[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] r2616 - in trunk/packages/bibtex2html/trunk/debian: . patches

Ralf Treinen treinen at costa.debian.org
Sun Apr 16 19:11:28 UTC 2006

Author: treinen
Date: 2006-04-16 19:11:27 +0000 (Sun, 16 Apr 2006)
New Revision: 2616

bibtex2html 1.80

Added: trunk/packages/bibtex2html/trunk/debian/bib2bib.1
--- trunk/packages/bibtex2html/trunk/debian/bib2bib.1	2006-04-09 14:01:37 UTC (rev 2615)
+++ trunk/packages/bibtex2html/trunk/debian/bib2bib.1	2006-04-16 19:11:27 UTC (rev 2616)
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+BibX2bib \- Filter BibTeX data bases
+.B bib2bib [options] <filename> ...
+.B bib2bib
+is a filter tool that reads one or several bibliography files, filters
+the entries with respect to a given criterion, and outputs the list of
+selected keys together with a new bibliography file containing only
+the selected entries. If no input file is given then input is taken from
+the standard input.
+.B bib2bib
+may output a file containing all the keys of entries that satisfy the
+condition. This second file is suitable for input as option 
+.B -citefile
+.B bibtex2html
+.BI -ob \ filename
+specify the filename where the selected entries are output. If not
+given, it defaults to standard output.
+.BI -oc \ filename
+specify the filename where the list of selected keys is output. If not
+given, this file is not created.
+.BI -c \ condition
+specify a condition for selecting the entries. The output will retain
+only the entries that satisfy this condition. If several such
+condition are given, then only the entries that satisfy all the
+conditions are selected. The syntax of conditions is described in the
+complete documentation, notice that it is better to escape shell
+expansions in that conditions, in other words, you should write
+conditions between quotes.
+.B -expand
+expand all abbreviations in the output file. Notice that there is no
+way to ask for expansion of cross-references, since the meaning of
+such an expansion is unclear: it's better to let bibtex (via
+bibtex2html) handle the cross-references himself, depending on the
+style considered.
+.BI -s \ field
+sorts the entries of the bibliography with respect to the given field,
+which may be $key or $type to refer to the key or to the entry type,
+as for filter conditions. This options may be used several times to
+specifiy a lexicographic order, such as by year, then by keys.
+When sorting, the resulting bibliography will always contain the
+comments first, then the preambles, then the abbreviations, and
+finally the regular entries. Be warned that such a sort may put
+cross-references before entries that refer to them, so be cautious.
+.B -r
+reverses the sort
+.B -q , --quiet
+be quiet.
+.B -w , --warn-error
+stop at the first warning.
+Notice that the two output files are suitable for use with
+bibtex2html. A typical use would be
+    bib2bib -oc citefile -ob bibfile.bib -c condition file1.bib file2.bib ...
+    bibtex2html -citefile citefile bibfile.bib 
+which will produce exactly the HTML file for the selected
+references. Notice finally that bibtex2html will expand the strings
+(by default, unless you specify the -noexpand option) but not the
+Bib2bib has been written by Jean-Christophe Filliatre and Claude
+Marche.  This manpage has been compiled by Ralf Treinen from the original
+bib2bib documentation.
+.BR bibtex2html (1), bibtex (1), hevea (1)
+.I http://www.lri.fr/~filliatr/bibtex2html/
+For complete documentation, please check the bibtex2html manual.
+On a Debian system the manual can be found at
+.I /usr/share/doc/bibtex2html
+both in the formats postscript and HTML, or via the Debian help system.

Added: trunk/packages/bibtex2html/trunk/debian/bibtex2html.1
--- trunk/packages/bibtex2html/trunk/debian/bibtex2html.1	2006-04-09 14:01:37 UTC (rev 2615)
+++ trunk/packages/bibtex2html/trunk/debian/bibtex2html.1	2006-04-16 19:11:27 UTC (rev 2616)
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+BibTeX2HTML \- A translator of bibliography databases into HTML
+.B bibtex2html [options] <filename>
+.B bibtex2html 
+is a translator which reads a bibliography file and outputs two HTML
+documents that contain respectively the cited bibliography in a nice
+presentation, and the original BibTeX file augmented with several
+transparent HTML links to allow easy navigation.
