[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] r2948 - /trunk/packages/mldonkey/trunk/debian/utils/mldonkey_server.ml

smimram at users.alioth.debian.org smimram at users.alioth.debian.org
Thu Jul 13 22:25:15 UTC 2006

Author: smimram
Date: Thu Jul 13 22:25:13 2006
New Revision: 2948

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-ocaml-maint/?sc=1&rev=2948


Modified: trunk/packages/mldonkey/trunk/debian/utils/mldonkey_server.ml
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-ocaml-maint/trunk/packages/mldonkey/trunk/debian/utils/mldonkey_server.ml?rev=2948&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/mldonkey/trunk/debian/utils/mldonkey_server.ml (original)
+++ trunk/packages/mldonkey/trunk/debian/utils/mldonkey_server.ml Thu Jul 13 22:25:13 2006
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 type action_type = Start | Stop | Restart 
-let (prio_min,prio_max) = (-20,20)
+let (prio_min, prio_max) = -20, 20
 type mldonkey_server_state = {
   real_home : string option;
@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@
   (* Filename that should be inspected. *)
   (* I put them here, because this should 
-     become a command line option -- if needed,
+   become a command line option -- if needed,
   (* All path should be relative to chdir, where
-     all the .ini files should be.
+   all the .ini files should be.
   inifiles : string list;
@@ -52,38 +52,38 @@
 let user_home st =
   match st.real_home with 
-  None ->
-    raise No_home_variable
-  | Some x ->
-    x
+    | None ->
+        raise No_home_variable
+    | Some x ->
+        x
 let get_chdir st =
   match st.chdir with
-  None ->
-    let real_filename = Filename.concat (user_home st) ".mldonkey"
-    in
-    real_filename
-  | Some x ->
-    x
+    | None ->
+        let real_filename = Filename.concat (user_home st) ".mldonkey"
+        in
+          real_filename
+    | Some x ->
+        x
 let get_pidfile st =
   match st.pidfile with
-  None ->
-    let real_filename = Filename.concat (get_chdir st) "mldonkey.pid"
-    in
-    real_filename
-  | Some x ->
-    x
+    | None ->
+        let real_filename = Filename.concat (get_chdir st) "mldonkey.pid"
+        in
+          real_filename
+    | Some x ->
+        x
 let get_logfile st =
   match st.logfile with
-  None ->
-    let real_filename = Filename.concat (get_chdir st) "mldonkey.log"
-    in
-    real_filename
-  | Some x ->
-    x
+    | None ->
+        let real_filename = Filename.concat (get_chdir st) "mldonkey.log"
+        in
+          real_filename
+    | Some x ->
+        x
 let get_inifiles st =
   List.map (Filename.concat (get_chdir st)) st.inifiles
@@ -92,61 +92,61 @@
 let default_mldonkey_server_state = 
-  real_home = 
-    (
-    try 
-      Some (getenv "HOME") 
-    with Not_found -> 
-      None
-    );
-  daemon = false;
-  quiet = false;
-  logfile = None;
-  pidfile = None;
-  program = "/usr/bin/mlnet";
-  logger = "/usr/bin/logger";
-  prg_args = [];
-  chdir = None;
-  chuid = Unix.getuid ();
-  chgid = Unix.getgid ();
-  umask = 0o0022;
-  nice  = 0;
-  action = Start;
-  (* 5 min *)
-  end_duration = 300.;
-  (* 15 min *)
-  min_alive = 900.;
-  (* 1 day *)
-  max_alive = 88400.;
-  (* 10 min *)
-  respawn_after = 600.;
-  inifiles = 
-    [
-      "bittorrent.ini";
-      "donkey.ini";
-      "files.ini";
-      "file_sources.ini";
-      "fileTP.ini";
-      "friends.ini";
-      "gnutella2.ini";
-      "gnutella.ini";
-      "searches.ini";
-      "servers.ini";
-      "shared_files_new.ini";
-      "stats.ini";
-      "stats_mod.ini";
-      "downloads.ini";
-    ];
-  passwdfiles =
-    [
-      "users.ini"
-    ];
+    real_home = 
+      (
+        try 
+          Some (getenv "HOME") 
+        with Not_found -> 
+          None
+      );
+    daemon = false;
+    quiet = false;
+    logfile = None;
+    pidfile = None;
+    program = "/usr/bin/mlnet";
+    logger = "/usr/bin/logger";
+    prg_args = [];
+    chdir = None;
+    chuid = Unix.getuid ();
+    chgid = Unix.getgid ();
+    umask = 0o0022;
+    nice  = 0;
