[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] [SCM] ocaml-batteries packaging branch, debian/missing-doc, updated. upstream/0.20081011-729-gca1004d

Stefano Zacchiroli zack at upsilon.cc
Wed Apr 1 15:07:00 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the debian/missing-doc branch:
commit a70e9f136bad0749b5d4f5149e0ead3ac774a3ab
Merge: aba6c038fd28c995212c16e4017c1fc5c9bc6589 f6b1a23d51b94c8e261cd45645a6d9f803f1f323
Author: Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at upsilon.cc>
Date:   Wed Apr 1 15:50:53 2009 +0200

    Merge commit 'refs/top-bases/debian/missing-doc' into debian/missing-doc

diff --combined src/batteries_toolchain/batteries_help.ml
index 12a917a,be9696f..4e2daf4
--- a/src/batteries_toolchain/batteries_help.ml
+++ b/src/batteries_toolchain/batteries_help.ml
@@@ -1,6 -1,6 +1,6 @@@
   * Batteries_help - Calling the help system from the toplevel
-  * Copyright (C) 2008 David Teller, LIFO, Universite d'Orleans
+  * Copyright (C) 2009 David Teller, LIFO, Universite d'Orleans
   * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@@ -24,319 -24,375 +24,397 @@@ open ExtStrin
  open ExtList
  open IO
+ (*let debug fmt =
+   Printf.eprintf fmt*)
+ let debug fmt =
+   Printf.fprintf IO.stdnull fmt
+ (**
+    {6 Kinds}
+ *)
+ type kinds = 
+   | Values
+   | Types
+   | Topics
+   | Modules
+   | Exns
+   | Modtypes
+   | Classes
+   | Methods
+   | Attributes
+   | Objtypes
+ (** Parse a category name into a topic.*)
+ let kind_of_name = function
+   | "topic" | "language"   -> Some Topics
+   | "values"   -> Some Values
+   | "types"    -> Some Types
+   | "modules"  -> Some Modules
+   | "exceptions"| "exns"         -> Some Exns
+   | "modtypes"  | "module_types" -> Some Modtypes
+   | "classes"                    -> Some Classes
+   | "methods"                    -> Some Methods
+   | "attributes"                 -> Some Attributes
+   | "class_types"                -> Some Objtypes
+   | _                            -> None
+ (**
+    {6 Tables}
+ *)
- type url = string
+ type url       = string(**A kind of string used to represent URLs. Distinguished for documentation purposes.*)
+ type qualified = string(**A kind of string used to represent fully-qualified names.*)
+ type unqualif  = string(**A kind of string used to represent unqualified names, i.e. names without their module.*)
+ type package   = string(**A lomd pf stromg used to represent help providers.*)
+ type suggestion =
+     {
+       url       : url(**The url to open in the browser to visit help on this suggestion.*);
+       spackage  : package(**The package which provides the url.*);
+     }
+ type completion =
+     {
+       qualified: qualified (**A possible qualified name matching the request*);
+       cpackage : package (**The package which provides the completion.*)
+     }
  type table =
-       url :     (string, string * url)                Hashtbl.t (**A map from fully qualified name to 
- 								 - the name of the help package containing the item
- 								 - the full URL for the help on that item.*);
-       complete: (string, (string * string) RefList.t) Hashtbl.t (**A map from unqualified name to a list of
- 								 - name of the help packages containing the item
- 								 - fully qualified names for this name.*)
+       suggestions: (qualified, suggestion)     Hashtbl.t(**A map from fully qualified name to suggestions.*);
+       completions: (unqualif, completion list) Hashtbl.t(**A map from unqualified name to a list of completions.*)
- let table () =
-   { url      = Hashtbl.create 16;
-     complete = Hashtbl.create 16 }
- let language = table ()
- let values   = table ()
- let types    = table ()
- let modules  = table ()
- let exns     = table ()
- let modtypes = table ()
- let classes  = table ()
- let methods  = table ()
- let attributes=table ()
- let objtypes = table ()
- let browse name url =
-   Printf.printf "Opening %s\n%!" name;
-   if Batteries_config.browse url <> 0 then
-     Printf.eprintf "Sorry, I had a problem communicating with your browser and I couldn't open the manual.\n%!"
