[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] r1821 - in trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd: . debian

Eric Cooper ecc-guest at costa.debian.org
Mon Oct 10 14:37:11 UTC 2005

Author: ecc-guest
Date: 2005-10-10 14:37:09 +0000 (Mon, 10 Oct 2005)
New Revision: 1821

restore streaming of downloads to client

Modified: trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/approx.ml
--- trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/approx.ml	2005-10-10 14:32:36 UTC (rev 1820)
+++ trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/approx.ml	2005-10-10 14:37:09 UTC (rev 1821)
@@ -40,18 +40,14 @@
 let exception_message exc =
   match exc with
-  | Sys_error str ->
-      error_message "%s" str
-  | Failure str ->
-      error_message "Failure: %s" str
-  | Invalid_argument str ->
-      error_message "Invalid argument: %s" str
+  | Failure str -> error_message "%s" (String.capitalize str)
+  | Invalid_argument str -> error_message "Invalid argument: %s" str
+  | Sys_error str -> error_message "%s" str
   | Unix_error (err, str, "") ->
       error_message "%s: %s" str (Unix.error_message err)
   | Unix_error (err, str, arg) ->
       error_message "%s: %s (%s)" str (Unix.error_message err) arg
-  | e ->
-      error_message "%s" (Printexc.to_string e)
+  | e -> error_message "%s" (Printexc.to_string e)
 let print_config () =
   let units u = function
@@ -67,18 +63,6 @@
   info_message "Max wait: %d" max_wait;
   info_message "Debug: %B" debug
-type download_status =
-  | Cached
-  | Not_modified
-  | File_not_found
-  | Wrong_size
-let string_of_download_status = function
-  | Cached -> "Cached"
-  | Not_modified -> "Not modified"
-  | File_not_found -> "File not found"
-  | Wrong_size -> "Wrong size"
 let http_time t =
   Netdate.format ~fmt: "%a, %d %b %Y %T GMT" (Netdate.create ~zone: 0 t)
@@ -111,18 +95,19 @@
   debug_message "%s" msg;
   List.iter (fun (x, y) -> debug_message "  %s: %s" x y) headers
-let proxy_headers name =
+let proxy_headers size modtime =
   ["Content-Type", "text/plain";
-   "Content-Length", Int64.to_string (file_size name);
-   "Last-Modified", http_time (file_modtime name)]
+   "Content-Length", Int64.to_string size ] @
+  if modtime <> 0. then ["Last-Modified", http_time modtime] else []
 (* Deliver a file from the local cache *)
 let deliver_local name env =
   if not debug then info_message "%s" name;
-  env#set_output_header_fields (proxy_headers name);
+  let size = file_size name in
+  env#set_output_header_fields (proxy_headers size (file_modtime name));
   if debug then print_headers "Cache hit" env#output_header_fields;
-  `File (`Ok, None, cache_dir ^/ name, 0L, file_size name)
+  `File (`Ok, None, cache_dir ^/ name, 0L, size)
 (* Return the age of a file in minutes, using the last status change
    time (ctime) rather than the modification time (mtime).
@@ -180,10 +165,10 @@
     | dir :: rest ->
 	let name = cwd ^/ dir in
-	  if (stat name).st_kind <> S_DIR then
-	    failwith (name ^ " exists but is not a directory")
-	with
-	  Unix_error (ENOENT, "stat", _) -> mkdir name 0o755);
+	   if (stat name).st_kind <> S_DIR then
+	     failwith ("file " ^ name ^ " is not a directory")
+	 with
+	   Unix_error (ENOENT, "stat", _) -> mkdir name 0o755);
 	loop name rest
     | [] -> ()
@@ -208,16 +193,19 @@
     tmp_cache_file := in_progress name;
     cache_chan := Some (create_file !tmp_cache_file)
   with e ->
-    exception_message e;
-    error_message "Cannot cache %s" name
+    error_message "Cannot cache %s" name;
+    raise e
 let write_cache str pos len =
   match !cache_chan with
+  | None -> assert false
   | Some chan -> output chan str pos len
-  | None -> assert false
+exception Wrong_size
 let close_cache mod_time size =
   match !cache_chan with
+  | None -> assert false
   | Some chan ->
       let real_name = !cache_file in
       let tmp_name = !tmp_cache_file in
@@ -234,18 +222,14 @@
 		  (string_of_time mod_time);
 	      utimes real_name mod_time mod_time
-	  Cached
-	(* FIXME:
-	   gc_approx or another approx process might have removed .tmp file *)
 	  error_message "Size of %s should be %Ld, not %Ld"
 	    real_name size (file_size tmp_name);
 	  Sys.remove tmp_name;
-	  Wrong_size
+	  raise Wrong_size
-  | None -> assert false
 let remove_cache () =
   match !cache_chan with
@@ -257,6 +241,25 @@
       error_message "Removing %s (size: %Ld)" tmp_name (file_size tmp_name);
       Sys.remove tmp_name
+type download_status =
+  | Delivered
+  | Cached
+  | Not_modified
+  | File_not_found
+let string_of_download_status = function
+  | Delivered -> "Delivered"
+  | Cached -> "Cached"
+  | Not_modified -> "Not modified"
+  | File_not_found -> "File not found"
+let send_header size modtime (cgi : Netcgi_types.cgi_activation) =
+  let headers = proxy_headers size modtime in