+    action = Start;
+    (* 5 min *)
+    end_duration = 300.;
+    (* 15 min *)
+    min_alive = 900.;
+    (* 1 day *)
+    max_alive = 88400.;
+    (* 10 min *)
+    respawn_after = 600.;
+    inifiles = 
+      [
+        "bittorrent.ini";
+        "donkey.ini";
+        "files.ini";
+        "file_sources.ini";
+        "fileTP.ini";
+        "friends.ini";
+        "gnutella2.ini";
+        "gnutella.ini";
+        "searches.ini";
+        "servers.ini";
+        "shared_files_new.ini";
+        "stats.ini";
+        "stats_mod.ini";
+        "downloads.ini";
+      ];
+    passwdfiles =
+      [
+        "users.ini"
+      ];
 let get_mldonkey_server_state () =
@@ -157,122 +157,78 @@
     state := { !state with prg_args = x :: !state.prg_args }
   let _ = Arg.parse [
-  (
     Arg.Unit (fun x -> state := {!state with daemon = true}), 
-    "Run in daemon mode"
-  );
-  (
+    "Run in daemon mode";
     Arg.Unit (fun x -> state := {!state with quiet = true}), 
-    "Keep quiet"
-  );
-  (
+    "Keep quiet";
     Arg.String (fun x -> state := {!state with logfile = Some x}), 
-    "Where to put the log"
-  );
-  (
+    "Where to put the log";
     Arg.String (fun x -> state := {!state with pidfile = Some x}), 
-    "Where to put the pid"
-  );
-  (
+    "Where to put the pid";
     Arg.String (fun x -> state := {!state with program = x}), 
-    "Which program to start"
-  );
-  (
+    "Which program to start";
     Arg.String (fun x -> state := {!state with logger = x}),
-    "Logger program"
-  );
-  (
+    "Logger program";
     Arg.String (fun x -> state := {!state with chdir = Some x}), 
-    "Where to chdir"
-  );
-  (
+    "Where to chdir";
     Arg.String (fun x -> 
-      let passwd_ent =
-        Unix.getpwnam x
-      in
-      state := {!state with chuid = passwd_ent.pw_uid}
+                  let passwd_ent =
+                    Unix.getpwnam x
+                  in
+                    state := {!state with chuid = passwd_ent.pw_uid}
-    "Which user own the process"
-  );
-  (
+    "Which user own the process";
     Arg.String (fun x ->
-      let group_ent =
-        Unix.getgrnam x
-      in
-      state := {!state with chgid = group_ent.gr_gid}
+                  let group_ent =
+                    Unix.getgrnam x
+                  in
+                    state := {!state with chgid = group_ent.gr_gid}
-    "Which group own the process"
-  );
-  (
+    "Which group own the process";
-    Arg.String (fun x ->
-      state := {!state with umask = int_of_string ( "0o"^x )}
-    ),
-    "What umask to use"
-  );
-  (
+    Arg.String (fun x -> state := {!state with umask = int_of_string ( "0o"^x )}),
+    "What umask to use";
-    Arg.Int (fun x ->
-      state := {!state with nice = x}
-    ),
-    "Niceness of the process"
-  );
-  (
+    Arg.Int (fun x -> state := {!state with nice = x}),
+    "Niceness of the process";
     Arg.Int (fun x -> state := {!state with end_duration = float_of_int x }),
-    "How much time does it take to end mlnet"
-  );
-  (
+    "How much time does it take to end mlnet";
-    Arg.Int (fun x -> 
-      state := { !state with max_alive = (float_of_int x) *. 3600.}
-    ),
-    "For how long an instance of mlnet should run"
-  );
-  (
+    Arg.Int (fun x -> state := { !state with max_alive = (float_of_int x) *. 3600.}),
+    "For how long an instance of mlnet should run";
     Arg.Int (fun x -> state := {!state with min_alive = float_of_int x}),
-    "Minimun time between respawning"
-  );
-  (
+    "Minimun time between respawning";
     Arg.Int (fun x -> state := {!state with respawn_after = float_of_int x}),
-    "When mlnet fails, how long to wait before restarting"
-  );
-  (
+    "When mlnet fails, how long to wait before restarting";
     Arg.Unit (fun x -> state := {!state with action = Start}),
-    "Start mldonkey_server"
-  );
-  (
+    "Start mldonkey_server";
     Arg.Unit (fun x -> state := {!state with action = Stop}),
-    "Stop a running mldonkey_server (use the pidfile)"
-  );
-  (
+    "Stop a running mldonkey_server (use the pidfile)";