- let go kind item source url = browse (Printf.sprintf "help on %s %S (%s)" kind item source) url
- (*let tutorial () =
-   browse "on-line OCaml Tutorial" "http://www.ocaml-tutorial.org/"*)
+ (**
+    Convert a table of reflists to a table of lists.
+ *)
+ let table_of_tableref t = 
+   let result = Hashtbl.create (Hashtbl.length t) in
+     Hashtbl.iter (fun k d -> Hashtbl.add result k (RefList.to_list d)) t;
+     result
- (*let debug fmt =
-   Printf.eprintf fmt*)
- let debug fmt =
-   Printf.fprintf IO.stdnull fmt
+ let append_to_table table k v =
+     let found = 
+       try Hashtbl.find table k
+       with Not_found -> 
+ 	let l = RefList.empty ()
+ 	in Hashtbl.add table k l;
+ 	  l
+     in
+       RefList.push found v
- let find_help command table kind item =
-   try `Direct (Hashtbl.find table.url item)
-   with 
-     Not_found -> debug "[find_help] Nothing about %s %S, assuming it's a fully qualified name.\n%!" kind item;
-     try
-     let completions = Hashtbl.find table.complete item in
-       match RefList.length completions with
- 	| 0 -> debug "[find_help] No completion about %s %S\n%!" kind item;
- 	    `None
- 	| 1 -> debug "[find_help] There's one completion about %s %S\n%!" kind item;
- 	       (try `Direct (Hashtbl.find table.url (snd (RefList.hd completions)))
-                 with Not_found -> `Inconsistency)
- 	| n -> debug "[find_help] Total of %d completions for %s %S\n%!" n kind item;
- 	    `Suggestions (List.map (fun (_, item) -> Printf.sprintf "%s %S;;" command item) (RefList.to_list completions))
-     with Not_found -> `None
-    Do all the work of attempting to display the help.
-    @param command The human-readable name of the command currently launched.
-    @param table   The table in which to look for help.
-    @param kind    The human-readable kind of help being looked for.
-    @param kinds   The human-readable kind of help being looked for (plural form)
-    @param item    The item requested by the user.
++   {6 Help messages}
- let man_aux command table kind kinds item =
-   match find_help command table kind item with
-     | `Direct (source, url)   -> go kind item source url
-     | `None | `Inconsistency  -> Printf.printf "Sorry, I don't know any %s named %S.\n%!" kind item
-     | `Suggestions l          ->
- 	Printf.printf "Several %s exist with name %S. To obtain the help on one of them, please use one of\n %a%!"
- 	  kinds item 
- 	(List.print
- 	  ~first:""
- 	  ~sep:"\n "
- 	  ~last:"\n"
- 	  String.print)
- 	  l
- let man_value    = man_aux "#man_value"      values     "value"                 "values"
- let man_type     = man_aux "#man_type"       types      "type"                  "types"
- let man_language = man_aux "#man_language"   language   "language topic"        "language topics"
- let man_module   = man_aux "#man_module"     modules    "module"                "modules"
- let man_exception= man_aux "#man_exception"  exns       "exception"             "exceptions"
- let man_exn      = man_exception
- let man_signature= man_aux "#man_signature"  modtypes   "signature"             "signatures"
- let man_modtype  = man_signature
- let man_class    = man_aux "#man_class"      classes    "class"                 "classes"
- let man_method   = man_aux "#man_method"     methods    "method"                "methods"
- let man_attribute= man_aux "#man_attributes" attributes "attribute"             "attributes"
- let man_field    = man_attribute
- let man_objtype  = man_aux "#man_objtype"    objtypes   "object type"           "object types"
- (*command name,    table,     singular name, plural name, indefinite name*)
- let helpers = [("#man_value",     values   , "value",     "values",     "a value");
- 	       ("#man_type",      types    , "type",      "types",      "a type" );
- 	       ("#man_language",  language , "language construction",   "language topics","a language topic");
- 	       ("#man_module",    modules  , "module",    "modules",    "a module"     );
- 	       ("#man_exception", exns     , "exception", "exceptions", "an exception");
- 	       ("#man_signature", modtypes , "signature", "signatures", "a signature" );
- 	       ("#man_class",     classes  , "class",     "classes",    "a class"     );
- 	       ("#man_method",    methods,   "method",    "methods",    "a method"    );
- 	       ("#man_attribute", attributes,"attribute", "attributes", "an attribute"    );
