[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] [SCM] pkglab packaging branch, master, updated. debian/1.4.2-4-1-gcfff244

Ralf Treinen treinen at free.fr
Thu Aug 13 19:33:54 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit cfff24433771cacfda87f497355e9d42f4c799e5
Author: Ralf Treinen <treinen at free.fr>
Date:   Thu Aug 13 21:33:12 2009 +0200

    resynchronisation with upstream: rpm synthesis, spacing in code

diff --git a/distcheck/common.ml b/distcheck/common.ml
index 4da1998..d8799e7 100644
--- a/distcheck/common.ml
+++ b/distcheck/common.ml
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ and pkgs_to_check_only = ref []
   (* indicates that some packages that were asked to be checked are *)
   (* not available. *)
 and packages_are_missing = ref false;;
+let rpm_synthesis = ref false;;
 let db = create_database ();;
 let architecture_index = get_architecture_index db;;
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ begin
 	let pkgs_old = Functions.packages db in
 	(let s2 = if s = "-" then
-    let (n, c) = Filename.open_temp_file "distcheck" "" in
+    let (n, c) = Filename.open_temp_file "distcheck" (if !rpm_synthesis then "synthesis" else "") in
         while true
@@ -231,7 +232,7 @@ begin
-let speclist = [
+let speclist = ref [
 	("-explain", Set explain_results, "Explain the results");
 	("-failures", Clear show_successes, "Only show failures");
 	("-successes", Clear show_failures, "Only show successes");
@@ -244,15 +245,17 @@ let speclist = [
 let _ =
-  if Util.string_contains Sys.argv.(0) "debcheck" then
-    dist_type := `Debian
-  else if Util.string_contains Sys.argv.(0) "rpmcheck" then
-    dist_type := `RPM
-  else if Util.string_contains Sys.argv.(0) "pscheck" then
-    dist_type := `Pkgsrc
-  else (Printf.eprintf "Warning: unknown name '%s', behaving like debcheck\n%!" Sys.argv.(0);
-	dist_type := `Debian);
-  Arg.parse speclist (add_source true) "Distcheck v1.4.1";
+	if Util.string_contains Sys.argv.(0) "debcheck" then
+		dist_type := `Debian
+	else if Util.string_contains Sys.argv.(0) "rpmcheck" then
+  begin
+		dist_type := `RPM;
+    speclist := ("-synthesis", Set rpm_synthesis, "Use synthesis hdlist")::!speclist
+  end
+	else if Util.string_contains Sys.argv.(0) "pscheck" then
+		dist_type := `Pkgsrc
+	else (Printf.eprintf "Warning: unknown name '%s', behaving like debcheck\n%!" Sys.argv.(0); dist_type := `Debian);
+	Arg.parse !speclist (add_source true) "Distcheck v1.4.1";
   if not !source_added then add_source true "-";
   exit (if (show_results (check !pkgs_to_check_only))
 	then if !packages_are_missing then 2 else 0

pkglab packaging

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