     Arg.Unit (fun x -> state := {!state with action = Restart}),
-    "Restart a running mldonkey_server (use the pifile, only respawn mlnet)"
-  );
-  (
+    "Restart a running mldonkey_server (use the pifile, only respawn mlnet)";
-    Arg.Rest ( fun x -> add_args x ),
+    Arg.Rest (fun x -> add_args x),
     "MLnet arguments"
-  )
-  add_args
-  "Usage mldonkey_server [options] -- [mlnet options] where options are:"
-  in
-  !state
+            add_args
+            "Usage mldonkey_server [options] -- [mlnet options] where options are:"
+  in
+    !state
 let print_log st str =
   if st.quiet then
@@ -280,13 +236,13 @@
   else if st.daemon then
-        match Unix.system (st.logger^" -t mldonkey_server \""^str^"\"") with
-          WEXITED(0) ->
-            ()
-        | WEXITED(127) ->
-            raise Cant_find_logger
-        | _ ->
-            raise Problem_with_logger
+        match Unix.system (st.logger ^ " -t mldonkey_server \"" ^ str ^ "\"") with
+          | WEXITED(0) ->
+              ()
+          | WEXITED(127) ->
+              raise Cant_find_logger
+          | _ ->
+              raise Problem_with_logger
@@ -312,12 +268,12 @@
 let fatal st str =
-  prerr_string (" "^str);
+  prerr_string (" " ^ str);
   prerr_newline ();
   ignore (print_log st str)
 let go_home st =
-  debug st ("Chdir to home dir: "^(user_home st));
+  debug st ("Chdir to home dir: " ^ (user_home st));
   Unix.putenv "HOME" (user_home st);
   Unix.putenv "MLDONKEY_STRINGS" (Filename.concat (get_chdir st) "mlnet_strings");
   Sys.chdir (get_chdir st)
@@ -327,20 +283,18 @@
     if not st.daemon then
-    begin
       let answer =    
-        prerr_string ((get_chdir st)^" doesn't exists."^
-        " Do you want to create it? ( y/N )");
+        prerr_string ((get_chdir st)^" doesn't exists." ^ 
+                      " Do you want to create it? (y/N)");
         read_line ()
-      match answer with
-      "y" ->
-        Unix.mkdir (get_chdir st) 0o0755;
-        debug st ("Creating home dir: "^(get_chdir st))
-      | _ ->
-        raise No_home_to_chdir
-    end
+        match answer with
+          |  "y" ->
+              Unix.mkdir (get_chdir st) 0o0755;
+              debug st ("Creating home dir: " ^ (get_chdir st))
+          | _ ->
+              raise No_home_to_chdir
       raise No_home_to_chdir
@@ -361,41 +315,39 @@
   if prio_min <= st.nice && st.nice <= prio_max then
     let current_nice = Unix.nice 0
-    (* Only root can lower the niceness of a process *)
-    if current_nice > st.nice && (Unix.getuid ()) <> 0 then
-      warning st ("Only root can lower the niceness of a process ("
-      ^(string_of_int current_nice)^" > "^(string_of_int st.nice)^")")
-    else
-      ignore (Unix.nice (st.nice - current_nice))
-  else
-    warning st ("Niceness out of bound ("^(string_of_int st.nice)
-    ^"not in ["^(string_of_int prio_min)^"; "^(string_of_int prio_max)^"])")
+      (* Only root can lower the niceness of a process *)
+      if current_nice > st.nice && (Unix.getuid ()) <> 0 then
+        warning st ("Only root can lower the niceness of a process ("
+                    ^(string_of_int current_nice)^" > "^(string_of_int st.nice)^")")
+      else
+        ignore (Unix.nice (st.nice - current_nice))
+      else
+        warning st ("Niceness out of bound ("^(string_of_int st.nice)
+                    ^"not in ["^(string_of_int prio_min)^"; "^(string_of_int prio_max)^"])")
 (** Create a pidfile, holding the PID value of the process *)
 let create_pidfile st =
   let pidfile = open_out (get_pidfile st)
-  debug st ("Writing PID ("^(string_of_int (Unix.getpid ()))^") to pidfile: "^(get_pidfile st));
-  output_string pidfile (string_of_int (Unix.getpid ()));
-  output_string pidfile "\n";
-  close_out pidfile
+    debug st ("Writing PID ("^(string_of_int (Unix.getpid ()))^") to pidfile: "^(get_pidfile st));
+    output_string pidfile (string_of_int (Unix.getpid ()));
+    output_string pidfile "\n";
+    close_out pidfile
 (** Read a pidfile, return the PID value stored in it *)
 let read_pidfile st =
-    let pidfile = open_in (get_pidfile st)
