[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] r1778 - in trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd: . debian

Eric Cooper ecc-guest at costa.debian.org
Wed Sep 14 21:45:41 UTC 2005

Author: ecc-guest
Date: 2005-09-14 21:45:40 +0000 (Wed, 14 Sep 2005)
New Revision: 1778

changed client to use curl subprocesses instead of ocurl

for simplicity, all downloads are cached first, then sent to the client

Modified: trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/Makefile
--- trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/Makefile	2005-09-12 21:51:13 UTC (rev 1777)
+++ trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/Makefile	2005-09-14 21:45:40 UTC (rev 1778)
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
 define PROJ_server
     SOURCES = util.ml config.ml default_config.ml log.ml url.ml control_file.ml release.ml server.ml version.ml approx.ml
-    INCDIRS = +pcre +syslog +netstring +cgi +nethttpd +curl
-    LIBS = unix pcre syslog netstring cgi nethttpd curl
+    INCDIRS = +pcre +syslog +netstring +cgi +nethttpd
+    LIBS = unix pcre syslog netstring cgi nethttpd
     RESULT = approx
 export PROJ_server

Modified: trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/approx.ml
--- trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/approx.ml	2005-09-12 21:51:13 UTC (rev 1777)
+++ trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/approx.ml	2005-09-14 21:45:40 UTC (rev 1778)
@@ -46,8 +46,6 @@
       error_message "Failure: %s" str
   | Invalid_argument str ->
       error_message "Invalid argument: %s" str
-  | Curl.CurlException (_, _, str) ->
-      error_message "Curl exception: %s" str
   | Unix_error (err, str, "") ->
       error_message "%s: %s" str (Unix.error_message err)
   | Unix_error (err, str, arg) ->
@@ -69,6 +67,18 @@
   info_message "Max wait: %d" max_wait;
   info_message "Debug: %B" debug
+type download_status =
+  | Cached
+  | Not_modified
+  | File_not_found
+  | Wrong_size
+let string_of_download_status = function
+  | Cached -> "Cached"
+  | Not_modified -> "Not modified"
+  | File_not_found -> "File not found"
+  | Wrong_size -> "Wrong size"
 let http_time t =
   Netdate.format ~fmt: "%a, %d %b %Y %T GMT" (Netdate.create ~zone: 0 t)
@@ -101,16 +111,17 @@
   debug_message "%s" msg;
   List.iter (fun (x, y) -> debug_message "  %s: %s" x y) headers
-let proxy_headers name env =
-  env#set_output_header_field "Content-Type" "text/plain";
-  env#set_output_header_field "Last-Modified" (http_time (file_modtime name));
-  if debug then print_headers "Local response" env#output_header_fields
+let proxy_headers name =
+  ["Content-Type", "text/plain";
+   "Content-Length", Int64.to_string (file_size name);
+   "Last-Modified", http_time (file_modtime name)]
 (* Deliver a file from the local cache *)
 let deliver_local name env =
   if not debug then info_message "%s" name;
-  proxy_headers name env;
+  env#set_output_header_fields (proxy_headers name);
+  if debug then print_headers "Cache hit" env#output_header_fields;
   `File (`Ok, None, cache_dir ^/ name, 0L, file_size name)
 (* Return the age of a file in minutes, using the last status change
@@ -195,69 +206,57 @@
     if debug then debug_message "  open cache %s" name;
     cache_file := name;
     tmp_cache_file := in_progress name;
-    cache_chan := Some (create_file !tmp_cache_file);
+    cache_chan := Some (create_file !tmp_cache_file)
   with e ->
     exception_message e;
     error_message "Cannot cache %s" name
-let write_cache str =
+let write_cache str pos len =
   match !cache_chan with
+  | Some chan -> output chan str pos len
   | None -> assert false
-  | Some chan ->
-      output_string chan str;
-      flush chan
-let close_cache ?(mod_time=0.) ?(size=(-1L)) () =
+let close_cache mod_time size =
   match !cache_chan with
-  | None -> assert false
   | Some chan ->
-      if debug then debug_message "  close cache %s" !cache_file;
+      let real_name = !cache_file in
+      let tmp_name = !tmp_cache_file in
+      if debug then debug_message "  close cache %s" real_name;
       close_out chan;
       cache_chan := None;
-      try
-	if size = -1L || size = file_size !tmp_cache_file then
-	  begin
-	    Sys.rename !tmp_cache_file !cache_file;
-	    if mod_time <> 0. then
-	      begin
-		if debug then
-		  debug_message "  setting mtime to %s"
-		    (string_of_time mod_time);
-		utimes !cache_file mod_time mod_time
-	      end
-	  end
-	else
-	  begin
-	    error_message "Size of %s should be %Ld" !cache_file size;
-	    Sys.remove !tmp_cache_file
-	  end
-      with e ->
-	(* gc_approx or another approx process might have removed .tmp file *)
-	error_message "Cannot close cache file %s" !cache_file;
-	exception_message e
+      if size = file_size tmp_name then
+	begin
+	  Sys.rename tmp_name real_name;
+	  if mod_time <> 0. then
+	    begin
+	      if debug then