- 	       ("#man_objtype",   objtypes , "object type", "object types", "an object type")]
- let man item =
-   let results = List.map (fun (command, table, kind, kinds, a_kind) -> 
- 			    (command, find_help command table kind item, kind, kinds, a_kind))
-     helpers in
-       match List.fold_left 
- 	(fun acc (command, result, kind, kinds, a_kind) -> match result with
- 	   | `None | `Inconsistency -> acc
- 	   | `Direct destination    -> 
- 	       let line = Printf.sprintf "%s. For more information on %S as %s, you may use\n  %s %S;;\n" 
- 		 a_kind item a_kind command item in
- 		 begin
- 		   match acc with
- 		     | `None_so_far                      -> `One_possibility (destination, kind, line)
- 		     | `One_possibility (_, _, previous) -> `Several_possibilities [previous;line]
- 		     | `Several_possibilities l          -> `Several_possibilities (line::l)
- 		 end
- 	   | `Suggestions l         ->
- 	       let line = 
- 		 Printf.sprintf2 "%s, with several possibilities. For more information on %S as %s, you may use\n%a" a_kind item a_kind
- 		    (List.print ~first:"  " ~sep:"\n  " ~last:"" String.print) l
- 	       in
- 	       match acc with
- 		 | `None_so_far                      -> `Several_possibilities [line]
- 		 | `One_possibility (_, _, previous) -> `Several_possibilities [previous; line]
- 		 | `Several_possibilities previous   -> `Several_possibilities (line::previous)
- 	)
- 	`None_so_far results with
- 	  | `None_so_far                              -> Printf.printf "Sorry, I can't help you with %S.\n%!" item
- 	  | `One_possibility ((source, url), kind, _) -> go kind item source url
- 	  | `Several_possibilities lines              ->
- 	      let first = Printf.sprintf "Several definitions exist for %S.\nThis item exists as " item
- 	      and sep   = Printf.sprintf "\nItem %S also exists as " item in
- 		Printf.printf "%a\n%!" (List.print ~first ~sep ~last:"\n" String.print) lines;;
 +let debian_doc_hint_warn =
 +  "Warning: help will not be available, because Batteries documentation\n"
 +  ^ "is not installed.\n"
 +let debian_doc_hint_req =
 +  "You have requested Batteries-specific help, but Batteries documentation\n"
 +  ^ "is not installed.\n"
 +let debian_doc_hint_inst =
 +  "To fix this: please install the `libbatteries-ocaml-doc' Debian package\n"
 +  ^ "(which ships Batteries documentation and its indexes) and try again.\n"
- (** {6 Add directives}*)
- module Extend =
- struct
-   type kind =
-     | Language
-     | Values  
-     | Types
-     | Modules
-     | Exceptions
-     | Module_types
-     | Classes
-     | Methods
-     | Attributes
-     | Class_types
-   let basename name =
-     try let index = String.rindex name '.' in
-       String.sub name ( index + 1 ) (String.length name - index - 1) 
-     with Not_found -> name
-   let append_to_table table k (v:(string * string)) =
-     let found = 
-       try Hashtbl.find table k
-       with Not_found -> 
- 	let l = RefList.empty ()
- 	in Hashtbl.add table k l;
- 	  l
-     in
-       RefList.push found v
+    {6 Browsing}
+ *)
-   let register ~name ~kind ~index ~prefix =
-     let prefix = if String.length prefix = 0 then "/"
-                  else if String.get prefix (String.length prefix - 1) = '/' then prefix
-                  else prefix^"/"
-     in
-     let table = match kind with
-       | Language       -> language
-       | Values         -> values
-       | Types          -> types
-       | Modules        -> modules
-       | Exceptions     -> exns
-       | Module_types   -> modtypes
-       | Classes        -> classes
-       | Methods        -> methods
-       | Attributes     -> attributes
-       | Class_types    -> objtypes
-     in
-       try
- 	debug "Now registering file %s (%s)\n" index name;
-       Enum.iter 
- 	(fun line -> 
- 	   Scanf.sscanf line " %S : %S " (fun item url ->
- 	     let full_url = try ignore (String.find url "://");
- 	                        url
- 	                    with Invalid_string -> prefix^url
- 	     in
- 	     Hashtbl.add table.url item (name, full_url); (*Add fully qualified name -> url*)
- 	     append_to_table table.complete (basename item) (name, item);
- 	     debug "Adding manual %S => %S (%S)\n" item full_url name;
- 	     debug "Adding completion %S => %S (%S)\n" (basename item) item name
- 	))
- 	(File.lines_of index)
-       with e -> 
- 	Printf.eprintf
- 	  "While initializing the on-line help, error reading index file %S\n%s%!"