-    in
-    let pid_server = int_of_string (input_line pidfile)
-    in
-    debug st ("Reading PID ("^(string_of_int pid_server)^") from pidfile: "^(get_pidfile st));
-    close_in pidfile;
-    pid_server
+    let pidfile = open_in (get_pidfile st) in
+    let pid_server = int_of_string (input_line pidfile) in
+      debug st ("Reading PID ("^(string_of_int pid_server)^") from pidfile: "^(get_pidfile st));
+      close_in pidfile;
+      pid_server
-    Sys_error(_) ->
-      raise No_pidfile
-  | End_of_file 
-  | Failure "int_of_string" ->
-      raise Invalid_pidfile
+    | Sys_error(_) ->
+        raise No_pidfile
+    | End_of_file 
+    | Failure "int_of_string" ->
+        raise Invalid_pidfile
 (** Remove a pidfile *)
 let close_pidfile st =
@@ -406,47 +358,47 @@
     raise No_pidfile
 (** Check that the given PID is a running instance of the program which we are
-    in *)
+  in *)
 let daemon_is_running st = 
   let prog_inode_of_pid pid =
     let proc_filename = 
-      List.fold_left Filename.concat "/proc" [ (string_of_int pid) ; "exe" ]
-    in
-    if Sys.file_exists proc_filename then
-      (* This condition is too hard: when upgrading you loose the inode number
+      List.fold_left Filename.concat "/proc" [(string_of_int pid); "exe"]
+    in
+      if Sys.file_exists proc_filename then
+        (* This condition is too hard: when upgrading you loose the inode number
          because the script is reinstalled
-       *)
-      (*(Unix.stat proc_filename).Unix.st_ino*)
-      Unix.readlink proc_filename
+         *)
+        (*(Unix.stat proc_filename).Unix.st_ino*)
+        Unix.readlink proc_filename
+      else
+          raise (No_proc_entry proc_filename)
+  in
+    if Sys.file_exists (get_pidfile st) then
+      (
+        try 
+          let prev_pid = read_pidfile st
+          in
+          let real_prog_inode = prog_inode_of_pid (Unix.getpid ())
+          in
+          let prev_prog_inode = prog_inode_of_pid prev_pid
+          in
+            real_prog_inode = prev_prog_inode 
+        with 
+          | Invalid_pidfile ->
+              (
+                warning st ("Invalid pidfile: "^(get_pidfile st));
+                false
+              )
+          | No_proc_entry proc ->
+              warning st ("Cannot open "^proc^" entry for the given pidfile: "
+                          ^(get_pidfile st));
+              false
+      )
-      raise (No_proc_entry proc_filename)
-  in
-  if Sys.file_exists (get_pidfile st) then
-    try 
-      let prev_pid = read_pidfile st
-      in
-      let real_prog_inode = prog_inode_of_pid (Unix.getpid ())
-      in
-      let prev_prog_inode = prog_inode_of_pid prev_pid
-      in
-      real_prog_inode = prev_prog_inode 
-    with 
-      Invalid_pidfile ->
-        (
-          warning st ("Invalid pidfile: "^(get_pidfile st));
-          false
-        )
-    | No_proc_entry proc ->
-        (
-          warning st ("Cannot open "^proc^" entry for the given pidfile: "
-          ^(get_pidfile st));
-          false
-        )
-  else
-    false
+      false
 (** Remove stale pidfile 
- *)
+  *)
 let remove_stale_pidfile st =
   if not (daemon_is_running st) && Sys.file_exists (get_pidfile st) then
@@ -457,93 +409,93 @@
 (** Get problematic INI file for mldonkey. Returns a list of all problematic
-    files 
+  files 
 let check_tmp_ini_files lst_fl =
   let check_one_tmp_ini_file lst fl =
     let tmp_fl = 
       fl ^ ".tmp"
-    if Filename.check_suffix fl ".ini" && Sys.file_exists tmp_fl then
-      tmp_fl :: lst
-    else
-      lst
-  in
-  List.fold_left check_one_tmp_ini_file [] lst_fl
+      if Filename.check_suffix fl ".ini" && Sys.file_exists tmp_fl then
+        tmp_fl :: lst
+      else
+        lst
+  in
+    List.fold_left check_one_tmp_ini_file [] lst_fl
 (** Check that user/group and perms are correctly sets for any 
-    directory/file that could be used by mldonkey. Returns a list of all
-    problematic files/directories.
+  directory/file that could be used by mldonkey. Returns a list of all
+  problematic files/directories.