+		debug_message "  setting mtime to %s"
+		  (string_of_time mod_time);
+	      utimes real_name mod_time mod_time
+	    end;
+	  Cached
+	end
+      else
+	(* FIXME:
+	   gc_approx or another approx process might have removed .tmp file *)
+	begin
+	  error_message "Size of %s should be %Ld, not %Ld"
+	    real_name size (file_size tmp_name);
+	  Sys.remove tmp_name;
+	  Wrong_size
+	end
+  | None -> assert false
 let remove_cache () =
   match !cache_chan with
   | None -> ()
   | Some chan ->
-      let name = !tmp_cache_file in
+      let tmp_name = !tmp_cache_file in
       close_out chan;
       cache_chan := None;
-      error_message "Removing %s (size: %Ld)" name (file_size name);
-      Sys.remove name
+      error_message "Removing %s (size: %Ld)" tmp_name (file_size tmp_name);
+      Sys.remove tmp_name
-type download_status =
-  | Delivered
-  | Cached
-  | Not_modified
-  | File_not_found
-let string_of_download_status = function
-  | Delivered -> "Delivered"
-  | Cached -> "Cached"
-  | Not_modified -> "Not modified"
-  | File_not_found -> "File not found"
 (* Update the ctime but not the mtime of the file, if it exists *)
 let update_ctime name =
@@ -266,23 +265,10 @@
     utimes name stats.st_atime stats.st_mtime
   with Unix_error (ENOENT, "stat", _) -> ()
-let print_header str =
-  let n = String.length str in
-  if n >= 2 && str.[n-2] = '\r' && str.[n-1] = '\n' then
-    (if n > 2 then debug_message "  %s" (substring str ~until: (n-2)))
-  else
-    error_message "No CRLF in header: %s" str
-let status_re = Pcre.regexp "^HTTP/\\d+\\.\\d+ (\\d{3}) (.*?)\\s*\\r\\n"
-let header_re = Pcre.regexp "^(.*?):\\s*(.*?)\\s*\\r\\n"
 let with_pair rex str proc =
   match Pcre.extract ~rex ~full_match: false str with
-  | [| a; b |] ->
-      assert (not (String.contains b '\r' || String.contains b '\n'));
-      proc (a, b)
-  | _ ->
-      assert false
+  | [| a; b |] -> proc (a, b)
+  | _ -> assert false
 let once flag proc =
   if not !flag then
@@ -291,112 +277,85 @@
       proc ()
-(* Respond to a request for a file at an HTTP repository *)
+let status_re = Pcre.regexp "^HTTP/\\d+\\.\\d+ (\\d{3}) (.*?)\\s*$"
+let header_re = Pcre.regexp "^(.*?):\\s*(.*?)\\s*$"
-let serve_http url name ims env output =
-  let header_list = ref [] in
-  let length = ref (-1L) in
-  let last_modified = ref 0. in
-  let chunked = ref false in
-  let add_header (header, value as pair) =
+let process_header (status, length, last_modified) str =
+  let do_status (code, _) =
+    status := int_of_string code
+  in
+  let do_header (header, value) =
     match String.lowercase header with
-    | "content-encoding" | "content-type" ->
-	header_list := pair :: !header_list
     | "content-length" ->
-	header_list := pair :: !header_list;
 	(try length := Int64.of_string value
-	with Failure _ ->
-	  error_message "Cannot parse Content-Length value %s" value)
+	 with Failure _ ->
+	   error_message "Cannot parse Content-Length value %s" value)
     | "last-modified" ->
-	header_list := pair :: !header_list;
-	(try last_modified := Netdate.parse_epoch value;
-	with Invalid_argument _ ->
-	  error_message "Cannot parse Last-Modified date %s" value)
-    | "transfer-encoding" ->
-	if String.lowercase value = "chunked" then
-	  chunked := true
-	else
-	  error_message "Unknown Transfer-Encoding type %s" value
-    | _ ->
-	()
+	(try last_modified := Netdate.parse_epoch value
+	 with Invalid_argument _ ->
+	   error_message "Cannot parse Last-Modified date %s" value)
+    | _ -> ()
+  if debug then debug_message "  %s" str;
+  try with_pair header_re str do_header
+  with Not_found ->  (* e.g., status line or CRLF *)
+    try with_pair status_re str do_status
+    with Not_found -> error_message "Unrecognized response: %s" str
+(* Download a file from an HTTP repository *)
+let download_http url name ims =
   let status = ref 0 in
-  let do_status (code, _) =
-    status := int_of_string code
-  in
-  let header_callback str =
-    if debug then print_header str;
-    try with_pair header_re str add_header
-    with Not_found ->  (* e.g., status line or CRLF *)
-      try with_pair status_re str do_status
-      with Not_found ->
-	if str <> "\r\n" then error_message "Unrecognized response: %s" str
-  in
+  let length = ref (-1L) in
+  let last_modified = ref 0. in
+  let header_callback = process_header (status, length, last_modified) in
   let body_seen = ref false in
-  let start_transfer () =
-    if not !chunked then
-      (* start our response now *)
-      begin
-	env#set_output_header_fields !header_list;
-	if debug then print_headers "Proxy response" env#output_header_fields
-      end;
-    open_cache name
-  in
-  let body_callback str =
+  let body_callback str pos len =
     if !status = 200 then
-	once body_seen start_transfer;
-	write_cache str;
-	if not !chunked then
-	  (* stream the data back to the client as we receive it *)
