[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] r1688 - in trunk/packages/ocaml/trunk/debian: . ocaml-md5sums patches

Jerome Marant jerome at costa.debian.org
Wed Aug 24 20:42:42 UTC 2005

Author: jerome
Date: 2005-08-24 20:42:40 +0000 (Wed, 24 Aug 2005)
New Revision: 1688

Move ocaml-md5sum from a dpatch to a debian subdirectory

Modified: trunk/packages/ocaml/trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/packages/ocaml/trunk/debian/changelog	2005-08-24 15:55:33 UTC (rev 1687)
+++ trunk/packages/ocaml/trunk/debian/changelog	2005-08-24 20:42:40 UTC (rev 1688)
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
       (Closes: Bug#322712)
   Changes by Jérôme Marant:
-  * debian/control
+  * Create a new `ocaml-mode' package dedicated at Emacs-related files
+  * debian/control:
     - Add new ocaml-mode package section
     - [ocaml-nox]
       + Remove emacsen-common dependency
@@ -28,8 +29,16 @@
     - Mention that all previous emacs conffiles are renamed in order
       not to mess with the new ocaml-mode
   * debian/changelog: Remove spurious changelog entry
+  * Move ocaml-md5sum from a dpatch to a debian subdirectory
+  * debian/patches/ocaml-md5sums.dpatch: Remove file
+  * debian/patches/00list: Remove ocaml-md5sums entry
+  * debian/ocaml-md5sums/{configure,feeding.sh,Makefile,ocaml-md5sums.ml.in}:
+    - New files
+  * debian/rules: Update ocaml-md5sum files location accordingly
  -- Jerome Marant <jerome at debian.org>  Sat, 20 Aug 2005 13:34:52 +0200
 ocaml (3.08.3-7) unstable; urgency=low

Added: trunk/packages/ocaml/trunk/debian/ocaml-md5sums/Makefile
--- trunk/packages/ocaml/trunk/debian/ocaml-md5sums/Makefile	2005-08-24 15:55:33 UTC (rev 1687)
+++ trunk/packages/ocaml/trunk/debian/ocaml-md5sums/Makefile	2005-08-24 20:42:40 UTC (rev 1688)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+DESTDIR = /usr/local/bin
+OFLAGS = -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/unix -I ../../otherlibs/str
+OCAMLC = ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlc $(OFLAGS)
+OCAMLOPT = ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlopt $(OFLAGS)
+OCAML_LIBS = unix str
+NAME = ocaml-md5sums
+OPT = $(NAME).opt
+all: $(BYTE)
+opt: $(OPT)
+	if [ -x "$(OPT)" ]; then				\
+		cp -a "$(OPT)" $(DESTDIR)/$(NAME);		\
+	elif [ -x "$(BYTE)" ]; then				\
+		cp -a "$(BYTE)" $(DESTDIR)/$(NAME);		\
+	else							\
+		echo "Nothing to be installed, aborting.";	\
+		exit 2;						\
+	fi
+$(BYTE): $(NAME).ml
+	$(OCAMLC) $(patsubst %,%.cma,$(OCAML_LIBS)) -o $@ $<
+$(OPT): $(NAME).ml
+	$(OCAMLOPT) $(patsubst %,%.cmxa,$(OCAML_LIBS)) -o $@ $<
+	rm -f ocaml-md5sums ocaml-md5sums.opt *.cm[aiox] *.cmxa *.[ao]

Added: trunk/packages/ocaml/trunk/debian/ocaml-md5sums/configure
--- trunk/packages/ocaml/trunk/debian/ocaml-md5sums/configure	2005-08-24 15:55:33 UTC (rev 1687)
+++ trunk/packages/ocaml/trunk/debian/ocaml-md5sums/configure	2005-08-24 20:42:40 UTC (rev 1688)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+  echo "No dir provided, using default: $DEFAULT"
+  echo "You can override it with: ./configure [ md5sums_dir ]"
+  MD5SUMS_DIR="$1"
+echo -n "Creating ocaml-md5sums.ml ... "
+sed "s:@MD5SUMS_DIR@:$MD5SUMS_DIR:" < ocaml-md5sums.ml.in > ocaml-md5sums.ml
+echo "done."

Added: trunk/packages/ocaml/trunk/debian/ocaml-md5sums/feeding.sh
--- trunk/packages/ocaml/trunk/debian/ocaml-md5sums/feeding.sh	2005-08-24 15:55:33 UTC (rev 1687)
+++ trunk/packages/ocaml/trunk/debian/ocaml-md5sums/feeding.sh	2005-08-24 20:42:40 UTC (rev 1688)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2005, Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at debian.org>
+# This is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+# terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation.
+SORT="sort -k 2"
+if [ -x ./ocaml-md5sums.opt ]; then
+  OCAML_MD5SUMS="./ocaml-md5sums.opt"
+elif [ -x ./ocaml-md5sums ]; then
+  OCAML_MD5SUMS="./ocaml-md5sums"
+  echo "Can't find ocaml-md5sums{.opt,}, aborting."
