[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] r1218 - trunk/tools/dh_ocaml

Stefano Zacchiroli zack@costa.debian.org
Thu, 07 Apr 2005 13:51:01 +0000

Author: zack
Date: 2005-04-07 13:51:01 +0000 (Thu, 07 Apr 2005)
New Revision: 1218

- added support for dump/restore of ocamlobjinfo information (so that it does
  not need to be invoked twice on the same set of objects, as happend for ocaml
  libraries first for extracting information about defined units and then for
  information about imported ones)
- more structured code, added a lot of iterators (over fils, input channel,
  registry like file, ...)

Modified: trunk/tools/dh_ocaml/ocaml-md5sums.ml
--- trunk/tools/dh_ocaml/ocaml-md5sums.ml	2005-04-07 13:48:57 UTC (rev 1217)
+++ trunk/tools/dh_ocaml/ocaml-md5sums.ml	2005-04-07 13:51:01 UTC (rev 1218)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2005, Stefano Zacchiroli <zack@debian.org>
  * Created:        Wed, 06 Apr 2005 16:55:39 +0200 zack
- * Last-Modified:  Wed, 06 Apr 2005 16:55:39 +0200 zack
+ * Last-Modified:  Thu, 07 Apr 2005 09:37:37 +0200 zack
  * This is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
  * terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@
 let pkg_version = ref ""
 let pkg_name = ref ""
 let verbosity = ref 0
+let dump_info_to = ref ""
+let load_info_from = ref ""
 let action = ref None
 let usage_msg =
@@ -59,55 +61,115 @@
     "set package name (required by compute and dep actions)";
   "--version", Arg.Set_string pkg_version,
     "set package version (required by compute and dep actions)";
+  "--dump-info", Arg.Set_string dump_info_to,
+    "dump ocamlobjinfo to file";
+  "--load-info", Arg.Set_string load_info_from,
+    "restore ocamlobjinfo from file";
   "-v", Arg.Unit (fun () -> incr verbosity), "increase verbosity";
 let die_usage () =
   Arg.usage cmdline_spec usage_msg;
   exit 1
-(** {2 Auxiliary functions} *)
+(** {2 Helpers} *)
 let error   msg = prerr_endline ("Error: " ^ msg); exit 2
 let warning msg = prerr_endline ("Warning: " ^ msg)
 let info ?(level = 1) msg =
   if !verbosity >= level then prerr_endline ("Info: " ^ msg)
+let iter_in f ic =
+  try while true do f (input_line ic) done with End_of_file -> ()
+let iter_file f fname =
+  let ic = open_in fname in
+  iter_in f ic;
+  close_in ic
+let iter_table f = iter_file (fun line -> f (Str.split blanks_RE line))
 module Strings = Set.Make (String)
+(** read until the end of standard input
+ * @return the list of lines read from stdin, without trailing "\n" *)
+let read_stdin () =
+  let lines = ref [] in
+  iter_in (fun s -> lines := s :: !lines) stdin;
+  List.rev !lines
+(** {2 Auxiliary functions} *)
+(** loads info previously stored in a file using --dump-info and stores them in
+ * two hashtables
+ * @param defined hashtable for md5sums of defined units
+ * @param imported hashtable for md5sums of imported units
+ * @param fname file where the dump has been saved *)
+let load_info ~defined ~imported fname =
+  info ("loading ocamlobjinfo information from " ^ fname);
+  let lineno = ref 0 in
+  iter_table
+    (fun fields ->
+      incr lineno;
+      match fields with
+      | [ "defined"; md5; unit_name ] ->
+          info ~level:2 (String.concat " " fields);
+          Hashtbl.replace defined unit_name md5
+      | [ "imported"; md5; unit_name ] ->
+          info ~level:2 (String.concat " " fields);
+          Hashtbl.replace imported unit_name md5
+      | _ ->
+          warning (sprintf "ignoring dump entry (%s, line %d)" fname !lineno))
+    fname
+(** dumps ocamlobjinfo to file
+ * @param defined hashtable containing md5sums of defined units
+ * @param imported hashtable containing md5sums of imported units
+ * @param fname file where to dump ocamlobjinfo *)
+let dump_info ~defined ~imported fname =
+  info ("dumping ocamlobjinfo information to " ^ fname);
+  let oc = open_out fname in
+  Hashtbl.iter