-	  output#output_string str
+	once body_seen (fun () -> open_cache name);
+	write_cache str pos len
   let headers =
     if ims > 0. then [ "If-Modified-Since: " ^ http_time ims ] else []
-  Url.iter url ~headers ~header_callback body_callback;
+  Url.download url ~headers ~header_callback body_callback;
   match !status with
-  | 200 ->
-      close_cache ~mod_time: !last_modified ~size: !length ();
-      if !chunked then Cached else Delivered
-  | 304 ->
-      Not_modified
-  | 404 ->
-      File_not_found
-  | n ->
-      error_message "Unexpected status code: %d" n;
-      File_not_found
+  | 200 -> close_cache !last_modified !length
+  | 304 -> Not_modified
+  | 404 -> File_not_found
+  | n -> error_message "Unexpected status code: %d" n; File_not_found
-(* Respond to a request for a file at an FTP repository *)
+(* Download a file from an FTP repository *)
-let serve_ftp url name ims env output =
-  let mod_time = Url.mod_time url in
+let download_ftp url name ims =
+  let status = ref 0 in
+  let length = ref (-1L) in
+  let last_modified = ref 0. in
+  let header_callback = process_header (status, length, last_modified) in
+  Url.head url header_callback;
+  let mod_time = !last_modified in
   if debug then
-    debug_message "  ims %s  mtime %s"
-      (string_of_time ims) (string_of_time mod_time);
+      debug_message "  ims %s  mtime %s"
+	(string_of_time ims) (string_of_time mod_time);
   if mod_time > ims || mod_time = 0. then
-      (* Since don't know the length in advance,
-	 we cache the whole file before delivering it to the client.
-	 The alternative -- using chunked transfer encoding --
-	 triggers a bug in APT. *)
       open_cache name;
-      Url.iter url write_cache;
-      close_cache ~mod_time ();
-      Cached
+      Url.download url write_cache;
+      close_cache !last_modified !length
-let serve_url url =
+let download_url url =
   let meth =
     try String.lowercase (substring url ~until: (String.index url ':'))
     with Not_found -> invalid_arg "no method in URL"
   match meth with
-  | "http" -> serve_http url
-  | "ftp" -> serve_ftp url
+  | "http" -> download_http url
+  | "ftp" -> download_ftp url
   | _ -> invalid_arg "unsupported URL method"
 (* Remove any files from the cache that have been invalidated
@@ -415,57 +374,62 @@
   let buf = String.create len in
   let rec loop () =
     match input src buf 0 len with
-    | 0 -> dst#flush ()
+    | 0 -> ()
     | n -> dst#really_output buf 0 n; loop ()
   loop ()
+let send_header name (cgi : Netcgi_types.cgi_activation) =
+  let fields =
+    List.map (fun (name, value) -> (name, [value])) (proxy_headers name)
+  in
+  cgi#set_header ~status: `Ok ~fields ();
+  if debug then print_headers "Cache miss" cgi#environment#output_header_fields
 (* Similar to deliver_local, but we have to copy it ourselves *)
-let copy_from_cache name env output =
+let copy_from_cache name cgi =
   wait_for_download_in_progress name;
-  env#set_output_header_field "Content-Length"
-    (Int64.to_string (file_size name));
-  proxy_headers name env;
-  with_channel open_in name (fun input -> copy input output)
+  send_header name cgi;
+  let output = cgi#output in
+  with_channel open_in name (fun input -> copy input output);
+  output#commit_work ()
-let serve_remote url name ims mod_time env output =
+let serve_remote url name ims mod_time cgi =
   info_message "%s" url;
   let status =
-    try serve_url url name (max ims mod_time) env output
+    try download_url url name (max ims mod_time)
     with e ->
       remove_cache ();
       exception_message e;
       raise (Standard_response (`Not_found, None, Some "Download failed"))
-  if debug then
-    debug_message "  status: %s" (string_of_download_status status);
+  if debug then debug_message "  => %s" (string_of_download_status status);
   match status with
-  | Delivered ->
-      cleanup_after name
   | Cached ->
-      copy_from_cache name env output;
+      copy_from_cache name cgi;
       cleanup_after name
   | Not_modified ->
       update_ctime name;
       if mod_time > ims then
 	(* the cached copy is newer than what the client has *)
-	copy_from_cache name env output
+	copy_from_cache name cgi
 	raise (Standard_response (`Not_modified, None, None))
   | File_not_found ->
       raise (Standard_response (`Not_found, None, None))
+  | Wrong_size ->
+      raise (Standard_response (`Service_unavailable, None, Some "Wrong size"))
 let remote_service url name ims mod_time =
     method process_body env =
       let cgi =
-	Nethttpd_services.std_activation `Std_activation_buffered env
+	(* buffered activation runs out of memory on large downloads *)
+	Nethttpd_services.std_activation `Std_activation_unbuffered env
-	method generate_response env =
-	  serve_remote url name ims mod_time env cgi#output;
-	  cgi#output#commit_work ()
+	method generate_response _ = serve_remote url name ims mod_time cgi