+  exit 2
+export OCAMLOBJINFO="../../boot/ocamlrun ../../tools/objinfo"
+COMPUTE="$OCAML_MD5SUMS compute --package $pkg-$version"
+if [ -z "$pkg" ] || [ -z "$stdlibdir" ] || [ -z "$version" ] || [ -z "$rootdir" ]; then
+  echo "Usage: feeding.sh <pkg_name> <stdlib_dir> <ocaml_version> <root_dir>"
+  exit 1
+case "$pkg" in
+  ocaml-compiler-libs)
+    find $rootdir -name "*.cm[ao]" | $COMPUTE | $SORT
+    ;;
+  *)
+    RUNTIME="`echo $pkg | sed 's/ocaml/ocaml-base/'`-$version"
+    find $rootdir -name "*.cm[ao]" |
+      grep -v $stdlibdir/ocamldoc/ |
+      grep -v $stdlibdir/camlp4/ |
+      $COMPUTE --runtime $RUNTIME |
+      $SORT
+    ;;

Added: trunk/packages/ocaml/trunk/debian/ocaml-md5sums/ocaml-md5sums.ml.in
--- trunk/packages/ocaml/trunk/debian/ocaml-md5sums/ocaml-md5sums.ml.in	2005-08-24 15:55:33 UTC (rev 1687)
+++ trunk/packages/ocaml/trunk/debian/ocaml-md5sums/ocaml-md5sums.ml.in	2005-08-24 20:42:40 UTC (rev 1688)
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+ * ocaml-md5sums - use and maintain debian registry of ocaml md5sums
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2005, Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at debian.org>
+ *
+ * Created:        Wed, 06 Apr 2005 16:55:39 +0200 zack
+ * Last-Modified:  Fri, 12 Aug 2005 10:28:10 +0200 zack
+ *
+ * This is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+ * terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free
+ * Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+ * details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
+ * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ *)
+open Printf
+(** {2 Constants} *)
+let md5sums_dir = "@MD5SUMS_DIR@"
+let md5sums_index = "MD5SUMS"
+let md5sums_ext = ".md5sums"
+let registry_file = sprintf "%s/%s" md5sums_dir md5sums_index
+(** {2 System requirements} *)
+let ocamlobjinfo =
+  try                           (* needed at ocaml package build time, when *)
+    Sys.getenv "OCAMLOBJINFO"   (* ocamlobjinfo is not yet installed        *)
+  with Not_found -> "/usr/bin/ocamlobjinfo"
+(** {2 Regular expressions, for parsing purposes} *)
+let unit_name_line_RE =
+  Str.regexp "^[ \t]*Unit[ \t]+name[ \t]*:[ \t]*\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)[ \t]*$"
+let md5sum_line_RE =
+  Str.regexp "^[ \t]*\\([a-f0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)[ \t]*$"
+let blanks_RE = Str.regexp "[ \t]+"
+let ignorable_line_RE = Str.regexp "^[ \t]*\\(#.*\\)?"
+let md5sums_ext_RE = Str.regexp (sprintf "^.*%s$" (Str.quote md5sums_ext))
+(** {2 Argument parsing} *)
+let objects = ref []
+let dev_dep = ref ""
+let runtime_dep = ref "-"
+let dep_version = ref "-"
+let verbosity = ref 0
+let dump_info_to = ref ""
+let load_info_from = ref ""
+let action = ref None
+let usage_msg =
+  "Use and maintain system wide ocaml md5sums registry\n"
+  ^ "Usage:\n"
+  ^ " ocaml-md5sum compute --package <name> [option ...] file ...\n"
+  ^ " ocaml-md5sum dep     [option ...] file ...\n"
+  ^ " ocaml-md5sum update  [option ...]\n"
+  ^ "Options:"
+let cmdline_spec = [
+  "--package", Arg.Set_string dev_dep,
+    "set package name for development dependency";
+  "--runtime", Arg.Set_string runtime_dep,
+    "set package name for runtime dependency";
+  "--version", Arg.Set_string dep_version,
+    "set package version for dependencies";
+  "--dump-info", Arg.Set_string dump_info_to,
+    "dump ocamlobjinfo to file";
+  "--load-info", Arg.Set_string load_info_from,
+    "restore ocamlobjinfo from file";
+  "-v", Arg.Unit (fun () -> incr verbosity), "increase verbosity";
+let die_usage () =
+  Arg.usage cmdline_spec usage_msg;
+  exit 1
+(** {2 Helpers} *)
+let error   msg = prerr_endline ("Error: " ^ msg); exit 2
+let warning msg = prerr_endline ("Warning: " ^ msg)
+let info ?(level = 1) msg =
+  if !verbosity >= level then prerr_endline ("Info: " ^ msg)
+let iter_in f ic =
+  try while true do f (input_line ic) done with End_of_file -> ()
+let iter_file f fname =
+  let ic = open_in fname in
+  iter_in f ic;
+  close_in ic
+let iter_table f = iter_file (fun line -> f (Str.split blanks_RE line))
+module Strings = Set.Make (String)
+(** read until the end of standard input
+ * @return the list of lines read from stdin, without trailing "\n" *)
+let read_stdin () =
+  let lines = ref [] in
+  iter_in (fun s -> lines := s :: !lines) stdin;
+  List.rev !lines
+let is_empty fname = (Unix.stat fname).Unix.st_size = 0
+let is_regular fname = (Unix.stat fname).Unix.st_kind = Unix.S_REG
+let is_dir fname = (Unix.stat fname).Unix.st_kind = Unix.S_DIR