- 	  index (Printexc.to_string e)
-   let auto_register () =
-     let root_dir   = Batteries_config.documentation_root in
-     let root_file  = Filename.concat root_dir "documentation.idex" in
-       begin
-       try
+ let browse pages =
+   try
+     List.iter (fun page -> 
+ 		 debug "Showing %s\n" page.url;
+ 		 if Batteries_config.browse page.url <> 0 then failwith "Browser") pages
+   with Failure "Browser" -> 
+     Printf.eprintf "Sorry, I had a problem communicating with your browser and I couldn't open the manual.\n%!"
+ (**
+    {6 Loading}
+ *)
+ (**Extract the unqualified name of a possibly qualified name.
+    [local_name "a.b.c.d"] produces ["d"]*)
+ let local_name s =
+   try snd (String.rsplit s ".")
+   with String.Invalid_string -> s
+ (**
+    Load the contents of an index file into hash tables.
+ *)
+ let load_index ~name ~index ~prefix ~suggestions ~completions =
+   try
        (fun line -> 
- 	 Scanf.sscanf line "%s %s " 
- 	   (fun category index ->
-   	      let maybe_kind = 
- 		match category with
- 		| "language" -> Some Language
- 		| "values"   -> Some Values
- 		| "types"    -> Some Types
- 		| "modules"  -> Some Modules
- 		| "exceptions"| "exns"         -> Some Exceptions
- 		| "modtypes"  | "module_types" -> Some Module_types
- 		| "classes"                    -> Some Classes
- 		| "methods"                    -> Some Methods
- 		| "attributes"                 -> Some Attributes
- 		| "class_types"                -> Some Class_types
- 		| ""                           -> None
- 		| _                            -> Printf.eprintf 
- 		    "Warning: During the initialization of the help system from index %S, I don't know what to do with category %S\n%!" 
- 		      root_file category;
- 		    None
+ 	 Scanf.sscanf line " %S : %S " 
+ 	   (fun item url ->
+ 	      let full_url = try ignore (String.find url "://"); url
+ 	      with Invalid_string -> prefix^url
- 		match maybe_kind with 
- 		    Some kind ->
- 		      let index          = Filename.concat  root_dir index in
- 		      let html_directory = Filename.dirname index       in
- 		      if Sys.file_exists index then
- 		        register ~name:"OCaml Batteries Included" ~kind
- 			  ~index
- 			  ~prefix:("file://"^html_directory)
- 		  | _ -> ()
- 	   )
-       )
-       (File.lines_of root_file)
-       with
- 	| Sys_error msg when String.ends_with msg "No such file or directory" ->
- 	    Printf.eprintf "%s%s%!" debian_doc_hint_warn debian_doc_hint_inst
- 	| e ->
- 	Printf.eprintf
- 	  "While initializing the on-line help, error root doc file %S\n%s%!" root_file
- 	  (Printexc.to_string e)
-       end
- (*;
-       List.iter 
- 	( fun(_, table, singular, _, _) ->
- 	    let file = "/tmp/"^singular in
- 	      Printf.eprintf "Dumping table %s to file %S\n %!" singular file;
- 	      File.with_file_out file (
- 		fun cout ->
- 		  Printf.fprintf cout "URL\n";
- 		  Hashtbl.iter (fun key (name, url) ->
- 				  Printf.fprintf cout "%s -> %s (%s)\n" key url name
- 			       ) table.url;
- 		  Printf.fprintf cout "\nCompletions\n";
- 		  Hashtbl.iter (fun key list ->
- 				  Printf.fprintf cout "%s -> %a\n" key 
- 				    (List.print 
- 				       (fun out (source, name) -> Printf.fprintf out "%s (%s)" name source
- 				       )) (RefList.to_list list)
- 			       ) table.complete
- 	      )
- 	) helpers*)
- end;;
+ 		Hashtbl.add suggestions item {spackage = name; url = full_url}; (*Add fully qualified name -> url*)
+ 		let basename = Filename.basename item in
+ 		let leafname = local_name basename    in
+ 		let completion={cpackage = name; qualified = item} in
+ 		append_to_table completions basename completion;
+ 		  if leafname <> basename then append_to_table completions leafname completion;
+ 		debug "Adding manual %S => %S (%S)\n" item full_url name;
+ 		debug "Adding completion %S => %S (%S)\n" basename item name;
+ 		debug "Adding completion %S => %S (%S)\n" leafname item name
+ 	   ))
+       (File.lines_of index)
+   with e -> 
+     Printf.eprintf
+       "While initializing the on-line help, error reading index file %S\n%s\n%!"