+    (fun unit_name md5sum -> fprintf oc "defined  %s %s\n" md5sum unit_name)
+    defined;
+  Hashtbl.iter
+    (fun unit_name md5sum -> fprintf oc "imported %s %s\n" md5sum unit_name)
+    imported;
+  close_out oc
 (** @param fnames list of *.cm[ao] file names
  * @return a pair of hash tables <defined_units, imported_units>. Both tables
  * contains mappings <unit_name, md5sum>. defined_units lists units defined in
  * given files while imported_units imported ones *)
 let unit_info fnames =
   let (defined, imported) = (Hashtbl.create 1024, Hashtbl.create 1024) in
+  if !load_info_from <> "" then
+    load_info ~defined ~imported !load_info_from;
     (fun fname ->
       info ("getting unit info from " ^ fname);
+      let current_unit = ref "" in
       let ic = Unix.open_process_in (sprintf "%s %s" ocamlobjinfo fname) in
-      let current_unit = ref "" in
-      try
-        while true do
-          let line = input_line ic in
+      iter_in
+        (fun line ->
           if Str.string_match unit_name_line_RE line 0 then
             current_unit := Str.matched_group 1 line
           else if Str.string_match md5sum_line_RE line 0 then
             let md5sum = Str.matched_group 1 line in
             let unit_name = Str.matched_group 2 line in
-            if unit_name = !current_unit then begin
-              info ~level:2 (sprintf "defined unit %s with md5sum %s"
-                unit_name md5sum);
+            if unit_name = !current_unit then begin (* defined unit *)
+              let dump_entry = sprintf "defined %s %s" md5sum unit_name in
+              info ~level:2 dump_entry;
               Hashtbl.replace defined unit_name md5sum
-            end else begin
-              info ~level:2 (sprintf "imported unit %s with md5sum %s"
-                unit_name md5sum);
+            end else begin  (* imported unit *)
+              let dump_entry = sprintf "imported %s %s" md5sum unit_name in
+              info ~level:2 dump_entry;
               Hashtbl.replace imported unit_name md5sum
-            end
-        done
-      with End_of_file -> close_in ic)
+            end)
+        ic;
+      close_in ic)
   Hashtbl.iter  (* imported := imported - defined *)
     (fun unit_name _ -> Hashtbl.remove imported unit_name)
+  if !dump_info_to <> "" then
+    dump_info ~defined ~imported !dump_info_to;
   (defined, imported)
 (** iter a function over the entries of a registry file
@@ -115,21 +177,18 @@
  * arguments: ~md5sum ~unit_name ~package ~version
  * @param fname file containining the registry *)
 let iter_registry f fname =
-  let ic = open_in fname in
   info ("processing registry " ^ fname);
   let lineno = ref 0 in
-  try
-    while true do
+  iter_file
+    (fun line ->
       incr lineno;
-      let line = input_line ic in
       (match Str.split blanks_RE line with
       | [ md5sum; unit_name; package; version ] ->
           f ~md5sum ~unit_name ~package ~version
       | _ ->
           warning (sprintf "ignoring registry entry (%s, line %d)"
-            fname !lineno))
-    done
-  with End_of_file -> close_in ic
+            fname !lineno)))
+    fname
 (** @param fname file name of the registry file
  * @return an hashtbl mapping pairs <unit_name, md5sum> to pairs <package_name,
@@ -143,15 +202,6 @@
-(** read until the end of standard input
- * @return the list of lines read from stdin, without trailing "\n" *)
-let read_stdin () =
-  let lines = ref [] in
-  try
-    while true do lines := input_line stdin :: !lines done;
-    []  (* dummy value *)
-  with End_of_file -> List.rev !lines
 (** {2 Main functions, one for each command line action} *)
 (** compute registry entry for a set of ocaml objects *)
@@ -217,7 +267,7 @@
       if (package = "" || version = "") then die_usage ();
       let objects =
         match !objects with
-        | [] -> read_stdin ()
+        | [] when !load_info_from = "" -> read_stdin ()
         | objects -> List.rev objects
       (match action with