+(** {2 Auxiliary functions} *)
+(** loads info previously stored in a file using --dump-info and stores them in
+ * two hashtables
+ * @param defined hashtable for md5sums of defined units
+ * @param imported hashtable for md5sums of imported units
+ * @param fname file where the dump has been saved *)
+let load_info ~defined ~imported fname =
+  info ("loading ocamlobjinfo information from " ^ fname);
+  let lineno = ref 0 in
+  iter_table
+    (fun fields ->
+      incr lineno;
+      match fields with
+      | [ "defined"; md5; unit_name ] ->
+          info ~level:2 (String.concat " " fields);
+          Hashtbl.replace defined unit_name md5
+      | [ "imported"; md5; unit_name ] ->
+          info ~level:2 (String.concat " " fields);
+          Hashtbl.replace imported unit_name md5
+      | _ ->
+          warning (sprintf "ignoring dump entry (%s, line %d)" fname !lineno))
+    fname
+(** dumps ocamlobjinfo to file
+ * @param defined hashtable containing md5sums of defined units
+ * @param imported hashtable containing md5sums of imported units
+ * @param fname file where to dump ocamlobjinfo *)
+let dump_info ~defined ~imported fname =
+  info ("dumping ocamlobjinfo information to " ^ fname);
+  let oc = open_out fname in
+  Hashtbl.iter
+    (fun unit_name md5sum -> fprintf oc "defined  %s %s\n" md5sum unit_name)
+    defined;
+  Hashtbl.iter
+    (fun unit_name md5sum -> fprintf oc "imported %s %s\n" md5sum unit_name)
+    imported;
+  close_out oc
+(** @param fnames list of *.cm[ao] file names
+ * @return a pair of hash tables <defined_units, imported_units>. Both tables
+ * contains mappings <unit_name, md5sum>. defined_units lists units defined in
+ * given files while imported_units imported ones *)
+let unit_info fnames =
+  let (defined, imported) = (Hashtbl.create 1024, Hashtbl.create 1024) in
+  if !load_info_from <> "" then
+    load_info ~defined ~imported !load_info_from;
+  List.iter
+    (fun fname ->
+      info ("getting unit info from " ^ fname);
+      let current_unit = ref "" in
+      let ic = Unix.open_process_in (sprintf "%s %s" ocamlobjinfo fname) in
+      iter_in
+        (fun line ->
+          if Str.string_match unit_name_line_RE line 0 then
+            current_unit := Str.matched_group 1 line
+          else if Str.string_match md5sum_line_RE line 0 then
+            let md5sum = Str.matched_group 1 line in
+            let unit_name = Str.matched_group 2 line in
+            if unit_name = !current_unit then begin (* defined unit *)
+              let dump_entry = sprintf "defined %s %s" md5sum unit_name in
+              info ~level:2 dump_entry;
+              Hashtbl.replace defined unit_name md5sum
+            end else begin  (* imported unit *)
+              let dump_entry = sprintf "imported %s %s" md5sum unit_name in
+              info ~level:2 dump_entry;
+              Hashtbl.replace imported unit_name md5sum
+            end)
+        ic;
+      close_in ic)
+    fnames;
+  Hashtbl.iter  (* imported := imported - defined *)
+    (fun unit_name _ -> Hashtbl.remove imported unit_name)
+    defined;
+  if !dump_info_to <> "" then
+    dump_info ~defined ~imported !dump_info_to;
+  (defined, imported)
+(** pretty print a registry entry sending output to an output channel *)
+let pp_entry outchan ~md5sum ~unit_name ~dev_dep ~runtime_dep ~dep_version =
+  fprintf outchan "%s %s %s %s %s\n"
+    md5sum unit_name dev_dep runtime_dep dep_version
+(** iter a function over the entries of a registry file
+ * @param f function to be executed for each entries, it takes 4 labeled
+ * arguments: ~md5sum ~unit_name ~package ?version
+ * @param fname file containining the registry *)
+let iter_registry f fname =
+  info ("processing registry " ^ fname);
+  let lineno = ref 0 in
+  iter_file
+    (fun line ->
+      incr lineno;
+      (match Str.split blanks_RE line with
+      | [ md5sum; unit_name; dev_dep; runtime_dep; dep_version ] ->
+          f ~md5sum ~unit_name ~dev_dep ~runtime_dep ~dep_version
+      | _ when Str.string_match ignorable_line_RE line 0 -> ()
+      | _ ->
+          warning (sprintf "ignoring registry entry (%s, line %d)"
+            fname !lineno)))
+    fname
+(** @param fname file name of the registry file, if fname does not exists an
+ * empty registry will be returned
+ * @return an hashtbl mapping pairs <unit_name, md5sum> to pairs <package_name,
+ * version_info>. E.g. ("Foo_bar", "74be7fa4320ebd9415f1c7cfc04c2d7b") ->
+ * ("libfoo-ocaml-dev", ">= 1.2.3-4") *)
+let parse_registry fname =
+  let registry = Hashtbl.create 1024 in