+.SS General aspect of the HTML document
+.B \-t \fIstring\fB, \-\-title \fIstring
+specify the title of the HTML file (default is the file name).
+.B \-\-footer \fIstring
+give an additional footer for the HTML document.
+.B \-s \fIstring\fB, \-\-style \fIstring\fB
+use BibTeX style \fIstring\fR (plain, alpha, etc.). Default style is plain.
+.B \-noabstract, \-\-no\-abstract
+do not print the abstracts (if any).
+.B \-nokeywords, \-\-no\-keywords
+do not print the keywords (if any).
+.B \-both, \-\-both
+produce both pages with and without abstracts. If the BibTeX file is
+foo.bib then the two pages will be respectively foo.html and
+foo_abstracts.html (The suffix may be different, see option
+--suffix). Links are inserted from the page without abstracts to the
+page with abstracts.
+.B \-nokeys, \-\-no\-keys
+do not print the cite keys.
+.B \-use\-keys, \-\-use\-keys
+use the cite keys from the BibTeX input file (and not the ones
+generated by the BibTeX style file).
+.B \-rawurl, \-\-raw\-url
+print URLs instead of files' types.
+.B \-heveaurl, \-\-hevea-url
+interpret the macro \url as HeVeA's one, i.e. with two arguments,
+the first one being the url and the second one the text to print. The
+default behavior is to interpret the macro \\url as the one from the
+package url, which has only one argument (the url itself).
+.B \-f \fIfield\fB, \-\-field \fIfield\fB
+add a web link for that BibTeX field.
+.B \-nf \fIfield string\fB, \-\-named\-field \fIfield string
+similar to -f but specifies the way to display the link (e.g. -nf springer
+"At Springer's"). 
+.B \-note \fIfield\fB, \-\-note \fIfield\fB
+declare that a field must be treated like the abstract field, i.e. is
+an annotation to be displayed as a text paragraph below the entry.
+.B \-multiple, \-\-multiple
+make a separate web page for each entry. Beware: this option produces
+as many HTML files as BibTeX entries!
+.B \-single, \-\-single
+produce a single document, inserting each BibTeX entry (the input)
+right after its BibTeX output.
+.B \-bg \fIcolor\fB, \-\-background \fIcolor
+set the background color of the HTML file (default is none).
+\-css \fIfile\fB, \-\-style\-sheet \fIfile\fB
+set a style sheet file for the HTML document (default is none).
+.B \-charset \fIc\fB, \-\-charset \fIc\fB
+specify the charset to use in the META tag of generated html
+files. The default is the output of the command locale charmap, or if
+this doesn't work, ISO-8859-1.
+.B \-dl, \-\-dl
+use HTML DL lists instead of HTML tables to format entries.
+.SS Controlling the translation
+.B \-m \fIfile\fB, \-\-macros\-from \fIfile\fB
+read the LATEX macros in the given file. Note: bibtex2html does not
+handle macros arguments; arguments are simply discarded.
+\-noexpand, \-\-no\-expand
+do not expand the abbreviation strings, leave them in the output file.
+.SS  Selecting the entries
+.B \-citefile \fIfilename\fB, \-\-citefile \fIfilename
+Select only keys appearing in \fIfilename\fR. To be used manually or in
+conjonction with bib2bib.
+.B \-e \fIkey\fB, \-\-exclude \fIkey
+exclude an particular entry. 
+.SS Sorting the entries
+.B \-d, \-\-sort\-by\-date
+sort by date.
+.B \-a, \-\-sort\-as\-bibtex
+sort as BibTeX (usually by author).
+.B \-u, \-\-unsorted
+unsorted i.e. same order as in .bib file (default).
+.B \-r, \-\-reverse\-sort
+reverse the sort.
+.SS Miscellaneous options
+.B \-nodoc, \-\-nodoc
+do not produce a full HTML document but only its body (useful to
+merge the HTML bibliography in a bigger HTML document).
