbl.iter
+    (fun unit_name md5sum ->
+      try
+        let (package, version) = Hashtbl.find registry (unit_name, md5sum) in
+        printf "%s %s\n" package version
+      with Not_found -> ())
+    imported
+let update () = failwith "not implemented"  (* TODO *)
+(** {2 Main} *)
+let main () =
+  Arg.parse cmdline_spec
+    (fun s ->
+      if !action = None then
+        action := Some s
+      else
+        objects := s :: !objects)
+    usage_msg;
+  objects := List.rev !objects;
+  let package, version = !pkg_name, !pkg_version in
+  match !action with
+  | Some "compute" -> compute ~package ~version ()
+  | Some "dep" -> dep ~package ~version ()
+  | Some "update" -> update ()
+  | _ -> die_usage ()
+let _ = main ()