+  if Sys.file_exists fname then
+    iter_registry
+      (fun ~md5sum ~unit_name ~dev_dep ~runtime_dep ~dep_version ->
+        Hashtbl.replace registry (unit_name, md5sum)
+          (dev_dep, runtime_dep, dep_version))
+      fname;
+  registry
+(** {2 Main functions, one for each command line action} *)
+(** compute registry entry for a set of ocaml objects *)
+let compute dev_dep runtime_dep dep_version objects () =
+  let defined, _ = unit_info objects in
+  Hashtbl.iter
+    (fun unit_name md5sum ->
+       pp_entry stdout ~md5sum ~unit_name ~dev_dep ~runtime_dep ~dep_version)
+    defined
+(** compute package dependencies for a set of ocaml objects *)
+let dep objects () =
+  let _, imported = unit_info objects in
+  let registry = parse_registry registry_file in
+  let deps =
+    Hashtbl.fold
+      (fun unit_name md5sum deps ->
+        try
+          let (dev_dep, runtime_dep, dep_version) =
+            Hashtbl.find registry (unit_name, md5sum)
+          in
+          Strings.add (sprintf "%s %s %s" dev_dep runtime_dep dep_version) deps
+        with Not_found -> deps)
+      imported
+      Strings.empty
+  in
+  Strings.iter print_endline deps
+(** update debian registry of ocaml md5sums *)
+let update () =
+  info (sprintf "updating registry %s using info from %s/"
+    registry_file md5sums_dir);
+  let keys = Hashtbl.create 1024 in (* history of seen registry keys *)
+  if Sys.file_exists md5sums_dir && is_dir md5sums_dir then begin
+    let dir = Unix.opendir md5sums_dir in
+    let registry = open_out registry_file in
+    try
+      while true do
+        let fname = sprintf "%s/%s" md5sums_dir (Unix.readdir dir) in
+        if (Str.string_match md5sums_ext_RE fname 0) && is_regular fname then
+          iter_registry
+            (fun ~md5sum ~unit_name ~dev_dep ~runtime_dep ~dep_version ->
+               if Hashtbl.mem keys (unit_name, md5sum) then
+                 error (sprintf "duplicate entry %s %s in registry" unit_name
+                            md5sum);
+               Hashtbl.replace keys (unit_name, md5sum) ();
+               pp_entry registry ~md5sum ~unit_name ~dev_dep ~runtime_dep
+                 ~dep_version)
+            fname
+      done
+    with End_of_file ->
+      Unix.closedir dir;
+      close_out registry;
+      if is_empty registry_file then Sys.remove registry_file
+  end else
+    warning (sprintf "%s/ does not exist or is not a directory, not updating"
+      md5sums_dir)
+(** {2 Main} *)
+(** main *)
+let main () =
+  Arg.parse cmdline_spec
+    (fun s ->
+      if !action = None then
+        action := Some s
+      else
+        objects := s :: !objects)
+    usage_msg;
+  match !action with
+  | Some "update" -> update ()
+  | Some action ->
+      let objects =
+        match !objects with
+        | [] when !load_info_from = "" -> read_stdin ()
+        | objects -> List.rev objects
+      in
+      (match action with
+      | "compute" ->
+          if !dev_dep = "" then die_usage ();
+          compute !dev_dep !runtime_dep !dep_version objects ()
+      | "dep" -> dep objects ()
+      | _ -> die_usage ())
+  | None -> die_usage ()
+let _ = Unix.handle_unix_error main ()

Modified: trunk/packages/ocaml/trunk/debian/patches/00list
--- trunk/packages/ocaml/trunk/debian/patches/00list	2005-08-24 15:55:33 UTC (rev 1687)
+++ trunk/packages/ocaml/trunk/debian/patches/00list	2005-08-24 20:42:40 UTC (rev 1688)
@@ -3,6 +3,5 @@

Deleted: trunk/packages/ocaml/trunk/debian/patches/ocaml-md5sums.dpatch
--- trunk/packages/ocaml/trunk/debian/patches/ocaml-md5sums.dpatch	2005-08-24 15:55:33 UTC (rev 1687)
+++ trunk/packages/ocaml/trunk/debian/patches/ocaml-md5sums.dpatch	2005-08-24 20:42:40 UTC (rev 1688)
@@ -1,419 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
-## ocaml-md5sums.dpatch by  <zack at debian.org>
-## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
-## DP: No description.
- at DPATCH@
-diff -urNad --exclude=CVS --exclude=.svn ./ocaml-md5sums/configure /tmp/dpep-work.YsUxwk/trunk/ocaml-md5sums/configure
---- ./ocaml-md5sums/configure	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ /tmp/dpep-work.YsUxwk/trunk/ocaml-md5sums/configure	2005-08-12 10:19:10.000000000 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
-+if [ -z "$1" ]; then
-+  echo "No dir provided, using default: $DEFAULT"
-+  echo "You can override it with: ./configure [ md5sums_dir ]"
-+  MD5SUMS_DIR="$1"
-+echo -n "Creating ocaml-md5sums.ml ... "
-+sed "s:@MD5SUMS_DIR@:$MD5SUMS_DIR:" < ocaml-md5sums.ml.in > ocaml-md5sums.ml
-+echo "done."
