[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] r3927 - /trunk/projects/dh-make-ocaml/trunk/opkg-inject

gildor at users.alioth.debian.org gildor at users.alioth.debian.org
Thu Jul 5 21:00:44 UTC 2007

Author: gildor
Date: Thu Jul  5 21:00:44 2007
New Revision: 3927

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/?sc=1&rev=3927
* Add an old script -- maybe useful

    trunk/projects/dh-make-ocaml/trunk/opkg-inject   (with props)

Added: trunk/projects/dh-make-ocaml/trunk/opkg-inject
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/trunk/projects/dh-make-ocaml/trunk/opkg-inject?rev=3927&op=file
--- trunk/projects/dh-make-ocaml/trunk/opkg-inject (added)
+++ trunk/projects/dh-make-ocaml/trunk/opkg-inject Thu Jul  5 21:00:44 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,230 @@
+#!/usr/bin/ocamlrun /usr/bin/ocaml
+#use "topfind";;
+#require "str";;
+#require "unix";;
+let get_source_version base_dir = 
+  let spaces = "[ \\t]"
+  in
+  let str_blank = Str.regexp ("^"^spaces^"*$")
+  in
+  let str_version = Str.regexp (
+    "^"^spaces^"*"^
+    "\\([a-z0-9\\+\\.\\-]*\\)"^
+    spaces^"*"^
+    "(\\([a-z0-9\\+\\.\\-]*\\)).*$"
+    )
+  in
+  let rec extract_information fd = 
+    let line = input_line fd
+    in
+    if Str.string_match str_blank line 0 then
+      extract_information fd
+    else if Str.string_match str_version line 0 then
+      ((Str.matched_group 1 line), (Str.matched_group 2 line))
+    else
+      raise Not_found
+  in
+  let fd = 
+    (* print_endline ("Examining "^(Filename.concat base_dir "debian/changelog")); *)
+    open_in (Filename.concat base_dir "debian/changelog")
+  in
+  let (package,version) = extract_information fd
+  in
+  close_in fd;
+  (package,version)
+let get_package_version base_dir = 
+  let (source,version) = get_source_version base_dir
+  in
+  let str_package = Str.regexp (
+    "^Package:[ \\t]*\\([a-z0-9\\+\\.\\-]*\\).*$"
+    )
+  in
+  let rec extract_information fd =
+    try
+      let line = input_line fd
+      in
+      if Str.string_match str_package line 0 then
+        begin
+          let str = Str.matched_group 1 line
+          in
+          str :: (extract_information fd)
+        end
+      else
+        begin
+          (extract_information fd)
+        end
+    with End_of_file ->
+      []
+  in
+  let fd = 
+    (*print_endline ("Examining "^(Filename.concat base_dir "debian/control"));*)
+    open_in (Filename.concat base_dir "debian/control")
+  in
+  let package = extract_information fd
+  in
+  close_in fd;
+  (package,version)
+type find = NotAtAll | Package | Version
+let get_dpkg_source_version dpkg_file package  =
+  let str_version = Str.regexp (
+    "^Version:[ \\t]*\\([a-z0-9\\+\\.\\-]*\\)"
+    )
+  in
+  let str_package = Str.regexp ( 
+    "^Package:[ \\t]*"^( Str.quote package )
+    )
+  in
+  let result = ref "(not_found)"
+  in
+  let find = ref NotAtAll
+  in
+  let rec find_version_information fd =
+    try
+      while !find <> Version do
+        let line = input_line fd
+        in
+        if !find = Package && Str.string_match str_version line 0 then
+          begin
+            result := Str.matched_group 1 line;
+            find := Version
+          end
+        else if !find = NotAtAll && Str.string_match str_package line 0 then
+          begin
+            find := Package
+          end
+        else 
+          ()
+      done;
+      !result
+    with End_of_file ->
+      !result
+  in
+  let fd = 
+    (*print_endline ("dpkg-query --print-avail "^package);*)
+    open_in dpkg_file 
+  in
+  let version = find_version_information fd
+  in
+  close_in fd;
+  version