+       index (Printexc.to_string e)
+ (** Acquire a table, loading it if it hasn't been loaded yet.
+     {b Note} This function is thread-unsafe. Don't call it from any thread other than the main thread.
+ *)
+ let get_table =
+   let tables : (kinds, table) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 16
+   in fun kind ->
+     try Hashtbl.find tables kind
+     with Not_found ->
+       let root_dir   = Batteries_config.documentation_root           in
+       let root_file  = Filename.concat root_dir "documentation.idex" in
+ 	try
+ 	  let suggestions = Hashtbl.create 256
+ 	  and completions = Hashtbl.create 256 in
+ 	  Enum.iter
+ 	    (fun line -> 
+ 	       try
+ 	       Scanf.sscanf line "%s %s " 
+ 		 (fun category index ->
+ 		    match kind_of_name category with
+ 		      | Some k when k = kind ->
+ 			  let index          = Filename.concat  root_dir index in
+ 			  let html_directory = Filename.dirname index          in
+ 			    if Sys.file_exists index then
+ 		              load_index
+ 				~name:"OCaml Batteries Included" 
+ 				~index
+ 				~prefix:("file://"^html_directory^"/")
+ 				~suggestions
+ 				~completions
+ 		      | _ -> ()
+ 		 )
+ 	       with _ -> () (*At this point, ignore syntax errors, they're probably comments.*)
+ 	    ) 
+ 	    (File.lines_of root_file);
+ 	    let result = {suggestions = suggestions; completions = table_of_tableref completions} in
+ 	      Hashtbl.add tables kind result;
+ 	      result
 -	with e ->
++	with
++	  | Sys_error msg when String.ends_with msg "No such file or directory" ->
++	      Printf.eprintf "%s%s%!" debian_doc_hint_warn debian_doc_hint_inst
++	  | e ->
+ 	  Printf.eprintf
+ 	    "While initializing the on-line help, error in root doc file %S\n%s\n%!" root_file
+ 	    (Printexc.to_string e);
+ 	    let result = {suggestions = Hashtbl.create 0; completions = Hashtbl.create 0} in
+ 	      Hashtbl.add tables kind result;
+ 	      result
+ (**
+    {6 Searching}
+ *)
+ (**Print a warning regarding inconsistencies.*)
+ let inconsistency topic subject = 
+   Printf.eprintf "Configuration issue: the help system promises something about a %s called %S but does not contain anything such. There may be an error with your installation of the documentation.\n" topic subject
+ (**
+    Find all the URL of each qualified name from a list of completions.
+    Qualified names which can't be found in the table are dropped and a warning is printed.
+ *)
+ let result_of_completions table singular subject (l:completion list) =
+   List.filter_map (fun {qualified = q} -> try Some (Hashtbl.find table.suggestions q) with Not_found -> 
+ 		inconsistency singular subject; (*Report internal inconsistency*)
+ 		None) l
+ (**A deconstructor for [completion].*)
+ let get_qualified {qualified = q} = q
+ (**
+    Look for a given subject inside one of the manuals
+    @param cmd The command used to invoke this manual. This string is used to suggest further searches.
+    @param singular The singular noun corresponding to this manual. This string is used to display
+    information regarding where the information may be found.
+    @param plural The plural noun corresponding to this manual. This string is used to display
+    information regarding where the information may be found.