-diff -urNad --exclude=CVS --exclude=.svn ./ocaml-md5sums/feeding.sh /tmp/dpep-work.YsUxwk/trunk/ocaml-md5sums/feeding.sh
---- ./ocaml-md5sums/feeding.sh	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ /tmp/dpep-work.YsUxwk/trunk/ocaml-md5sums/feeding.sh	2005-08-12 10:19:10.000000000 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
-+# Copyright (C) 2005, Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at debian.org>
-+# This is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-+# terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free
-+# Software Foundation.
-+SORT="sort -k 2"
-+if [ -x ./ocaml-md5sums.opt ]; then
-+  OCAML_MD5SUMS="./ocaml-md5sums.opt"
-+elif [ -x ./ocaml-md5sums ]; then
-+  OCAML_MD5SUMS="./ocaml-md5sums"
-+  echo "Can't find ocaml-md5sums{.opt,}, aborting."
-+  exit 2
-+export OCAMLOBJINFO="../boot/ocamlrun ../tools/objinfo"
-+COMPUTE="$OCAML_MD5SUMS compute --package $pkg-$version"
-+if [ -z "$pkg" -o -z "$stdlibdir" -o -z "$version" -o -z "$rootdir" ]; then
-+  echo "Usage: feeding.sh <pkg_name> <stdlib_dir> <ocaml_version> <root_dir>"
-+  exit 1
-+case "$pkg" in
-+  ocaml-compiler-libs)
-+    find $rootdir -name "*.cm[ao]" | $COMPUTE | $SORT
-+    ;;
-+  *)
-+    RUNTIME="`echo $pkg | sed 's/ocaml/ocaml-base/'`-$version"
-+    find $rootdir -name "*.cm[ao]" |
-+      grep -v $stdlibdir/ocamldoc/ |
-+      grep -v $stdlibdir/camlp4/ |
-+      $COMPUTE --runtime $RUNTIME |
-+      $SORT
-+    ;;
-diff -urNad --exclude=CVS --exclude=.svn ./ocaml-md5sums/Makefile /tmp/dpep-work.YsUxwk/trunk/ocaml-md5sums/Makefile
---- ./ocaml-md5sums/Makefile	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ /tmp/dpep-work.YsUxwk/trunk/ocaml-md5sums/Makefile	2005-08-12 10:19:10.000000000 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
-+DESTDIR = /usr/local/bin
-+OFLAGS = -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -I ../otherlibs/unix -I ../otherlibs/str
-+OCAMLC = ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc $(OFLAGS)
-+OCAMLOPT = ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt $(OFLAGS)
-+OCAML_LIBS = unix str
-+NAME = ocaml-md5sums
-+BYTE = $(NAME)
-+OPT = $(NAME).opt
-+all: $(BYTE)
-+opt: $(OPT)
-+	if [ -x "$(OPT)" ]; then				\
-+		cp -a "$(OPT)" $(DESTDIR)/$(NAME);		\
-+	elif [ -x "$(BYTE)" ]; then				\
-+		cp -a "$(BYTE)" $(DESTDIR)/$(NAME);		\
-+	else							\
-+		echo "Nothing to be installed, aborting.";	\
-+		exit 2;						\
-+	fi
-+$(BYTE): $(NAME).ml
-+	$(OCAMLC) $(patsubst %,%.cma,$(OCAML_LIBS)) -o $@ $<
-+$(OPT): $(NAME).ml
-+	$(OCAMLOPT) $(patsubst %,%.cmxa,$(OCAML_LIBS)) -o $@ $<
-+	rm -f ocaml-md5sums ocaml-md5sums.opt *.cm[aiox] *.cmxa *.[ao]
-diff -urNad --exclude=CVS --exclude=.svn ./ocaml-md5sums/ocaml-md5sums.ml.in /tmp/dpep-work.YsUxwk/trunk/ocaml-md5sums/ocaml-md5sums.ml.in
---- ./ocaml-md5sums/ocaml-md5sums.ml.in	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ /tmp/dpep-work.YsUxwk/trunk/ocaml-md5sums/ocaml-md5sums.ml.in	2005-08-12 10:28:16.000000000 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
-+ * ocaml-md5sums - use and maintain debian registry of ocaml md5sums
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005, Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at debian.org>
-+ *
-+ * Created:        Wed, 06 Apr 2005 16:55:39 +0200 zack
-+ * Last-Modified:  Fri, 12 Aug 2005 10:28:10 +0200 zack
-+ *
-+ * This is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-+ * terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free
-+ * Software Foundation.