 let check_file_owner_perms (uid,gid) lst_fl =
   let check_one_file_owner_perms lst fl =
     let match_perm perm perm_to_match =
       (* Check that the perm given are enough to match the perm_to_match,
-         in other word, that you have all the bit of the perm_to_match
-         in the perm 
+       in other word, that you have all the bit of the perm_to_match
+       in the perm 
       ( perm land perm_to_match ) = perm_to_match
-    (* First of all, does the file exist ? *)
-    if Sys.file_exists fl then
-      (* Get property of the file *)
-      let stat = Unix.stat fl
-      in
-      let enough_right =
-      (* We try to be sure that any program running with (uid,gid) has enough
-         right to read/write the file considered *)
-            (* The owner is the user *)
-            ( stat.Unix.st_uid = uid && match_perm stat.Unix.st_perm 0o600 )
+      (* First of all, does the file exist ? *)
+      if Sys.file_exists fl then
+        (* Get property of the file *)
+        let stat = Unix.stat fl
+        in
+        let enough_right =
+          (* We try to be sure that any program running with (uid,gid) has enough
+           right to read/write the file considered *)
+          (* The owner is the user *)
+          ( stat.Unix.st_uid = uid && match_perm stat.Unix.st_perm 0o600 )
             (* The group owner match the group of the user *)
-         || ( stat.Unix.st_gid = gid && match_perm stat.Unix.st_perm 0o060 )
+            || ( stat.Unix.st_gid = gid && match_perm stat.Unix.st_perm 0o060 )
             (* Rights given to "other" *)
-         || ( match_perm stat.Unix.st_perm 0o006 ) 
-      in
-      if enough_right then
-        lst
-      else
-        fl :: lst
-    else
-      (* The file doesn't exist, it will be created by mldonkey, if needed *)
-      lst
-  in
-  List.fold_left check_one_file_owner_perms [] lst_fl
+            || ( match_perm stat.Unix.st_perm 0o006 ) 
+        in
+          if enough_right then
+            lst
+          else
+            fl :: lst
+          else
+            (* The file doesn't exist, it will be created by mldonkey, if needed *)
+            lst
+  in
+    List.fold_left check_one_file_owner_perms [] lst_fl
 (** Check that the given list of file are only readable by the owner/group. It 
-    is used to check that the file containing password are not readable by the
-    group "other". Returns a list of problematic files
+  is used to check that the file containing password are not readable by the
+  group "other". Returns a list of problematic files
 let check_file_security_perms lst_fl =
   let check_one_file_security_perms lst fl =
     if Sys.file_exists fl then
       let stat = Unix.stat fl
-      (* Does other have read access to this file ? *)
-      if ( stat.Unix.st_perm land 0o004 ) <> 0 then
-        fl :: lst
-      else
-        lst
-    else
-      (* The file doesn't exist : we don't have problem *)
-      lst
-  in
-  List.fold_left check_one_file_security_perms [] lst_fl
+        (* Does other have read access to this file ? *)
+        if ( stat.Unix.st_perm land 0o004 ) <> 0 then
+          fl :: lst
+        else
+          lst
+        else
+          (* The file doesn't exist : we don't have problem *)
+          lst
+  in
+    List.fold_left check_one_file_security_perms [] lst_fl
 let sanity_check st = 
   (* Checker function: apply the given function on the given list. If the
-     result is not an empty message, display the given message and solution 
-     to solve the problem and exit with the given exit code. 
-  *)
+   result is not an empty message, display the given message and solution 
+   to solve the problem and exit with the given exit code. 
+   *)
   let check_fun check lst_fl message proposed_solution exit_code =
     let result = check lst_fl
-    if result <> [] then
-      (
-        fatal st (message^": "^(String.concat ", " result)^" -- "^proposed_solution);
-        exit exit_code
-      )
-    else
-      ()
+      if result <> [] then
+        (
+          fatal st (message^": "^(String.concat ", " result)^" -- "^proposed_solution);
+          exit exit_code
+        )
+      else
+        ()
   let pidfile = get_pidfile st 
@@ -559,48 +511,48 @@
   let old_inifiles =
     List.map ( fun x -> x ^ ".old" )
-    inifiles
-  in
-  (* Test existence of a few dirs *)
-  check_fun
-    (List.filter (fun fl -> not (Sys.file_exists fl)))
-    basedirs
-    "directory[ies] doesn't exist"
-    "create it first"
-    1;
-  check_fun 
-    check_tmp_ini_files 
-    (inifiles @ passwdfiles)
-    "temporary file[s] left" 
-    "delete it first" 
-    1;
-  check_fun 
-    (check_file_owner_perms (st.chuid,st.chgid))
-    (basedirs @ inifiles @ old_inifiles @ passwdfiles)
-    ("file[s] not owned by user "^(string_of_int st.chuid)
-    ^" or group "^(string_of_int st.chgid))
-    "reown it first"
-    1;
-  check_fun
-    check_file_security_perms 
-    passwdfiles
