[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] [SCM] pkglab packaging branch, master, updated. debian/1.4.2-4-7-g6df5dfd
Ralf Treinen
treinen at free.fr
Tue Aug 18 21:42:47 UTC 2009
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit e3c5eeff1d5cb819eaa91a331451ad213cf0200d
Author: Ralf Treinen <treinen at free.fr>
Date: Tue Aug 18 23:33:37 2009 +0200
sync distcheck with upstream (implements src:p)
update manpage with src:p notation
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index cb8f5dd..fb2a0d2 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -5,8 +5,11 @@ pkglab (1.4.2-5) unstable; urgency=low
Breaks is treated like Conflicts.
* Do not use xml entities when printing version constraints unless
xml mode has been required (closes: #539211).
+ * Packages to be checked can now be listed in the form "src:p",
+ which will be expanded to the list of all packages that stem
+ from source package p (closes: #516587).
- -- Ralf Treinen <treinen at debian.org> Mon, 17 Aug 2009 21:18:58 +0200
+ -- Ralf Treinen <treinen at debian.org> Tue, 18 Aug 2009 23:26:13 +0200
pkglab (1.4.2-4) unstable; urgency=low
diff --git a/debian/manpages/edos-debcheck.1 b/debian/manpages/edos-debcheck.1
index 705f184..d8c93ff 100644
--- a/debian/manpages/edos-debcheck.1
+++ b/debian/manpages/edos-debcheck.1
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-.TH EDOS-DEBCHECK 1 2006-05-20 EDOS
+.TH EDOS-DEBCHECK 1 2009-08-18 EDOS
Edos-debcheck \- Check satisfiability of Debian package dependencies
@@ -65,6 +65,9 @@ available version). This means that if a package does not exist in
the input pool then the test passes (since all available versions are
in that case installable). However, a warning is issued in case a package
mentionend in \fIlist\fR is not available.
+In the context of this option, a package of the form src:\fIp\fR expands
+to the list of all packages that stem from the source package \fIp\fR.
.B -quiet
Supress warnings and progress/timing messages
@@ -98,6 +101,11 @@ distribution described by the file Packages:
edos-debcheck -explain -checkonly xemacs21,debhelper < Packages
+Check whether the package bibtex2html, and all binary packages stemming
+from the ocaml source package, are installable
+ edos-debcheck -explain -checkonly bibtex2html,src:ocaml < Packages
Edos-debcheck has been written by Jerome Vouillon for the EDOS project. This
diff --git a/distcheck/common.ml b/distcheck/common.ml
index dfa5baa..544c2cc 100644
--- a/distcheck/common.ml
+++ b/distcheck/common.ml
@@ -13,18 +13,22 @@ and show_failures = ref true
and explain_results = ref false
and quiet = ref false
and output_xml= ref false
-and dist_type = ref `Debian
-and source_added = ref false
-and pkgs_to_check_only = ref []
- (* indicates that some packages that were asked to be checked are *)
- (* not available. *)
-and packages_are_missing = ref false;;
+and dist_type = ref `Debian;;
+let pkgs_to_check = ref Package_set.empty;;
+let units_to_check = ref [] (* units given by command line argument *)
+and units_to_check_set = ref false (* indicates whether units_to check set on command line *)
+and packages_are_missing = ref false;; (* indicates that some packages that were asked to be *)
+ (* checked are not available. *)
+let checklist = ref [];;
let rpm_synthesis = ref false;;
let db = create_database ();;
let architecture_index = get_architecture_index db;;
let unit_index = get_unit_index db;;
let package_index = get_package_index db;;
+let version_index = get_version_index db;;
+let release_index = get_release_index db;;
+let source_index = get_source_index db;;
let not_to_check = ref Package_set.empty;;
let add_source add_to_check s =
@@ -33,7 +37,6 @@ let merge x = if !quiet then
Waterway.merge db x in
- source_added := true;
(* This is not very effective, but hey... *)
let pkgs_old = Functions.packages db in
(let s2 = if s = "-" then
@@ -59,8 +62,33 @@ begin
not_to_check := Package_set.union !not_to_check new_packages
+let add_pkg_to_check s =
+ try
+ let eq = String.index s '=' in
+ let u = String.sub s 0 eq in
+ let unit_id = Unit_index.search unit_index u in
+ let v = String.sub s (eq+1) (String.length s-eq-1) in
+ let (v_id, r_id) =
+ try
+ let dash = String.rindex v '-' in
+ let rv = String.sub v 0 dash
+ and r = String.sub v (dash+1) (String.length v-dash-1) in
+ (Version_index.search version_index rv,
+ Release_index.search release_index (Some r))
+ with Not_found -> (Version_index.search version_index v,
+ Release_index.search release_index None) in
+ let ps = Functions.unit_id_to_package_set db unit_id in
+ Package_set.iter (fun p_id ->
+ let pkg = Functions.get_package_from_id db p_id in
+ if pkg.pk_version = (v_id, r_id) then
+ pkgs_to_check := Package_set.add p_id !pkgs_to_check
+ ) ps;
+ with Not_found -> ()
let unit_name_of u_id =
- Unit_index.find unit_index u_id;;
+ Unit_index.find unit_index u_id;;
let pkg_name_of p_id =
let (_, pkg) = Package_index.find package_index p_id in
@@ -76,6 +104,11 @@ let myunit_name_of p_id =
let (_, pkg) = Package_index.find package_index p_id in
Unit_index.find unit_index pkg.pk_unit