-+ *
-+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-+ * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
-+ * details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-+ * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
-+ * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-+ *)
-+open Printf
-+(** {2 Constants} *)
-+let md5sums_dir = "@MD5SUMS_DIR@"
-+let md5sums_index = "MD5SUMS"
-+let md5sums_ext = ".md5sums"
-+let registry_file = sprintf "%s/%s" md5sums_dir md5sums_index
-+(** {2 System requirements} *)
-+let ocamlobjinfo =
-+  try                           (* needed at ocaml package build time, when *)
-+    Sys.getenv "OCAMLOBJINFO"   (* ocamlobjinfo is not yet installed        *)
-+  with Not_found -> "/usr/bin/ocamlobjinfo"
-+(** {2 Regular expressions, for parsing purposes} *)
-+let unit_name_line_RE =
-+  Str.regexp "^[ \t]*Unit[ \t]+name[ \t]*:[ \t]*\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)[ \t]*$"
-+let md5sum_line_RE =
-+  Str.regexp "^[ \t]*\\([a-f0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)[ \t]*$"
-+let blanks_RE = Str.regexp "[ \t]+"
-+let ignorable_line_RE = Str.regexp "^[ \t]*\\(#.*\\)?"
-+let md5sums_ext_RE = Str.regexp (sprintf "^.*%s$" (Str.quote md5sums_ext))
-+(** {2 Argument parsing} *)
-+let objects = ref []
-+let dev_dep = ref ""
-+let runtime_dep = ref "-"
-+let dep_version = ref "-"
-+let verbosity = ref 0
-+let dump_info_to = ref ""
-+let load_info_from = ref ""
-+let action = ref None
-+let usage_msg =
-+  "Use and maintain system wide ocaml md5sums registry\n"
-+  ^ "Usage:\n"
-+  ^ " ocaml-md5sum compute --package <name> [option ...] file ...\n"
-+  ^ " ocaml-md5sum dep     [option ...] file ...\n"
-+  ^ " ocaml-md5sum update  [option ...]\n"
-+  ^ "Options:"
-+let cmdline_spec = [
-+  "--package", Arg.Set_string dev_dep,
-+    "set package name for development dependency";
-+  "--runtime", Arg.Set_string runtime_dep,
-+    "set package name for runtime dependency";
-+  "--version", Arg.Set_string dep_version,
-+    "set package version for dependencies";
-+  "--dump-info", Arg.Set_string dump_info_to,
-+    "dump ocamlobjinfo to file";
-+  "--load-info", Arg.Set_string load_info_from,
-+    "restore ocamlobjinfo from file";
-+  "-v", Arg.Unit (fun () -> incr verbosity), "increase verbosity";
-+let die_usage () =
-+  Arg.usage cmdline_spec usage_msg;
-+  exit 1
-+(** {2 Helpers} *)
-+let error   msg = prerr_endline ("Error: " ^ msg); exit 2
-+let warning msg = prerr_endline ("Warning: " ^ msg)
-+let info ?(level = 1) msg =
-+  if !verbosity >= level then prerr_endline ("Info: " ^ msg)
-+let iter_in f ic =
-+  try while true do f (input_line ic) done with End_of_file -> ()
-+let iter_file f fname =
-+  let ic = open_in fname in
-+  iter_in f ic;
-+  close_in ic
-+let iter_table f = iter_file (fun line -> f (Str.split blanks_RE line))
-+module Strings = Set.Make (String)
-+(** read until the end of standard input
-+ * @return the list of lines read from stdin, without trailing "\n" *)
-+let read_stdin () =
-+  let lines = ref [] in
-+  iter_in (fun s -> lines := s :: !lines) stdin;
-+  List.rev !lines
-+let is_empty fname = (Unix.stat fname).Unix.st_size = 0
-+let is_regular fname = (Unix.stat fname).Unix.st_kind = Unix.S_REG
-+let is_dir fname = (Unix.stat fname).Unix.st_kind = Unix.S_DIR
-+(** {2 Auxiliary functions} *)
-+(** loads info previously stored in a file using --dump-info and stores them in
-+ * two hashtables
-+ * @param defined hashtable for md5sums of defined units
-+ * @param imported hashtable for md5sums of imported units
-+ * @param fname file where the dump has been saved *)
-+let load_info ~defined ~imported fname =
-+  info ("loading ocamlobjinfo information from " ^ fname);
-+  let lineno = ref 0 in
-+  iter_table
-+    (fun fields ->
-+      incr lineno;
-+      match fields with
-+      | [ "defined"; md5; unit_name ] ->
-+          info ~level:2 (String.concat " " fields);
-+          Hashtbl.replace defined unit_name md5
-+      | [ "imported"; md5; unit_name ] ->
-+          info ~level:2 (String.concat " " fields);
-+          Hashtbl.replace imported unit_name md5
-+      | _ ->
-+          warning (sprintf "ignoring dump entry (%s, line %d)" fname !lineno))
-+    fname
-+(** dumps ocamlobjinfo to file
-+ * @param defined hashtable containing md5sums of defined units
-+ * @param imported hashtable containing md5sums of imported units
-+ * @param fname file where to dump ocamlobjinfo *)
-+let dump_info ~defined ~imported fname =