+    @param undefined The undefined noun corresponding to this manual. This string is used to display
+    information regarding where the information may be found.
+    @param kind The key corresponding to the manual.
+    @param subject The subject to search inside a manual.
+ *)
+ let man_aux ~cmd ~kind ~singular ~plural ~undefined  subject =
+   try
+     let table = get_table kind in
+       try match Hashtbl.find table.completions subject with
+ 	| []                -> `No_result (*No completion on the subject, report subject not found*)
+ 	| [{qualified = q}] as l -> (*Check for inconsistency*)
+ 	    (try ignore (Hashtbl.find table.suggestions q); `Suggestions (l, table)
+ 	    with Not_found -> inconsistency singular subject; `No_result)
+ 	| l                -> `Suggestions (l, table)
+       with Not_found -> `No_result
+   with Sys_error e -> 
+     Printf.printf "Sorry, I had a problem loading the help on %s. Deactivating help on that subject.\n Detailed error message is %s\n" plural e;
+     `No_result
+ (**
+    Look for a given subject inside one of the manuals and display the results.
+    @param cmd The command used to invoke this manual. This string is used to suggest further searches.
+    @param singular The singular noun corresponding to this manual. This string is used to display
+    information regarding where the information may be found.
+    @param plural The plural noun corresponding to this manual. This string is used to display
+    information regarding where the information may be found.
+    @param undefined The undefined noun corresponding to this manual. This string is used to display
+    information regarding where the information may be found.
+    @param kind The key corresponding to the manual.
+    @param tabs If [true], all matching subjects will be opened, each one in its tab. Otherwise,
+    a message will allow selecting one subject.
+    @param subject The subject to search inside a manual.
+ *)
+ let man ~cmd ~kind ~singular ~plural ~undefined ~tabs subject =
+   match man_aux ~cmd ~kind ~singular ~plural ~undefined subject
+   with  `No_result       -> Printf.printf "Sorry, I don't know any %s named %S.\n%!" singular subject
+     |   `Suggestions (l,table) when tabs -> browse (result_of_completions table singular subject l)
+     |   `Suggestions ([h],table)         -> browse (result_of_completions table singular subject [h])
+     |   `Suggestions (l,_) -> 
+ 	  Printf.printf "Several %s exist with name %S. To obtain help on one of them, please use one of\n %a%!"
+ 	    plural subject
+ 	    (List.print ~first:"" ~sep:"\n " ~last:"\n" (fun out {qualified = q} -> Printf.fprintf out " %s %S\n" cmd q))
+ 	    l
+ (**
+    Look for a given subject across all manuals and display the results.
+ *)
+ let man_all sources ~tabs subject =
+   let found_something = 
+     if tabs then
+       List.fold_left (fun was_found     (*Browse help directly*)
+ 			(cmd, kind, singular, plural, undefined) ->
+ 			  match man_aux ~cmd ~kind ~singular ~plural ~undefined subject with
+ 			    | `No_result     -> was_found
+ 			    | `Suggestions (l, table) -> 
+ 				match result_of_completions table singular subject l with
+ 				  | [] -> false (*Inconsistency*)
+ 				  | l' -> let _ = browse l' in true)
+ 	false sources
+     else
+       match
+     List.fold_left 
+       (fun (((result_as_strings : string list)(**The text to display, as a list of strings, one string per kind.*),
+ 	    one_suggestion    (**The latest suggestion -- used only in case there's only one suggestion.*)) as acc)
+ 	 (cmd, kind, singular, plural, undefined) ->
+ 	   match man_aux ~cmd ~kind ~singular ~plural ~undefined subject with
+ 	     | `No_result                -> acc
+ 	     | `Suggestions ([h], table) -> 
+ 		 let display : string =
+ 		   Printf.sprintf "There's information on %S in %s. To read this information, please use\n %s %S%!"
+ 		   subject plural cmd h.qualified in
+ 		 (display :: result_as_strings, `Browse (h, table, singular))
+ 	     | `Suggestions (l,_)  ->
+ 		 let display : string = 
+ 		   Printf.sprintf2 "There's information on %S in %s. To read this information, please use one of\n%a%!"