+  let fields = List.map (fun (name, value) -> (name, [value])) headers in
+  cgi#set_header ~status: `Ok ~fields ();
+  if debug then
+    print_headers "Proxy response" cgi#environment#output_header_fields
 (* Update the ctime but not the mtime of the file, if it exists *)
 let update_ctime name =
@@ -289,7 +292,7 @@
     | "content-length" ->
 	(try length := Int64.of_string value
 	 with Failure _ ->
-	   error_message "Cannot parse Content-Length value %s" value)
+	   error_message "Cannot parse Content-Length %s" value)
     | "last-modified" ->
 	(try last_modified := Netdate.parse_epoch value
 	 with Invalid_argument _ ->
@@ -304,17 +307,26 @@
 (* Download a file from an HTTP repository *)
-let download_http url name ims =
+let download_http url name ims cgi =
   let status = ref 0 in
   let length = ref (-1L) in
   let last_modified = ref 0. in
   let header_callback = process_header (status, length, last_modified) in
   let body_seen = ref false in
+  let start_transfer () =
+    open_cache name;
+    if !length >= 0L then
+      (* start our response now *)
+      send_header !length !last_modified cgi
+  in
   let body_callback str pos len =
     if !status = 200 then
-	once body_seen (fun () -> open_cache name);
-	write_cache str pos len
+	once body_seen start_transfer;
+	write_cache str pos len;
+	if !length >= 0L then
+	  (* stream the data back to the client as we receive it *)
+	  cgi#output#really_output str pos len
   let headers =
@@ -322,14 +334,16 @@
   Url.download url ~headers ~header_callback body_callback;
   match !status with
-  | 200 -> close_cache !last_modified !length
+  | 200 ->
+      close_cache !last_modified !length;
+      if !length >= 0L then Delivered else Cached
   | 304 -> Not_modified
   | 404 -> File_not_found
   | n -> error_message "Unexpected status code: %d" n; File_not_found
 (* Download a file from an FTP repository *)
-let download_ftp url name ims =
+let download_ftp url name ims cgi =
   let status = ref 0 in
   let length = ref (-1L) in
   let last_modified = ref 0. in
@@ -337,14 +351,23 @@
   Url.head url header_callback;
   let mod_time = !last_modified in
   if debug then
-      debug_message "  ims %s  mtime %s"
-	(string_of_time ims) (string_of_time mod_time);
+    debug_message "  ims %s  mtime %s"
+      (string_of_time ims) (string_of_time mod_time);
   if mod_time > ims || mod_time = 0. then
-    begin
-      open_cache name;
-      Url.download url write_cache;
-      close_cache !last_modified !length
-    end
+    let size = !length in
+    if size >= 0L then
+      (* start our response now *)
+      send_header size mod_time cgi;
+    let body_callback str pos len =
+      write_cache str pos len;
+      if size >= 0L then
+	(* stream the data back to the client as we receive it *)
+	cgi#output#really_output str pos len
+    in
+    open_cache name;
+    Url.download url body_callback;
+    close_cache mod_time size;
+    if size >= 0L then Delivered else Cached
@@ -379,47 +402,42 @@
   loop ()
-let send_header name (cgi : Netcgi_types.cgi_activation) =
-  let fields =
-    List.map (fun (name, value) -> (name, [value])) (proxy_headers name)
-  in
-  cgi#set_header ~status: `Ok ~fields ();
-  if debug then print_headers "Cache miss" cgi#environment#output_header_fields
 (* Similar to deliver_local, but we have to copy it ourselves *)
 let copy_from_cache name cgi =
   wait_for_download_in_progress name;
-  send_header name cgi;
+  send_header (file_size name) (file_modtime name) cgi;
   let output = cgi#output in
   with_channel open_in name (fun input -> copy input output);
   output#commit_work ()
+let respond code = raise (Standard_response (code, None, None))
 let serve_remote url name ims mod_time cgi =
   info_message "%s" url;
   let status =
-    try download_url url name (max ims mod_time)
+    try download_url url name (max ims mod_time) cgi
     with e ->
       remove_cache ();
       exception_message e;
-      raise (Standard_response (`Not_found, None, Some "Download failed"))
+      respond `Not_found
   if debug then debug_message "  => %s" (string_of_download_status status);
   match status with
+  | Delivered ->
+      cleanup_after name
   | Cached ->
       copy_from_cache name cgi;
       cleanup_after name
   | Not_modified ->
       update_ctime name;
       if mod_time > ims then
-	(* the cached copy is newer than what the client has *)
+      (* the cached copy is newer than what the client has *)
 	copy_from_cache name cgi
-	raise (Standard_response (`Not_modified, None, None))
+	respond `Not_modified
   | File_not_found ->
-      raise (Standard_response (`Not_found, None, None))
-  | Wrong_size ->
-      raise (Standard_response (`Service_unavailable, None, Some "Wrong size"))
+      respond `Not_found
 let remote_service url name ims mod_time =