-+  info ("dumping ocamlobjinfo information to " ^ fname);
-+  let oc = open_out fname in
-+  Hashtbl.iter
-+    (fun unit_name md5sum -> fprintf oc "defined  %s %s\n" md5sum unit_name)
-+    defined;
-+  Hashtbl.iter
-+    (fun unit_name md5sum -> fprintf oc "imported %s %s\n" md5sum unit_name)
-+    imported;
-+  close_out oc
-+(** @param fnames list of *.cm[ao] file names
-+ * @return a pair of hash tables <defined_units, imported_units>. Both tables
-+ * contains mappings <unit_name, md5sum>. defined_units lists units defined in
-+ * given files while imported_units imported ones *)
-+let unit_info fnames =
-+  let (defined, imported) = (Hashtbl.create 1024, Hashtbl.create 1024) in
-+  if !load_info_from <> "" then
-+    load_info ~defined ~imported !load_info_from;
-+  List.iter
-+    (fun fname ->
-+      info ("getting unit info from " ^ fname);
-+      let current_unit = ref "" in
-+      let ic = Unix.open_process_in (sprintf "%s %s" ocamlobjinfo fname) in
-+      iter_in
-+        (fun line ->
-+          if Str.string_match unit_name_line_RE line 0 then
-+            current_unit := Str.matched_group 1 line
-+          else if Str.string_match md5sum_line_RE line 0 then
-+            let md5sum = Str.matched_group 1 line in
-+            let unit_name = Str.matched_group 2 line in
-+            if unit_name = !current_unit then begin (* defined unit *)
-+              let dump_entry = sprintf "defined %s %s" md5sum unit_name in
-+              info ~level:2 dump_entry;
-+              Hashtbl.replace defined unit_name md5sum
-+            end else begin  (* imported unit *)
-+              let dump_entry = sprintf "imported %s %s" md5sum unit_name in
-+              info ~level:2 dump_entry;
-+              Hashtbl.replace imported unit_name md5sum
-+            end)
-+        ic;
-+      close_in ic)
-+    fnames;
-+  Hashtbl.iter  (* imported := imported - defined *)
-+    (fun unit_name _ -> Hashtbl.remove imported unit_name)
-+    defined;
-+  if !dump_info_to <> "" then
-+    dump_info ~defined ~imported !dump_info_to;
-+  (defined, imported)
-+(** pretty print a registry entry sending output to an output channel *)
-+let pp_entry outchan ~md5sum ~unit_name ~dev_dep ~runtime_dep ~dep_version =
-+  fprintf outchan "%s %s %s %s %s\n"
-+    md5sum unit_name dev_dep runtime_dep dep_version
-+(** iter a function over the entries of a registry file
-+ * @param f function to be executed for each entries, it takes 4 labeled
-+ * arguments: ~md5sum ~unit_name ~package ?version
-+ * @param fname file containining the registry *)
-+let iter_registry f fname =
-+  info ("processing registry " ^ fname);
-+  let lineno = ref 0 in
-+  iter_file
-+    (fun line ->
-+      incr lineno;
-+      (match Str.split blanks_RE line with
-+      | [ md5sum; unit_name; dev_dep; runtime_dep; dep_version ] ->
-+          f ~md5sum ~unit_name ~dev_dep ~runtime_dep ~dep_version
-+      | _ when Str.string_match ignorable_line_RE line 0 -> ()
-+      | _ ->
-+          warning (sprintf "ignoring registry entry (%s, line %d)"
-+            fname !lineno)))
-+    fname
-+(** @param fname file name of the registry file, if fname does not exists an
-+ * empty registry will be returned
-+ * @return an hashtbl mapping pairs <unit_name, md5sum> to pairs <package_name,
-+ * version_info>. E.g. ("Foo_bar", "74be7fa4320ebd9415f1c7cfc04c2d7b") ->
-+ * ("libfoo-ocaml-dev", ">= 1.2.3-4") *)
-+let parse_registry fname =
-+  let registry = Hashtbl.create 1024 in
-+  if Sys.file_exists fname then
-+    iter_registry
-+      (fun ~md5sum ~unit_name ~dev_dep ~runtime_dep ~dep_version ->
-+        Hashtbl.replace registry (unit_name, md5sum)
-+          (dev_dep, runtime_dep, dep_version))
-+      fname;
-+  registry
-+(** {2 Main functions, one for each command line action} *)
-+(** compute registry entry for a set of ocaml objects *)
-+let compute dev_dep runtime_dep dep_version objects () =
-+  let defined, _ = unit_info objects in
-+  Hashtbl.iter
-+    (fun unit_name md5sum ->
-+       pp_entry stdout ~md5sum ~unit_name ~dev_dep ~runtime_dep ~dep_version)
-+    defined
-+(** compute package dependencies for a set of ocaml objects *)
-+let dep objects () =
-+  let _, imported = unit_info objects in
-+  let registry = parse_registry registry_file in
-+  let deps =
-+    Hashtbl.fold
-+      (fun unit_name md5sum deps ->
-+        try
-+          let (dev_dep, runtime_dep, dep_version) =
-+            Hashtbl.find registry (unit_name, md5sum)
-+          in