+.B \-nobibsource, \-\-nobibsource
+do not produce the _bib.html file. In that case, no BibTeX
+entry links are inserted in the HTML file.
+.B \-suffix \fIstring\fB, \-\-suffix \fIstring
+give an alternate suffix string for both HTML files and links (default
+is .html).
+.B \-fsuffix \fIstring\fB, \-\-file\-suffix \fIstring
+give an alternate suffix string for HTML files (default is .html).
+.B \-lsuffix \fIstring\fB, \-\-link\-suffix \fIstring
+give an alternate suffix string for HTML links (default is .html).
+.B \-o \fIfile\fB, \-\-output \fIfile
+specifies the output file. If \fIfile\fR is -, then the standard output is
+.B \-c \fIcommand\fB, \-\-command \fIcommand
+specify the BibTeX command (default is bibtex
+-min-crossrefs=1000). May be useful for example if you need to specify
+the full path of the bibtex command.
+.B \-i, \-\-ignore\-errors
+ignore BibTeX errors.
+.B \-q, \-\-quiet
+be quiet.
+.B \-w, \-\-warn-error
+stop at the first warning.
+.B \-h, \-\-help
+print a short usage and exit.
+.B \-v, \-\-version
+print the version and exit.
+.B \-noheader, \-\-no-header
+do not insert the bibtex2html command in the HTML document (default is to
+insert it as a comment at the beginning). 
+Bibtex2html has been written by Jean-Christophe Filliatre and Claude
+Marche.  This manpage has been compiled by Ralf Treinen from the original
+bibtex2html documentation.
+.BR bib2bib (1), bibtex (1), hevea (1)
+.I http://www.lri.fr/~filliatr/bibtex2html/
+For complete documentation, please check the bibtex2html manual.
+On a Debian system the manual can be found at
+.I /usr/share/doc/bibtex2html
+both in the formats postscript and HTML, or via the Debian help system.

Modified: trunk/packages/bibtex2html/trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/packages/bibtex2html/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-04-09 14:01:37 UTC (rev 2615)
+++ trunk/packages/bibtex2html/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-04-16 19:11:27 UTC (rev 2616)
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
 bibtex2html (1.80-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
+  * Simplify dependency on tetex packages (tetex-extra is sufficient).
+  * Write real man pages (closes: Bug#207255).
- -- Ralf Treinen <treinen at debian.org>  Sun, 19 Mar 2006 19:45:22 +0100
+ -- Ralf Treinen <treinen at debian.org>  Sun, 16 Apr 2006 20:36:57 +0200
 bibtex2html (1.79-1) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: trunk/packages/bibtex2html/trunk/debian/control.in
--- trunk/packages/bibtex2html/trunk/debian/control.in	2006-04-09 14:01:37 UTC (rev 2615)
+++ trunk/packages/bibtex2html/trunk/debian/control.in	2006-04-16 19:11:27 UTC (rev 2616)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 Maintainer: Debian OCaml Maintainers <debian-ocaml-maint at lists.debian.org>
 Uploaders: Ralf Treinen <treinen at debian.org>, Sven Luther <luther at debian.org>, Remi Vanicat <vanicat at debian.org>, Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at debian.org>, Samuel Mimram <smimram at debian.org>, Sylvain Le Gall <gildor at debian.org>
 Standards-Version: 3.6.2
-Build-Depends-Indep: ocaml-nox-#OcamlABI#, tetex-base, tetex-bin, tetex-extra, debhelper (>= 4.0), hevea, dpatch
+Build-Depends-Indep: ocaml-nox-#OcamlABI#, tetex-extra, debhelper (>= 4.0), hevea, dpatch
 Package: bibtex2html
 Architecture: all

Modified: trunk/packages/bibtex2html/trunk/debian/patches/00list
--- trunk/packages/bibtex2html/trunk/debian/patches/00list	2006-04-09 14:01:37 UTC (rev 2615)
+++ trunk/packages/bibtex2html/trunk/debian/patches/00list	2006-04-16 19:11:27 UTC (rev 2616)
@@ -1,5 +1,2 @@
-# 02_ampersand

Modified: trunk/packages/bibtex2html/trunk/debian/patches/01_manpage.dpatch
--- trunk/packages/bibtex2html/trunk/debian/patches/01_manpage.dpatch	2006-04-09 14:01:37 UTC (rev 2615)
+++ trunk/packages/bibtex2html/trunk/debian/patches/01_manpage.dpatch	2006-04-16 19:11:27 UTC (rev 2616)
