[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] r5291 - in /trunk/packages/planets/trunk/debian: changelog patches/ patches/01_buildflags.patch patches/02_string_random_bodies.patch patches/03_fix_desktop_file.patch patches/04_german_translation.patch

mpitt at users.alioth.debian.org mpitt at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue Mar 4 08:40:44 UTC 2008

Author: mpitt
Date: Tue Mar  4 08:40:44 2008
New Revision: 5291

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-ocaml-maint/?sc=1&rev=5291
* Split out formerly inline patches to debian/patches/, using


Modified: trunk/packages/planets/trunk/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-ocaml-maint/trunk/packages/planets/trunk/debian/changelog?rev=5291&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/planets/trunk/debian/changelog (original)
+++ trunk/packages/planets/trunk/debian/changelog Tue Mar  4 08:40:44 2008
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
 planets (0.1.13-5) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
   * Convert to cdbs.
+  * Split out formerly inline patches to debian/patches/, using
+    simple-patchsys.mk.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org>  Tue, 04 Mar 2008 09:21:48 +0100
+ -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org>  Tue, 04 Mar 2008 09:40:07 +0100
 planets (0.1.13-4) unstable; urgency=medium

Added: trunk/packages/planets/trunk/debian/patches/01_buildflags.patch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-ocaml-maint/trunk/packages/planets/trunk/debian/patches/01_buildflags.patch?rev=5291&op=file
--- trunk/packages/planets/trunk/debian/patches/01_buildflags.patch (added)
+++ trunk/packages/planets/trunk/debian/patches/01_buildflags.patch Tue Mar  4 08:40:44 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,12 @@
+# Description: Remove -custom build flag, replace -g with variable $(DEBUGFLAGS)
+--- trunk/Makefile	2007-06-20 04:20:50.000000000 +0200
++++ trunk.new/Makefile	2008-03-04 09:26:54.000000000 +0100
+@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
+ CAMLP4=-pp $(CAMLP4O)
+ OCAMLDEP=ocamldep
+ CAMLLIBS=unix.cma str.cma labltk.cma # libjpf.cma mylibs.cma
+-OCAMLFLAGS=$(INCLUDES) $(CAMLP4) -g -custom $(CAMLLIBS) -cclib -lunix 
+ OCAMLOPTFLAGS=$(INCLUDES) $(CAMLP4) $(CAMLLIBS:.cma=.cmxa) -inline 50 -cclib -lunix

Added: trunk/packages/planets/trunk/debian/patches/02_string_random_bodies.patch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-ocaml-maint/trunk/packages/planets/trunk/debian/patches/02_string_random_bodies.patch?rev=5291&op=file
--- trunk/packages/planets/trunk/debian/patches/02_string_random_bodies.patch (added)
+++ trunk/packages/planets/trunk/debian/patches/02_string_random_bodies.patch Tue Mar  4 08:40:44 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,24 @@
+# Description: Fix crash in C locale due to un-i18n'ed string
+# Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=194402
+--- trunk/display.ml	2007-06-20 04:20:50.000000000 +0200
++++ trunk.new/display.ml	2008-03-04 09:31:13.000000000 +0100
+@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
+     Options.add_option obox  
+       (new Options.void_entry_display
+-	 ~text:"New random bodies:" ());
++	 ~text:(Lstrings.get `random_bodies) ());
+     Options.add_option_live obox diameter_multiplier
+       (new Options.float_entry_option
+diff -Nur -x '*.orig' -x '*~' trunk/lstrings.ml trunk.new/lstrings.ml
+--- trunk/lstrings.ml	2007-06-20 04:20:50.000000000 +0200
++++ trunk.new/lstrings.ml	2008-03-04 09:31:13.000000000 +0100
+@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
+   | `dismiss -> "Dismiss"
+   | `options -> "Options"
+   | `at_startup -> "Display this screen at startup?"
++  | `random_bodies -> "New random bodies:"
+   | `prologue -> "Welcome to Planets!
+ Planets is a simple orbital planetary simulator.  A short 
+ introduction to planets can be found at:

Added: trunk/packages/planets/trunk/debian/patches/03_fix_desktop_file.patch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-ocaml-maint/trunk/packages/planets/trunk/debian/patches/03_fix_desktop_file.patch?rev=5291&op=file
--- trunk/packages/planets/trunk/debian/patches/03_fix_desktop_file.patch (added)
+++ trunk/packages/planets/trunk/debian/patches/03_fix_desktop_file.patch Tue Mar  4 08:40:44 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,14 @@
+# Description: Fix properties in .desktop file
+--- trunk/planets.desktop	2007-06-20 04:20:50.000000000 +0200
++++ trunk.new/planets.desktop	2008-03-04 09:36:58.000000000 +0100
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ Comment=A simple interactive program for playing with simulations of planetary systems
+ Comment[da]=Et simpelt interaktivt program til at lege med simulering af planetsystemer
+ Exec=planets
+ Type=Application