-+          Strings.add (sprintf "%s %s %s" dev_dep runtime_dep dep_version) deps
-+        with Not_found -> deps)
-+      imported
-+      Strings.empty
-+  in
-+  Strings.iter print_endline deps
-+(** update debian registry of ocaml md5sums *)
-+let update () =
-+  info (sprintf "updating registry %s using info from %s/"
-+    registry_file md5sums_dir);
-+  let keys = Hashtbl.create 1024 in (* history of seen registry keys *)
-+  if Sys.file_exists md5sums_dir && is_dir md5sums_dir then begin
-+    let dir = Unix.opendir md5sums_dir in
-+    let registry = open_out registry_file in
-+    try
-+      while true do
-+        let fname = sprintf "%s/%s" md5sums_dir (Unix.readdir dir) in
-+        if (Str.string_match md5sums_ext_RE fname 0) && is_regular fname then
-+          iter_registry
-+            (fun ~md5sum ~unit_name ~dev_dep ~runtime_dep ~dep_version ->
-+               if Hashtbl.mem keys (unit_name, md5sum) then
-+                 error (sprintf "duplicate entry %s %s in registry" unit_name
-+                            md5sum);
-+               Hashtbl.replace keys (unit_name, md5sum) ();
-+               pp_entry registry ~md5sum ~unit_name ~dev_dep ~runtime_dep
-+                 ~dep_version)
-+            fname
-+      done
-+    with End_of_file ->
-+      Unix.closedir dir;
-+      close_out registry;
-+      if is_empty registry_file then Sys.remove registry_file
-+  end else
-+    warning (sprintf "%s/ does not exist or is not a directory, not updating"
-+      md5sums_dir)
-+(** {2 Main} *)
-+(** main *)
-+let main () =
-+  Arg.parse cmdline_spec
-+    (fun s ->
-+      if !action = None then
-+        action := Some s
-+      else
-+        objects := s :: !objects)
-+    usage_msg;
-+  match !action with
-+  | Some "update" -> update ()
-+  | Some action ->
-+      let objects =
-+        match !objects with
-+        | [] when !load_info_from = "" -> read_stdin ()
-+        | objects -> List.rev objects
-+      in
-+      (match action with
-+      | "compute" ->
-+          if !dev_dep = "" then die_usage ();
-+          compute !dev_dep !runtime_dep !dep_version objects ()
-+      | "dep" -> dep objects ()
-+      | _ -> die_usage ())
-+  | None -> die_usage ()
-+let _ = Unix.handle_unix_error main ()

Modified: trunk/packages/ocaml/trunk/debian/rules
--- trunk/packages/ocaml/trunk/debian/rules	2005-08-24 15:55:33 UTC (rev 1687)
+++ trunk/packages/ocaml/trunk/debian/rules	2005-08-24 20:42:40 UTC (rev 1688)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 		echo "Aborting.";					\
 		exit 1;							\
-	(cd ocaml-md5sums/ && chmod +x configure && ./configure $(MD5SUMSDIR))
+	(cd debian/ocaml-md5sums && chmod +x configure && ./configure $(MD5SUMSDIR))
 	touch config-stamp
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@
 		touch opt-built-stamp;					\
 	if [ -x ./ocamlopt ]; then					\
-		$(MAKE) -C ocaml-md5sums/ opt;				\
+		$(MAKE) -C debian/ocaml-md5sums opt;				\
 	else								\
-		$(MAKE) -C ocaml-md5sums/ all;				\
+		$(MAKE) -C debian/ocaml-md5sums all;				\
 	touch build-arch-stamp
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
 		mv boot.debian boot;	\
 	-$(MAKE) -C emacs clean
-	-$(MAKE) -C ocaml-md5sums/ distclean
+	-$(MAKE) -C debian/ocaml-md5sums distclean
 ifneq "$(wildcard /usr/share/misc/config.sub)" ""
 	-cp -f /usr/share/misc/config.sub config/gnu/config.sub
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
 	tar cjf debian/ocaml-source/usr/src/ocaml-source-$(VERSION).tar.bz2	\
 		-C debian/ocaml-source/usr/src ocaml-$(VERSION)
 	rm -rf debian/ocaml-source/usr/src/ocaml-$(VERSION)
 	dh_install -i
@@ -194,15 +194,15 @@
 	# install ocaml-md5sums
-	$(MAKE) -C ocaml-md5sums/ install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/ocaml-base-nox/usr/bin
+	$(MAKE) -C debian/ocaml-md5sums install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/ocaml-base-nox/usr/bin
 	# compute core entries of the ocaml md5sums registry and install them
-	(cd ocaml-md5sums/ &&									\
+	(cd debian/ocaml-md5sums &&									\
 	 chmod +x feeding.sh &&									\
 	 for pkg in ocaml-nox ocaml ocaml-compiler-libs; do					\
-		mkdir -p ../debian/$$pkg$(MD5SUMSDIR);						\
-		./feeding.sh $$pkg $(STDLIBDIR) $(VERSION) ../debian/$$pkg$(STDLIBDIR)/ >	\
-			../debian/$$pkg$(MD5SUMSDIR)/$$pkg.md5sums;				\
+		mkdir -p ../$$pkg$(MD5SUMSDIR);						\
+		./feeding.sh $$pkg $(STDLIBDIR) $(VERSION) ../$$pkg$(STDLIBDIR) >	\
+			../$$pkg$(MD5SUMSDIR)/$$pkg.md5sums;				\
 	dh_install -a

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