Modified: trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/debian/changelog
--- trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/debian/changelog	2005-09-12 21:51:13 UTC (rev 1777)
+++ trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/debian/changelog	2005-09-14 21:45:40 UTC (rev 1778)
@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
+approx (1.51) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Changed client to use curl subprocesses instead of ocurl
+  * For simplicity, all downloads are cached first, then sent to the client
+ -- Eric Cooper <ecc at cmu.edu>  Wed, 14 Sep 2005 09:37:54 -0400
 approx (1.50) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Changed server to use nethttpd from the ocamlnet library
-    instead of ocaml-http
+  * Changed server to use nethttpd instead of ocaml-http
  -- Eric Cooper <ecc at cmu.edu>  Mon, 22 Aug 2005 16:53:22 -0400

Modified: trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/debian/control
--- trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/debian/control	2005-09-12 21:51:13 UTC (rev 1777)
+++ trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/debian/control	2005-09-14 21:45:40 UTC (rev 1778)
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Eric Cooper <ecc at cmu.edu>
 Uploaders: Sven Luther <luther at debian.org>, Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at debian.org>
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0), ocaml-nox-3.08.3, ocaml-best-compilers, ocaml-tools, libcurl-ocaml-dev (>= 0.2.0), libocamlnet-ocaml-dev (>= 1.1), libpcre-ocaml-dev, libsyslog-ocaml-dev (>= 1.2)
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0), ocaml-nox-3.08.3, ocaml-best-compilers, ocaml-tools, libocamlnet-ocaml-dev (>= 1.1), libpcre-ocaml-dev (>= 5.10.0), libsyslog-ocaml-dev (>= 1.2)
 Standards-Version: 3.6.2
 Package: approx
 Architecture: any
-Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, bzip2, wget
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, bzip2, curl
 Description: caching proxy server for Debian archive files
  Approx is an HTTP-based Debian archive server.
  It fetches packages from remote repositories on demand,