Added: trunk/packages/planets/trunk/debian/patches/04_german_translation.patch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-ocaml-maint/trunk/packages/planets/trunk/debian/patches/04_german_translation.patch?rev=5291&op=file
--- trunk/packages/planets/trunk/debian/patches/04_german_translation.patch (added)
+++ trunk/packages/planets/trunk/debian/patches/04_german_translation.patch Tue Mar  4 08:40:44 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,77 @@
+# Description: Add German translation
+--- trunk/lstrings.ml	2008-03-04 09:37:57.000000000 +0100
++++ trunk.new/lstrings.ml	2008-03-04 09:38:05.000000000 +0100
+@@ -140,6 +140,65 @@
+ "
+   | _ -> raise Not_found
++let german word = match word with
++  | `paused -> "Angehalten"
++  | `tracing -> "Spurverfolgung"
++  | `true_bounce -> "Bouncing (experimentell)"
++  | `trace_length -> "Spurlänge"
++  | `disp_period -> "Bilddauer (ms)"
++  | `g -> "G"
++  | `grav_exp -> "exp. G"
++  | `diam_mult -> "Mittlerer Durchmesser"
++  | `rand_vel_mult -> "Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit"
++  | `log_k_energy -> "log k Energie"
++  | `log_p_energy -> "log p Energie"
++  | `log_energy -> "log. Energie"
++  | `num_planets -> "Anzahl Planeten"
++  | `add_planet -> "Planet hinzufügen"
++  | `zoom_in -> "Hereinzoomen"
++  | `zoom_out -> "Herauszoomen"
++  | `iter_display -> "Iterationen/Bild"
++  | `time_step -> "Zeitschritt"
++  | `toggle_true_bounce -> "Echtes abprallen ein/aus"
++  | `toggle_bounce -> "Abprallen ein/aus"
++  | `center -> "Zentrieren"
++  | `option_dialog -> "Optionsdialog anzeigen"
++  | `change_all_colors -> "Alle Farben ändern"
++  | `quit -> "Beenden"
++  | `reset -> "Auf leeres Universum zurücksetzen"
++  | `save -> "Universum speichern"
++  | `load -> "Universum laden"
++  | `undo -> "Letzen hinzugefügten Planet löschen"
++  | `goback -> "Zuletzt hinzugefügten Planeten löschen"
++  | `toggle_pause -> "Animation pausieren/weiter"
++  | `toggle_trace -> "Spur ein/aus"
++  | `double_trace -> "Spurlänge verdoppeln"
++  | `halve_trace -> "Spurlänge halbieren"
++  | `place_random_orbital -> "Zufälligen orbitalen Planeten hinzufügen"
++  | `place_random_orbital_uni -> "Zufälligen orbitalen Planeten hinzufügen (unidirektional)"
++  | `place_random -> "Zufälligen Planeten hinzufügen"
++  | `cancel_com -> "Verfolgung des Massezentrums abschalten"
++  | `pan_up -> "Aufwärts scrollen"
++  | `pan_down -> "Abwärts scrollen"
++  | `pan_left -> "Nach links scrollen"
++  | `pan_right -> "Nach rechts scrollen"
++  | `display_help -> "Dieses Hilfefenster anzeigen"
++  | `help -> "Hilfe"
++  | `dismiss -> "Schließen"
++  | `options -> "Optionen"
++  | `at_startup -> "Diese Hilfe beim Start anzeigen?"
++  | `random_bodies -> "Neue zufällige Planeten:"
++  | `prologue -> "Willkommen zu planets!
++Planets ist ein einfacher Simulator für die orbitale Bewegung von
++Planeten. Eine kurze Einführung ist zu finden unter:
++   http://planets.homedns.org/getting_started.html
++Es folgt die Tastenbelegung. Eine Beschreibung der Tasten ist in der Datei
++KEYBINDINGS.txt zu finden, die mit diesem Programm ausgeliefert wird.
++  | _ -> raise Not_found
+ let maxsub string ~pos ~len =
+   let len = min len (String.length string - pos) in
+   String.sub string ~pos ~len
+@@ -160,6 +219,7 @@
+     match maxsub ~pos:0 ~len:2 (Sys.getenv "LANG") with 
+       | "en" -> english word
+       | "da" -> danish word
++      | "de" -> german word
+       | _ -> english word
+   ) with
+       Not_found -> english word

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