+let get_svn_info_base_svn base_dir = 
+  let str_url = Str.regexp (
+    "^URL: \\(.*\\)$"
+    )
+  in
+  let rec extract_information fd =
+    try
+      let line = input_line fd
+      in
+      if Str.string_match str_url line 0 then
+        Str.matched_group 1 line
+      else
+        extract_information fd
+    with End_of_file ->
+      raise Not_found
+  in
+  let fd = 
+    (*print_endline ("svn info "^base_dir);*)
+    Unix.open_process_in ("svn info "^base_dir)
+  in
+  let base_svn = extract_information fd
+  in
+  ignore(Unix.close_process_in fd);
+  base_svn
+let get_svn_tags base_dir = 
+  let base_svn = get_svn_info_base_svn base_dir
+  in
+  let rec extract_information fd = 
+    try
+      let line = input_line fd
+      in
+      line :: (extract_information fd)
+    with End_of_file ->
+      []
+  in
+  let fd = 
+    (*print_endline ("svn list "^base_svn^"/../tags");*)
+    Unix.open_process_in ("svn list "^base_svn^"/../tags")
+  in
+  let tags = extract_information fd
+  in
+  ignore(Unix.close_process_in fd);
+  tags
+type action = CheckTags | Inject
+let doit action base_svn dpkg_file base_dir = 
+  try 
+    match action with
+        Inject ->
+          begin
+            let (source,version) = get_source_version base_dir
+            in
+            ignore (Sys.command ("svn import "^(base_dir)^" "^(base_svn)^"/"^source^"/trunk"));
+            ignore (Sys.command ("svn mkdir "^(base_svn)^"/"^source^"/tags"))
+          end
+      | CheckTags ->
+          begin
+            if dpkg_file <> "" then
+              let (source,version) = get_source_version base_dir
+              in
+              let main_version = get_dpkg_source_version dpkg_file source 
+              in
+              let tags = get_svn_tags base_dir
+              in
+              print_string (source^" : ");
+              begin
+                if List.mem (main_version^"/") tags then
+                  print_string ("Version "^main_version^" in the repository is tagged.")
+                else
+                  print_string ("Tags on current version "^main_version^" is not tagged ( [ "
+                  ^(String.concat " ; " tags)
+                  ^" ] ).")
+                end;
+              begin
+                if main_version <> version then
+                  print_string ("Source version "^version^" is not in the repository") 
+                else
+                  print_string ("Source version is in the repository")
+              end;
+              print_newline ()
+            else
+              failwith "No dpkg file given"
+          end
+  with Sys_error s ->
+    print_endline s
+let _ = 
+  let action = ref CheckTags
+  in
+  let base_svn = ref "svn+ssh://pkg-ocaml-maint.alioth.debian.org/svn/pkg-ocaml-maint/packages"
+  in
+  let base_dir = ref []
+  in
+  let dpkg_file = ref ""
+  in
+  let _ = Arg.parse [
+    ("--action", Arg.Symbol(
+      ["inject";"check-tags"],
+      ( fun symb ->
+        match symb with
+          "inject"        -> action := Inject
+        | "check-tags"    -> action := CheckTags
+        | _               -> ()
+      )), "Choose action to perfom (inject,check-tags)");
+    ("--base-svn", Arg.Set_string base_svn, "Base svn to use when injecting package");
+    ("--dpkg-file", Arg.Set_string dpkg_file, "File to search for source version")
+  ]
+  ( fun s -> base_dir := s :: !base_dir )
+  "Opkg by Sylvain Le Gall -- Version 0.1"
+  in
+  List.iter (doit !action !base_svn !dpkg_file) !base_dir;
+  print_newline ()

Propchange: trunk/projects/dh-make-ocaml/trunk/opkg-inject
    svn:executable = *

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