Modified: trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/gc_approx.ml
--- trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/gc_approx.ml	2005-09-12 21:51:13 UTC (rev 1777)
+++ trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/gc_approx.ml	2005-09-14 21:45:40 UTC (rev 1778)
@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@
 open Unix
 let usage () =
-  prerr_endline "Usage: gc_approx [options]";
-  prerr_endline "Garbage-collect the approx cache";
-  prerr_endline "Options:";
-  prerr_endline "    -f|--fast     do not validate MD5 checksums";
-  prerr_endline "    -k|--keep     do not remove files";
-  prerr_endline "    -q|--quiet    do not print file names";
-  prerr_endline "    -v|--verbose  print reason for removal";
+  prerr_endline "Usage: gc_approx [options]
+Garbage-collect the approx cache
+    -f|--fast     do not validate MD5 checksums
+    -k|--keep     do not remove files
+    -q|--quiet    do not print file names
+    -v|--verbose  print reason for removal";
   exit 1
 let no_checksum = ref false
@@ -130,9 +130,13 @@
 let download dist file package =
   let url = Config.get dist ^/ file in
-  prerr_string "downloading "; prerr_endline url;
+  eprintf "downloading %s\n" url; flush Pervasives.stderr;
   let package' = package ^ ".tmp" in
-  if Sys.command (sprintf "/usr/bin/wget -q -O %s %s" package' url) = 0 then
+  let cmd =
+    sprintf "/usr/bin/curl --silent --output %s %s"
+      package' (quoted_string url)
+  in
+  if Sys.command cmd = 0 then
     Sys.rename package' package
     failwith ("cannot download " ^ url)
@@ -141,8 +145,7 @@
   if !verbose then (print_string "# "; print_endline package);
   let dist, file = split_cache_pathname package in
   let prefix = cache_dir ^/ dist in
-  try
-    Control_file.iter (mark_file prefix) package
+  try Control_file.iter (mark_file prefix) package
   with Failure "decompress" ->
     (* corrupt Packages file: download it and try again *)
     download dist file package;