-    ("file[s] should be only readable by owner "^(string_of_int st.chuid)
-    ^" or group "^(string_of_int st.chgid))
-    "change permission"
-    1;
-  check_fun
-    (List.filter Sys.file_exists)
-    [Filename.concat (get_chdir st) "mlnet.pid"]
-    "file[s] should no exist"
-    "delete it first"
-    1
+      inifiles
+  in
+    (* Test existence of a few dirs *)
+    check_fun
+      (List.filter (fun fl -> not (Sys.file_exists fl)))
+      basedirs
+      "directory[ies] doesn't exist"
+      "create it first"
+      1;
+    check_fun 
+      check_tmp_ini_files 
+      (inifiles @ passwdfiles)
+      "temporary file[s] left" 
+      "delete it first" 
+      1;
+    check_fun 
+      (check_file_owner_perms (st.chuid,st.chgid))
+      (basedirs @ inifiles @ old_inifiles @ passwdfiles)
+      ("file[s] not owned by user "^(string_of_int st.chuid)
+       ^" or group "^(string_of_int st.chgid))
+      "reown it first"
+      1;
+    check_fun
+      check_file_security_perms 
+      passwdfiles
+      ("file[s] should be only readable by owner "^(string_of_int st.chuid)
+       ^" or group "^(string_of_int st.chgid))
+      "change permission"
+      1;
+    check_fun
+      (List.filter Sys.file_exists)
+      [Filename.concat (get_chdir st) "mlnet.pid"]
+      "file[s] should no exist"
+      "delete it first"
+      1
 let stop_or_die st pid =
   let timeout = ref false
   let _ =
     Sys.set_signal Sys.sigalrm (Sys.Signal_handle
-      ( fun x -> timeout := true ));
+                                  ( fun x -> timeout := true ));
     ignore (Unix.alarm (int_of_float st.end_duration));
     debug st ("Waiting termination of process "^(string_of_int pid));
@@ -609,16 +561,16 @@
     with Unix.Unix_error(_, _, _) ->
-  if !timeout then
-  begin
-    debug st ("Process "^(string_of_int pid)^" not responding, taking measure: SIGKILL");
-    try
-      Unix.kill pid Sys.sigkill
-    with Unix.Unix_error(_, _, _) ->
-      ()
-  end
-  else
-    debug st ("Process "^(string_of_int pid)^" terminated")
+    if !timeout then
+      begin
+        debug st ("Process "^(string_of_int pid)^" not responding, taking measure: SIGKILL");
+        try
+          Unix.kill pid Sys.sigkill
+        with Unix.Unix_error(_, _, _) ->
+          ()
+      end
+    else
+      debug st ("Process "^(string_of_int pid)^" terminated")
 let daemonize st = 
   if st.daemon then
@@ -631,20 +583,20 @@
               debug st ("Fork a second time the process");
               if Unix.fork () = 0 then
-              (
-                debug st ("Close standard IO");
-                let fd = Unix.openfile "/dev/null" [ Unix.O_RDWR ] 0o0644 
-                in
-                List.iter (
-                  fun fd_std -> 
-                    Unix.close fd_std; 
-                    Unix.dup2 fd fd_std
-                  )
-                  [Unix.stdin; Unix.stdout; Unix.stderr];
-                Unix.close fd;
-                debug st ("Process is running in the background");
-                ()
-              )
+                (
+                  debug st ("Close standard IO");
+                  let fd = Unix.openfile "/dev/null" [ Unix.O_RDWR ] 0o0644 
+                  in
+                    List.iter (
+                      fun fd_std -> 
+                        Unix.close fd_std; 
+                        Unix.dup2 fd fd_std
+                    )
+                      [Unix.stdin; Unix.stdout; Unix.stderr];
+                    Unix.close fd;
+                    debug st ("Process is running in the background");
+                    ()
+                )
                 exit 0
@@ -685,70 +637,70 @@
         (stdin, stdout)
     let args = Array.of_list 
-      (st.program :: (List.rev st.prg_args))
+                 (st.program :: (List.rev st.prg_args))
     let pid_mlnet = 
       debug st ("Launching MLnet process");
       create_process st.program args
-      stdin
-      mlnet_stdout
-      mlnet_stderr
+        stdin
+        mlnet_stdout
+        mlnet_stderr
     let pid_logger_stderr =
       if logger_stderr != stdin then
-      begin
-        debug st ("Launching MLnet stderr logger");
-        create_process st.logger [| st.logger ; "-t"; "mlnet_error" |]
-        logger_stderr
-        stdout
-        stderr
-      end
+        begin
+          debug st ("Launching MLnet stderr logger");
+          create_process st.logger [| st.logger ; "-t"; "mlnet_error" |]
+            logger_stderr
+            stdout
+            stderr
+        end
     let pid_logger_stdout =
       if logger_stdout != stdin then
-      begin
-        debug st ("Launching MLnet stdout logger");
-        create_process st.logger [| st.logger ; "-t"; "mlnet" |]
-        logger_stdout
-        stdout
-        stderr
-      end
+        begin
+          debug st ("Launching MLnet stdout logger");
+          create_process st.logger [| st.logger ; "-t"; "mlnet" |]
+            logger_stdout
+            stdout