@@ -22,52 +22,388 @@
 exit 0
---- bibtex2html-1.61.orig/bib2bib.1
-+++ bibtex2html-1.61/bib2bib.1
-@@ -30,13 +30,16 @@
+diff -urNad trunk~/bib2bib.1 trunk/bib2bib.1
+--- trunk~/bib2bib.1	2006-03-15 10:14:26.000000000 +0100
++++ trunk/bib2bib.1	2006-04-16 20:22:46.000000000 +0200
+@@ -1,42 +1,100 @@
- A short description of available options is displayed when programs
+-BibTeX2HTML \- A translator of bibliography databases into HTML
++BibX2bib \- Filter BibTeX data bases
+-.B bibtex2html <options> [filename]
+-.B bib2bib [options] <input file names>
++.B bib2bib [options] <filename> ...
++.B bib2bib
++is a filter tool that reads one or several bibliography files, filters
++the entries with respect to a given criterion, and outputs the list of
++selected keys together with a new bibliography file containing only
++the selected entries. If no input file is given then input is taken from
++the standard input.
+-BibTeX2HTML is a collection of tools for automatically producing HTML
+-documents from bibliography databases written in the BibTeX format. It
+-consists in two command line tools:
++.B bib2bib
++may output a file containing all the keys of entries that satisfy the
++condition. This second file is suitable for input as option 
++.B -citefile
++.B bibtex2html
+-.B bib2bib 
+-is a filter tool that reads one or several bibliography
+-files, filters the entries with respect to a given criterion, and
+-outputs the list of selected keys together with a new bibliography
+-file containing only the selected entries; 
++.BI -ob \ filename
++specify the filename where the selected entries are output. If not
++given, it defaults to standard output.
++.BI -oc \ filename
++specify the filename where the list of selected keys is output. If not
++given, this file is not created.
++.BI -c \ condition
++specify a condition for selecting the entries. The output will retain
++only the entries that satisfy this condition. If several such
++condition are given, then only the entries that satisfy all the
++conditions are selected. The syntax of conditions is described in the
++complete documentation, notice that it is better to escape shell
++expansions in that conditions, in other words, you should write
++conditions between quotes.
++.B -expand
++expand all abbreviations in the output file. Notice that there is no
++way to ask for expansion of cross-references, since the meaning of
++such an expansion is unclear: it's better to let bibtex (via
++bibtex2html) handle the cross-references himself, depending on the
++style considered.
++.BI -s \ field
++sorts the entries of the bibliography with respect to the given field,
++which may be $key or $type to refer to the key or to the entry type,
++as for filter conditions. This options may be used several times to
++specifiy a lexicographic order, such as by year, then by keys.
+-.B bibtex2html 
+-is a translator that reads a bibliography file and 
+-outputs two HTML documents that contains respectively the cited
+-bibliography in a nice presentation, and the original BibTeX file
+-augmented with several transparent HTML links to allow easy
++When sorting, the resulting bibliography will always contain the
++comments first, then the preambles, then the abbreviations, and
++finally the regular entries. Be warned that such a sort may put
++cross-references before entries that refer to them, so be cautious.
++.B -r
++reverses the sort
++.B -q , --quiet
++be quiet.
++.B -w , --warn-error
++stop at the first warning.
++Notice that the two output files are suitable for use with
++bibtex2html. A typical use would be
+-A short description of available options is displayed when programs
 -are run with option -help. For detailed explanations, please look at
 -the HTML documentation at the URL
 -.I http://www.lri.fr/~filliatr/bibtex2html/doc/
-+are run with option -help. For detailed explanations, please check
-+the bibtex2html manual.