+ 		     subject plural
+ 		     (List.print ~first:"" ~sep:"" ~last:"" 
+ 			(fun out {qualified = q} -> Printf.fprintf out " %s %S\n" cmd q))
+ 		     l
+ 		 in (display::result_as_strings, `No_browsing))
+       ([], `No_result) sources
+       with 
+ 	| ([], _)                 -> false (*No result*)
+ 	| ([h],`Browse (l,table, singular) ) -> (match result_of_completions table singular subject [l] with
+ 	    | [] -> false (*Inconsistency*)
+ 	    | l' -> let _ = browse l' in true)
+ 	| (texts, _) ->
+ 	    Printf.printf "Several definitions exist for %S.\n%a%!" subject
+ 	      (List.print ~first:"" ~sep:"\n" ~last:"\n" String.print)
+ 	      texts;
+ 	    true
+   in if not found_something then
+       Printf.printf "Sorry, I don't know anything about %S.\n%!" subject
+ (**
+    {6 Registration}
+ *)
+ (** The various functions which may be used to access the manual.*)
+ let helpers = 
+   let sources = 
+     [("#man_value",     Values   , "value",       "values",     "a value");
+      ("#man_type",      Types    , "type",        "types",      "a type" );
+      ("#man_topic",     Topics   , "topic",       "topics",     "a topic");
+      ("#man_module",    Modules  , "module",      "modules",    "a module"     );
+      ("#man_exception", Exns     , "exception",   "exceptions", "an exception");
+      ("#man_signature", Modtypes , "signature",   "signatures", "a signature" );
+      ("#man_class",     Classes  , "class",       "classes",    "a class"     );
+      ("#man_method",    Methods,   "method",      "methods",    "a method"    );
+      ("#man_attribute", Attributes,"attribute",   "attributes", "an attribute"    );
+      ("#man_objtype",   Objtypes , "object type", "object types", "an object type")]
+   in
+     ("man", man_all sources ~tabs:false)::
+     (List.map (fun (cmd, kind, singular, plural, undefined) -> (String.sub cmd 1 (String.length cmd - 1),
+ 								man ~cmd ~kind ~singular ~plural ~undefined ~tabs:false)) sources)
+ (**Launch the introductory help text.*)
  let help () =
 +  try
    File.with_file_in (Batteries_config.documentation_root ^ "/toplevel.help")
      (fun file -> copy file stdout);
 -  flush stdout;;
 +  flush stdout
 +  with Sys_error msg when String.ends_with msg "No such file or directory" ->
 +    Printf.eprintf "%s%s%!" debian_doc_hint_req debian_doc_hint_inst
- let init () =
-   Extend.auto_register ();
-   List.iter
-     (fun (command, table, singular, plural, _) ->
-        let name = (String.sub command 1 (String.length command - 1)) (*remove leading "#"*) in
- 	 Hashtbl.add
- 	   Toploop.directive_table
- 	   name
- 	   (Toploop.Directive_string (man_aux command table singular plural)))
-     helpers;
-   Hashtbl.add
-     Toploop.directive_table
-     "man"
-     (Toploop.Directive_string man);
-   Hashtbl.add
-     Toploop.directive_table
-     "help"
-     (Toploop.Directive_none help)
+ (**Print the signature of a module.*)
+ let print_module name = 
+   try
+     let flattened = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "[^_0-9a-zA-Z]") "__" name in
+     let phrase = !Toploop.parse_toplevel_phrase (Lexing.from_string (Printf.sprintf "module %s = %s;;" flattened name)) in
+       ignore (Toploop.execute_phrase true Format.std_formatter phrase)
+   with _ -> ();;
+ let man = List.assoc "man" helpers
+ (** Initialize the help system (lazily)*)
+ let init () =
+   try 
+     (*The manual*)
+     List.iter (fun (key, search) -> Hashtbl.add Toploop.directive_table key (Toploop.Directive_string search))
+       helpers;
+     (*Directive #help*)
+     Hashtbl.add
+       Toploop.directive_table
+       "help"
+       (Toploop.Directive_none help);
+     (*Directive #browse*)
+     Hashtbl.add
+       Toploop.directive_table
+       "browse"
+       (Toploop.Directive_string print_module)
+   with e -> Printf.printf "Error while initializing help system:\n%s\n%!" (Printexc.to_string e)

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