Modified: trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/debian/approx.cron.weekly
--- trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/debian/approx.cron.weekly	2005-10-10 14:32:36 UTC (rev 1820)
+++ trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/debian/approx.cron.weekly	2005-10-10 14:37:09 UTC (rev 1821)
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
 # Garbage collect the approx(8) cache
-gc_approx --quiet
+# Run as the approx user in case we need to download replacement files
+su approx -c "gc_approx --quiet"
 # Remove any empty directories
 # The trailing /. makes it work when /var/cache/approx is a symlink

Modified: trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/debian/changelog
--- trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/debian/changelog	2005-10-10 14:32:36 UTC (rev 1820)
+++ trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/debian/changelog	2005-10-10 14:37:09 UTC (rev 1821)
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+approx (2.00) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Stream the response to the client while downloading to the cache
+  * Release with new major version
+ -- Eric Cooper <ecc at cmu.edu>  Mon, 10 Oct 2005 10:04:09 -0400
 approx (1.51) unstable; urgency=low
   * Changed client to use curl subprocesses instead of ocurl

Modified: trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/gen_version
--- trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/gen_version	2005-10-10 14:32:36 UTC (rev 1820)
+++ trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/gen_version	2005-10-10 14:37:09 UTC (rev 1821)
@@ -1,9 +1,26 @@
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
 use strict;
-open(CHANGELOG, "dpkg-parsechangelog |") or exit 1;
-while (<CHANGELOG>) {
-    /^Source:\s+(\S+)/ && print "let name = \"$1\"\n";
-    /^Version:\s+(\S+)/ && print "let number = \"$1\"\n";
+my $name = undef;
+my $number = undef;
+sub parse_changelog() {
+    open(CHANGELOG, "-|", "dpkg-parsechangelog") or exit 1;
+    while (<CHANGELOG>) {
+	$name = $1 if /^Source:\s+(\S+)/;
+	$number = $1 if /^Version:\s+(\S+)/;
+    }
+    close(CHANGELOG);
+    defined $name or die "$0: package name not found in changelog\n";
+    defined $number or die "$0: version number not found in changelog\n";
+sub write_version() {
+    print <<EOF;
+let name = "$name"
+let number = "$number"

Modified: trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/url.ml
--- trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/url.ml	2005-10-10 14:32:36 UTC (rev 1820)
+++ trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/url.ml	2005-10-10 14:37:09 UTC (rev 1821)
@@ -34,12 +34,17 @@
   loop ()
+let finish = function
+  | Unix.WEXITED 0 -> ()
+  | Unix.WEXITED _ | Unix.WSIGNALED _ | Unix.WSTOPPED _ ->
+      failwith "download failed"
 let head url callback =
   let cmd = head_command url in
   if debug then debug_message "Command: %s" cmd;
   let chan = Unix.open_process_in cmd in
   iter_headers chan callback;
-  ignore (Unix.close_process_in chan)
+  finish (Unix.close_process_in chan)
 let download_command url headers headers_wanted =
   let buf = Buffer.create 200 in
@@ -69,4 +74,4 @@
    | Some proc -> iter_headers chan proc
    | None -> ());
   iter_body chan callback;
-  ignore (Unix.close_process_in chan)
+  finish (Unix.close_process_in chan)

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