-+On a Debian system the manual can be found at
-+.I /usr/share/doc/bibtex2html
-+both in the formats postscript and HTML, or via the Debian help system.
++    bib2bib -oc citefile -ob bibfile.bib -c condition file1.bib file2.bib ...
++    bibtex2html -citefile citefile bibfile.bib 
++which will produce exactly the HTML file for the selected
++references. Notice finally that bibtex2html will expand the strings
++(by default, unless you specify the -noexpand option) but not the
++Bib2bib has been written by Jean-Christophe Filliatre and Claude
++Marche.  This manpage has been compiled by Ralf Treinen from the original
++bib2bib documentation.
- .BR bibtex (1),
+-.BR bibtex (1),
++.BR bibtex2html (1), bibtex (1), hevea (1)
  .I http://www.lri.fr/~filliatr/bibtex2html/
++For complete documentation, please check the bibtex2html manual.
++On a Debian system the manual can be found at
 +.I /usr/share/doc/bibtex2html
---- bibtex2html-1.61.orig/bibtex2html.1
-+++ bibtex2html-1.61/bibtex2html.1
-@@ -30,13 +30,16 @@
++both in the formats postscript and HTML, or via the Debian help system.
- A short description of available options is displayed when programs
+diff -urNad trunk~/bibtex2html.1 trunk/bibtex2html.1
+--- trunk~/bibtex2html.1	2006-03-15 10:14:26.000000000 +0100
++++ trunk/bibtex2html.1	2006-04-16 20:09:52.000000000 +0200
+@@ -1,42 +1,188 @@
+ BibTeX2HTML \- A translator of bibliography databases into HTML
+-.B bibtex2html <options> [filename]
+-.B bib2bib [options] <input file names>
++.B bibtex2html [options] <filename>
++.B bibtex2html 
++is a translator which reads a bibliography file and outputs two HTML
++documents that contain respectively the cited bibliography in a nice
++presentation, and the original BibTeX file augmented with several
++transparent HTML links to allow easy navigation.
+-BibTeX2HTML is a collection of tools for automatically producing HTML
+-documents from bibliography databases written in the BibTeX format. It
+-consists in two command line tools:
+-.B bib2bib 
+-is a filter tool that reads one or several bibliography
+-files, filters the entries with respect to a given criterion, and
+-outputs the list of selected keys together with a new bibliography
+-file containing only the selected entries; 
++.SS General aspect of the HTML document
++.B \-t \fIstring\fB, \-\-title \fIstring
++specify the title of the HTML file (default is the file name).
++.B \-\-footer \fIstring
++give an additional footer for the HTML document.
++.B \-s \fIstring\fB, \-\-style \fIstring\fB
++use BibTeX style \fIstring\fR (plain, alpha, etc.). Default style is plain.
++.B \-noabstract, \-\-no\-abstract
++do not print the abstracts (if any).
++.B \-nokeywords, \-\-no\-keywords
++do not print the keywords (if any).
++.B \-both, \-\-both
++produce both pages with and without abstracts. If the BibTeX file is
++foo.bib then the two pages will be respectively foo.html and
++foo_abstracts.html (The suffix may be different, see option
++--suffix). Links are inserted from the page without abstracts to the
++page with abstracts.
++.B \-nokeys, \-\-no\-keys
++do not print the cite keys.
++.B \-use\-keys, \-\-use\-keys
++use the cite keys from the BibTeX input file (and not the ones
++generated by the BibTeX style file).
++.B \-rawurl, \-\-raw\-url
++print URLs instead of files' types.
++.B \-heveaurl, \-\-hevea-url
++interpret the macro \url as HeVeA's one, i.e. with two arguments,
++the first one being the url and the second one the text to print. The
++default behavior is to interpret the macro \\url as the one from the
++package url, which has only one argument (the url itself).
++.B \-f \fIfield\fB, \-\-field \fIfield\fB
++add a web link for that BibTeX field.
++.B \-nf \fIfield string\fB, \-\-named\-field \fIfield string
++similar to -f but specifies the way to display the link (e.g. -nf springer
++"At Springer's"). 