+            stderr
+        end
-    (
-      [pid_mlnet; pid_logger_stderr; pid_logger_stdout],
-      [logger_stderr; mlnet_stderr; logger_stdout; mlnet_stdout]
-    )
+      (
+        [pid_mlnet; pid_logger_stderr; pid_logger_stdout],
+        [logger_stderr; mlnet_stderr; logger_stdout; mlnet_stdout]
+      )
   let stop_mlnet st (pids, fds) =
     let str_pids = List.fold_left 
-      ( fun str x -> str^" "^(string_of_int x) ) 
-      "" pids
-    in
-    debug st ("Stopping processes PID ("^str_pids^" )") ;
-    begin
-    try
-      let close_fds x =
-        if x != stdout && x != stdin && x != stderr then
-          Unix.close x
-        else
+                     ( fun str x -> str^" "^(string_of_int x) ) 
+                     "" pids
+    in
+      debug st ("Stopping processes PID ("^str_pids^" )") ;
+      begin
+        try
+          let close_fds x =
+            if x != stdout && x != stdin && x != stderr then
+              Unix.close x
+            else
+              ()
+          in
+          let stop_pids x =
+            if x != 0 then
+              stop_or_die st x
+            else
+              ()
+          in
+            List.iter stop_pids pids;
+            List.iter close_fds fds
+        with Unix.Unix_error(_,_,_) ->
-      in
-      let stop_pids x =
-        if x != 0 then
-          stop_or_die st x
-        else
-          ()
-      in
-      List.iter stop_pids pids;
-      List.iter close_fds fds
-    with Unix.Unix_error(_,_,_) ->
-      ()
-    end;
-    debug st ("Process stopped PID ("^(str_pids)^" )")
+      end;
+      debug st ("Process stopped PID ("^(str_pids)^" )")
   let state = ref Nop
@@ -758,94 +710,94 @@
   let _ =
     Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint ( Sys.Signal_handle 
-      ( fun x -> state := Terminate ));
+                                  ( fun x -> state := Terminate ));
     Sys.set_signal Sys.sigterm ( Sys.Signal_handle
-      ( fun x -> state := Terminate ));
+                                   ( fun x -> state := Terminate ));
     Sys.set_signal Sys.sighup ( Sys.Signal_handle
-      ( fun x -> state := Respawn ));
+                                  ( fun x -> state := Respawn ));
     Sys.set_signal Sys.sigchld ( Sys.Signal_handle
-      ( fun x -> state := MlnetDied ));
+                                   ( fun x -> state := MlnetDied ));
     Sys.set_signal Sys.sigpipe ( Sys.Signal_handle
-      ( fun x -> state := Terminate ))
-  in
-  while not !terminate do
-    let mlnet = launch_mlnet st 
-    in
-    let last_respawn = Unix.time ()
-    in
-    Sys.set_signal Sys.sigalrm ( Sys.Signal_handle
-      ( fun x -> state := Respawn ));
-    ignore (Unix.alarm ( int_of_float st.max_alive ));
-    reload := false;
-    while not !reload && not !terminate do
-      let _ = 
-        try
-          state := Nop;
-          begin
-          match Unix.wait () with
-          x,WEXITED(y) ->
-            debug st ("Process PID ("^(string_of_int x)^
-            ") exit with return code "^(string_of_int y))
-          | x,WSIGNALED(y) ->
-            debug st ("Process PID ("^(string_of_int x)^
-            ") was killed by signal "^(string_of_int y))
-          | x,WSTOPPED(y) ->
-            debug st ("Process PID ("^(string_of_int x)^
-            ") was stopped by signal "^(string_of_int y))
-          end;
-          state := MlnetDied
-        (* On peut etre interrompu par un signal extérieur *)
-        with Unix.Unix_error(EINTR,_,_) ->
-          ()
+                                   ( fun x -> state := Terminate ))
+  in
+    while not !terminate do
+      let mlnet = launch_mlnet st 
-      match !state with
-      Terminate ->
-        debug st ("Terminate process");
-        stop_mlnet st mlnet;
-        terminate := true
-      | Respawn ->
-        debug st ("Respawn process");
-        stop_mlnet st mlnet;
-        reload := true
-      | MlnetDied ->
-        if Unix.time () -. last_respawn < st.min_alive then
-        begin
-          debug st ("Process respawning too fast: only live "^
-            (string_of_float(Unix.time () -. last_respawn)));
-          stop_mlnet st mlnet;
-          terminate := true
-        end
-        else
-        begin
-          debug st ("Process died, respawning: live for "^
-            (string_of_float(Unix.time () -. last_respawn)));
-          stop_mlnet st mlnet;
-          reload := true
-        end
-      | Nop ->
-        ()
+      let last_respawn = Unix.time ()
+      in
+        Sys.set_signal Sys.sigalrm ( Sys.Signal_handle
+                                       ( fun x -> state := Respawn ));
+        ignore (Unix.alarm ( int_of_float st.max_alive ));
+        reload := false;
+        while not !reload && not !terminate do
+          let _ = 
+            try
+              state := Nop;
+              begin
+                match Unix.wait () with
+                  | x,WEXITED(y) ->