+(* gives the name of the source of a package *)
+let source_name_of p_id =
+ let (_, pkg) = Package_index.find package_index p_id in
+ fst (Source_index.find source_index pkg.pk_source)
let pkg_xml_of p_id =
let (_, pkg) = Package_index.find package_index p_id in
let unit_name = Unit_index.find unit_index pkg.pk_unit
@@ -112,35 +145,7 @@ let spec_string s =
| Sel_GT v -> Printf.sprintf " (> %s)" (version_string v)
-(* the check will be restricted to the packages whose names are in pkgs_only, *)
-(* in case pkgs_to_check_set is true *)
-let check pkgs_only =
-let pkgs_to_check =
- if pkgs_only = []
- then ref (Package_set.diff (Functions.packages db) !not_to_check)
- else
- let filtered_packages =
- (Package_set.filter
- (fun p -> List.mem (myunit_name_of p) pkgs_only)
- (Functions.packages db))
- in let found_package_names =
- List.map myunit_name_of (Package_set.elements filtered_packages)
- in let missing_package_names =
- List.filter
- (fun pn -> not (List.mem pn found_package_names))
- pkgs_only
- in if missing_package_names <> []
- then begin
- packages_are_missing := true;
- prerr_string "Warning: some packages not found:";
- List.iter
- (fun pn -> prerr_char ' '; prerr_string pn)
- missing_package_names;
- prerr_newline ();
- flush stderr
- end;
- ref filtered_packages
+let check () =
let result_ht = Hashtbl.create (Package_set.cardinal !pkgs_to_check) in
let progress =
if !quiet then Progress.dummy
@@ -158,6 +163,7 @@ begin
let show_results ht =
+ (* returns true when all checks successful, otherwise false *)
if !output_xml then print_endline "<results>";
@@ -234,7 +240,7 @@ begin
) ht;
if !output_xml then print_endline "</results>";
- (* we return true when all checks have been successful *)
+ (* we return true when all checks have been successful, otherwise false *)
(fun _ (result,_) accumulator -> result && accumulator)
@@ -245,12 +251,13 @@ let speclist = ref [
("-explain", Set explain_results, "Explain the results");
("-failures", Clear show_successes, "Only show failures");
("-successes", Clear show_failures, "Only show successes");
- ("-base", String (add_source false), "Additional binary package control file providing packages that are not checked but used for resolving dependencies");
- ("-checkonly", String (fun s -> pkgs_to_check_only := Util.split_at ',' s),
- "Check only these packages");
+ ("-base FILE", String (add_source false), "Additional binary package control file providing packages that are not checked but used for resolving dependencies");
+ ("-add-source FILE", String (add_source true), "Additional binary package control file providing packages that ARE checked and used for resolving dependencies");
+ ("-checkonly",
+ String (fun s -> units_to_check := Util.split_at ',' s; units_to_check_set := true),
+ "Check only these packages");
("-quiet", Set quiet, "Do not emit warnings nor progress/timing information");
("-xml", Set output_xml, "Output results in XML format");
- ("-", Unit (fun () -> add_source true "-"), "");
let _ =
@@ -264,8 +271,49 @@ let _ =
else if Util.string_contains Sys.argv.(0) "pscheck" then
dist_type := `Pkgsrc
else (Printf.eprintf "Warning: unknown name '%s', behaving like debcheck\n%!" Sys.argv.(0); dist_type := `Debian);
- Arg.parse !speclist (add_source true) "Distcheck v1.4.1";
- if not !source_added then add_source true "-";
- exit (if (show_results (check !pkgs_to_check_only))
- then if !packages_are_missing then 2 else 0
- else 1);;
+ Arg.parse !speclist (fun s -> checklist := s::!checklist) "Distcheck $Revision$";
+ add_source true "-";
+ if !units_to_check_set
+ then
+ let rec separate_source_packages = function
+ [] -> [],[]
+ | h::r ->
+ let br,sr = separate_source_packages r
+ and h_length = String.length h
+ in if h_length >= 5 && String.sub h 0 4 = "src:"
+ then br,(String.sub h 4 (h_length-4))::sr
+ else h::br,sr
+ in let bin_units_to_check, src_units_to_check = separate_source_packages !units_to_check
+ in let filtered_packages =
+ (Package_set.filter
+ (fun p -> List.mem (myunit_name_of p) bin_units_to_check || List.mem (source_name_of p) src_units_to_check)
+ (Functions.packages db))
+ in let found_package_names =
+ List.map myunit_name_of (Package_set.elements filtered_packages)
+ in let missing_package_names =
+ List.filter
+ (fun pn -> not (List.mem pn found_package_names))
+ bin_units_to_check
+ in if missing_package_names <> []
+ then begin
+ packages_are_missing := true;
+ prerr_string "Warning: some packages not found:";
+ List.iter
+ (fun pn -> prerr_char ' '; prerr_string pn)
+ missing_package_names;
+ prerr_newline ();
+ flush stderr
+ end;
+ pkgs_to_check := filtered_packages
+ else begin
+ List.iter add_pkg_to_check !checklist;
+ if Package_set.is_empty !pkgs_to_check then
+ pkgs_to_check := Package_set.diff (Functions.packages db) !not_to_check;
+ end;
+ exit (if (show_results (check ()))
+ then
+ if !packages_are_missing
+ then 2 (* some packages that were asked to be checked are missing *)
+ else 0 (* all checks successful *)
+ else 1 (* some package are not installable *)
pkglab packaging
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