++.B \-note \fIfield\fB, \-\-note \fIfield\fB
++declare that a field must be treated like the abstract field, i.e. is
++an annotation to be displayed as a text paragraph below the entry.
++.B \-multiple, \-\-multiple
++make a separate web page for each entry. Beware: this option produces
++as many HTML files as BibTeX entries!
++.B \-single, \-\-single
++produce a single document, inserting each BibTeX entry (the input)
++right after its BibTeX output.
++.B \-bg \fIcolor\fB, \-\-background \fIcolor
++set the background color of the HTML file (default is none).
++\-css \fIfile\fB, \-\-style\-sheet \fIfile\fB
++set a style sheet file for the HTML document (default is none).
++.B \-charset \fIc\fB, \-\-charset \fIc\fB
++specify the charset to use in the META tag of generated html
++files. The default is the output of the command locale charmap, or if
++this doesn't work, ISO-8859-1.
++.B \-dl, \-\-dl
++use HTML DL lists instead of HTML tables to format entries.
+-.B bibtex2html 
+-is a translator that reads a bibliography file and 
+-outputs two HTML documents that contains respectively the cited
+-bibliography in a nice presentation, and the original BibTeX file
+-augmented with several transparent HTML links to allow easy
++.SS Controlling the translation
++.B \-m \fIfile\fB, \-\-macros\-from \fIfile\fB
++read the LATEX macros in the given file. Note: bibtex2html does not
++handle macros arguments; arguments are simply discarded.
++\-noexpand, \-\-no\-expand
++do not expand the abbreviation strings, leave them in the output file.
++.SS  Selecting the entries
++.B \-citefile \fIfilename\fB, \-\-citefile \fIfilename
++Select only keys appearing in \fIfilename\fR. To be used manually or in
++conjonction with bib2bib.
++.B \-e \fIkey\fB, \-\-exclude \fIkey
++exclude an particular entry. 
+-A short description of available options is displayed when programs
 -are run with option -help. For detailed explanations, please look at
 -the HTML documentation at the URL
 -.I http://www.lri.fr/~filliatr/bibtex2html/doc/
-+are run with option -help. For detailed explanations, please check
-+the bibtex2html manual.
-+On a Debian system the manual can be found at
-+.I /usr/share/doc/bibtex2html
-+both in the formats postscript and HTML, or via the Debian help system.
++.SS Sorting the entries
++.B \-d, \-\-sort\-by\-date
++sort by date.
++.B \-a, \-\-sort\-as\-bibtex
++sort as BibTeX (usually by author).
++.B \-u, \-\-unsorted
++unsorted i.e. same order as in .bib file (default).
++.B \-r, \-\-reverse\-sort
++reverse the sort.
++.SS Miscellaneous options
++.B \-nodoc, \-\-nodoc
++do not produce a full HTML document but only its body (useful to
++merge the HTML bibliography in a bigger HTML document).
++.B \-nobibsource, \-\-nobibsource
++do not produce the _bib.html file. In that case, no BibTeX
++entry links are inserted in the HTML file.
++.B \-suffix \fIstring\fB, \-\-suffix \fIstring
++give an alternate suffix string for both HTML files and links (default
++is .html).
++.B \-fsuffix \fIstring\fB, \-\-file\-suffix \fIstring
++give an alternate suffix string for HTML files (default is .html).
++.B \-lsuffix \fIstring\fB, \-\-link\-suffix \fIstring
++give an alternate suffix string for HTML links (default is .html).
++.B \-o \fIfile\fB, \-\-output \fIfile
++specifies the output file. If \fIfile\fR is -, then the standard output is
++.B \-c \fIcommand\fB, \-\-command \fIcommand
++specify the BibTeX command (default is bibtex
++-min-crossrefs=1000). May be useful for example if you need to specify
++the full path of the bibtex command.
++.B \-i, \-\-ignore\-errors
++ignore BibTeX errors.
++.B \-q, \-\-quiet
++be quiet.
++.B \-w, \-\-warn-error
++stop at the first warning.