Modified: trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/url.ml
--- trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/url.ml	2005-09-12 21:51:13 UTC (rev 1777)
+++ trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/url.ml	2005-09-14 21:45:40 UTC (rev 1778)
@@ -2,35 +2,71 @@
    Copyright (C) 2005  Eric C. Cooper <ecc at cmu.edu>
    Released under the GNU General Public License *)
-open Curl
+open Util
+open Default_config
+open Log
+open Printf
-let conn =
-  global_init CURLINIT_GLOBALALL;
-  let conn = init () in
-  set_followlocation conn true;
-  set_connecttimeout conn 10;
-  conn
+let head_command url =
+  sprintf "/usr/bin/curl --silent --head %s" (quoted_string url)
-(* Since the following functions share the same Curl handle,
-   each one must reset any options the others might have set *)
+let iter_headers chan proc =
+  let next () =
+    try Some (input_line chan)
+    with End_of_file -> None
+  in
+  let rec loop () =
+    match next () with
+    | Some header ->
+	let n = String.length header in
+	if n > 0 && header.[n - 1] = '\r' then
+	  if n > 1 then
+	    begin
+	      proc (String.sub header 0 (n - 1));
+	      loop ()
+	    end
+	  else
+	    (* CRLF terminates headers *)
+	    ()
+	else
+	  error_message "Unexpected header: %s" header
+    | None -> ()
+  in
+  loop ()
-let iter url ?(headers=[]) ?(header_callback=ignore) callback =
-  set_httpget conn true;
-  set_nobody conn false;
-  set_url conn url;
-  set_httpheader conn headers;
-  set_headerfunction conn header_callback;
-  set_writefunction conn callback;
-  set_filetime conn false;
-  perform conn
+let head url callback =
+  let cmd = head_command url in
+  if debug then debug_message "Command: %s" cmd;
+  let chan = Unix.open_process_in cmd in
+  iter_headers chan callback;
+  ignore (Unix.close_process_in chan)
-let mod_time url =
-  set_httpget conn false;
-  set_nobody conn true;
-  set_url conn url;
-  set_httpheader conn [];
-  set_headerfunction conn ignore;
-  set_writefunction conn ignore;
-  set_filetime conn true;
-  perform conn;
-  get_filetime conn
+let download_command url headers headers_wanted =
+  let buf = Buffer.create 200 in
+  let add_header str h =
+    sprintf "%s --header %s" str (quoted_string h)
+  in
+  sprintf "/usr/bin/curl --silent%s%s %s"
+    (if headers_wanted then " --include" else "")
+    (List.fold_left add_header "" headers)
+    (quoted_string url)
+let iter_body chan proc =
+  let len = 4096 in
+  let buf = String.create len in
+  let rec loop () =
+    match input chan buf 0 len with
+    | 0 -> ()
+    | n -> proc buf 0 n; loop ()
+  in
+  loop ()
+let download url ?(headers=[]) ?header_callback callback =
+  let cmd = download_command url headers (header_callback <> None) in
+  if debug then debug_message "Command: %s" cmd;
+  let chan = Unix.open_process_in cmd in
+  (match header_callback with
+   | Some proc -> iter_headers chan proc
+   | None -> ());
+  iter_body chan callback;
+  ignore (Unix.close_process_in chan)

Modified: trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/url.mli
--- trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/url.mli	2005-09-12 21:51:13 UTC (rev 1777)
+++ trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/url.mli	2005-09-14 21:45:40 UTC (rev 1778)
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
    Copyright (C) 2005  Eric C. Cooper <ecc at cmu.edu>
    Released under the GNU General Public License *)
-val iter :
+val head : string -> (string -> unit) -> unit
+val download :
   string ->
   ?headers:string list ->
   ?header_callback:(string -> unit) ->
-  (string -> unit) -> unit
-val mod_time : string -> float
+  (string -> int -> int -> unit) -> unit

Modified: trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/util.ml
--- trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/util.ml	2005-09-12 21:51:13 UTC (rev 1777)
+++ trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/util.ml	2005-09-14 21:45:40 UTC (rev 1778)
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
 let implode_path = String.concat "/"
+let quoted_string str = "\"" ^ String.escaped str ^ "\""
 let (^/) = Filename.concat
 let relative_path name =

Modified: trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/util.mli
--- trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/util.mli	2005-09-12 21:51:13 UTC (rev 1777)
+++ trunk/projects/approx/branches/nethttpd/util.mli	2005-09-14 21:45:40 UTC (rev 1778)
@@ -24,6 +24,10 @@
 val implode_path : string list -> string
+(* Return a quoted string *)
+val quoted_string : string -> string
 (* Infix operator to concatenate two pathname components *)
 val (^/) : string -> string -> string

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