+                      debug st ("Process PID ("^(string_of_int x)^
+                                ") exit with return code "^(string_of_int y))
+                  | x,WSIGNALED(y) ->
+                      debug st ("Process PID ("^(string_of_int x)^
+                                ") was killed by signal "^(string_of_int y))
+                  | x,WSTOPPED(y) ->
+                      debug st ("Process PID ("^(string_of_int x)^
+                                ") was stopped by signal "^(string_of_int y))
+              end;
+              state := MlnetDied
+            (* On peut etre interrompu par un signal extérieur *)
+            with Unix.Unix_error(EINTR,_,_) ->
+              ()
+          in
+            match !state with
+              | Terminate ->
+                  debug st ("Terminate process");
+                  stop_mlnet st mlnet;
+                  terminate := true
+              | Respawn ->
+                  debug st ("Respawn process");
+                  stop_mlnet st mlnet;
+                  reload := true
+              | MlnetDied ->
+                  if Unix.time () -. last_respawn < st.min_alive then
+                    begin
+                      debug st ("Process respawning too fast: only live "^
+                                (string_of_float(Unix.time () -. last_respawn)));
+                      stop_mlnet st mlnet;
+                      terminate := true
+                    end
+                  else
+                    begin
+                      debug st ("Process died, respawning: live for "^
+                                (string_of_float(Unix.time () -. last_respawn)));
+                      stop_mlnet st mlnet;
+                      reload := true
+                    end
+              | Nop ->
+                  ()
+        done;
-  done;
-  debug st "MLDonkey server end";
-  close_pidfile st
+    debug st "MLDonkey server end";
+    close_pidfile st
 let kill_mldonkey_server st signal signal_name=
   if daemon_is_running st then
     let pid_server = read_pidfile st
-    debug st ("Sending signal "^signal_name^" to process PID ("^(string_of_int pid_server)^")");
-    if signal = Sys.sigterm then
-      stop_or_die st pid_server
-    else
-    begin
-      try
-        Unix.kill pid_server signal
-      with Unix.Unix_error (_, _, _) ->
-        ()
-    end
-  else
-    debug st ("Daemon is not running")
+      debug st ("Sending signal "^signal_name^" to process PID ("^(string_of_int pid_server)^")");
+      if signal = Sys.sigterm then
+        stop_or_die st pid_server
+      else
+        begin
+          try
+            Unix.kill pid_server signal
+          with Unix.Unix_error (_, _, _) ->
+            ()
+        end
+      else
+        debug st ("Daemon is not running")
 let stop_mldonkey_server st =
   kill_mldonkey_server st Sys.sigterm "SIGTERM"
@@ -867,44 +819,28 @@
       exit 0
     | No_home_variable ->  
-        begin
-          prerr_string (" Could not guess $HOME environnement variable: provide a --chdir or $HOME");
-          prerr_newline ()
-        end
+        prerr_string (" Could not guess $HOME environnement variable: provide a --chdir or $HOME");
+        prerr_newline ()
     | No_home_to_chdir ->
-        begin
-          prerr_string (" Home dir doesn't exist");
-          prerr_newline ()
-        end
+        prerr_string (" Home dir doesn't exist");
+        prerr_newline ()
     | Fails_daemonize ->
-        begin
-          prerr_string (" Cannot daemonize process");
-          prerr_newline ()
-        end
+        prerr_string (" Cannot daemonize process");
+        prerr_newline ()
     | Already_running ->
-        begin
-          prerr_string (" Some others mldonkey_server are running (a pidfile exists)");
-          prerr_newline ()
-        end
+        prerr_string (" Some others mldonkey_server are running (a pidfile exists)");
+        prerr_newline ()
     | No_pidfile ->
-        begin
-          prerr_string (" No pidfile, maybe no mldonkey_server are running");
-          prerr_newline ()
-        end
+        prerr_string (" No pidfile, maybe no mldonkey_server are running");
+        prerr_newline ()
     | Invalid_pidfile ->
-        begin
-          prerr_string (" Invalid pidfile, maybe the pidfile is corrupted");
-          prerr_newline ();
-        end
+        prerr_string (" Invalid pidfile, maybe the pidfile is corrupted");
+        prerr_newline ();
     | No_proc_entry str ->
-        begin
-          prerr_string (" Cannot find /proc entry for " ^ str);
-          prerr_newline ();
-        end
+        prerr_string (" Cannot find /proc entry for " ^ str);
+        prerr_newline ();
     | Unix.Unix_error (error,_,_) ->
-        begin 
-          prerr_string (" "^(error_message error));
-          prerr_newline ()
-        end
+        prerr_string (" " ^ error_message error);
+        prerr_newline ()
 let () = exit 1

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