++.B \-h, \-\-help
++print a short usage and exit.
++.B \-v, \-\-version
++print the version and exit.
++.B \-noheader, \-\-no-header
++do not insert the bibtex2html command in the HTML document (default is to
++insert it as a comment at the beginning). 
++Bibtex2html has been written by Jean-Christophe Filliatre and Claude
++Marche.  This manpage has been compiled by Ralf Treinen from the original
++bibtex2html documentation.
- .BR bibtex (1),
+-.BR bibtex (1),
++.BR bib2bib (1), bibtex (1), hevea (1)
  .I http://www.lri.fr/~filliatr/bibtex2html/
++For complete documentation, please check the bibtex2html manual.
++On a Debian system the manual can be found at
 +.I /usr/share/doc/bibtex2html
++both in the formats postscript and HTML, or via the Debian help system.
+diff -urNad trunk~/debian/changelog trunk/debian/changelog
+--- trunk~/debian/changelog	2006-03-19 19:45:22.000000000 +0100
++++ trunk/debian/changelog	2006-04-16 20:32:16.000000000 +0200
+@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
+ bibtex2html (1.80-1) unstable; urgency=low
+   * New upstream release.
++  * Write real manpages describing all command-line options
++    (closes: Bug#207255).
++  * Simplify dependency on tetex packages (tetex-extra is sufficient).
+- -- Ralf Treinen <treinen at debian.org>  Sun, 19 Mar 2006 19:45:22 +0100
++ -- Ralf Treinen <treinen at debian.org>  Sun, 16 Apr 2006 20:32:16 +0200
+ bibtex2html (1.79-1) unstable; urgency=low
+diff -urNad trunk~/debian/control trunk/debian/control
+--- trunk~/debian/control	2006-01-07 10:51:23.000000000 +0100
++++ trunk/debian/control	2006-04-16 20:32:27.000000000 +0200
+@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
+ Package: bibtex2html
+ Architecture: all
+-Depends: ocaml-base-nox-3.09.1, perl, tetex-base, tetex-bin, tetex-extra
++Depends: ocaml-base-nox-3.09.1, perl, tettetex-extra
+ Suggests: hlins
+ Description: filters BibTeX files and translates them to HTML
+  Collection of tools for filtering BibTeX data bases and for producing
+diff -urNad trunk~/debian/control.in trunk/debian/control.in
+--- trunk~/debian/control.in	2006-01-07 10:48:01.000000000 +0100
++++ trunk/debian/control.in	2006-04-16 20:32:28.000000000 +0200
+@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
+ Maintainer: Debian OCaml Maintainers <debian-ocaml-maint at lists.debian.org>
+ Uploaders: Ralf Treinen <treinen at debian.org>, Sven Luther <luther at debian.org>, Remi Vanicat <vanicat at debian.org>, Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at debian.org>, Samuel Mimram <smimram at debian.org>, Sylvain Le Gall <gildor at debian.org>
+ Standards-Version: 3.6.2
+-Build-Depends-Indep: ocaml-nox-#OcamlABI#, tetex-base, tetex-bin, tetex-extra, debhelper (>= 4.0), hevea, dpatch
++Build-Depends-Indep: ocaml-nox-#OcamlABI#, tetex-extra, debhelper (>= 4.0), hevea, dpatch
+ Package: bibtex2html
+ Architecture: all

Modified: trunk/packages/bibtex2html/trunk/debian/rules
--- trunk/packages/bibtex2html/trunk/debian/rules	2006-04-09 14:01:37 UTC (rev 2615)
+++ trunk/packages/bibtex2html/trunk/debian/rules	2006-04-16 19:11:27 UTC (rev 2616)
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 	dh_clean -k
 	$(MAKE) install-byte install-doc
+	-rm $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/man/man1/{bib2bib,bibtex2html}.1
 binary-arch: build install
@@ -45,12 +46,13 @@
 	dh_installchangelogs CHANGES
+	dh_installman debian/bib2bib.1 debian/bibtex2html.1
-	dh_md5sums
+	dh_md5sums 
 binary: binary-indep binary-arch

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