[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] [SCM] dh-ocaml packaging branch, master, updated. debian/0.2-2-g6779f9f

Samuel Mimram smimram at debian.org
Thu Feb 19 13:26:21 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 6779f9fde11e4b4376b29aab6dd6b94c1b6e30e8
Author: Samuel Mimram <smimram at debian.org>
Date:   Thu Feb 19 14:25:21 2009 +0100

    Move some variables to ocaml.mk since we don't want to use them in makefiles.

diff --git a/cdbs/1/class/ocaml.mk b/cdbs/1/class/ocaml.mk
index 6230225..75ca731 100644
--- a/cdbs/1/class/ocaml.mk
+++ b/cdbs/1/class/ocaml.mk
@@ -30,6 +30,30 @@ _cdbs_class_ocaml = 1
 include $(_cdbs_rules_path)/buildcore.mk$(_cdbs_makefile_suffix)
 include $(_ocaml_share_path)/ocamlinit.mk
+# space separated list of packages matching the naming convention for OCaml
+# development libraries, i.e. libXXX-ocaml-dev.
+# For debian/rules writers
+OCAML_LIBDEV_PACKAGES ?= $(filter lib%-ocaml-dev,$(DEB_PACKAGES))
+# as above, but keep packages matching the convention for OCaml runtime
+# libraries, i.e. libXX-ocaml
+OCAML_LIB_PACKAGES ?= $(filter lib%-ocaml,$(DEB_PACKAGES))
+# space separated list of packages on which ocamldoc usage is required. For
+# each package listed here will have ocamldoc invoked on all *.ml/*.mli files
+# installed under $(OCAML_STDLIB_DIR) to generated html documentation which
+# will be shipped in $(OCAML_OCAMLDOC_DESTDIR_HTML).
+# For debian/rules writers
+#OCAML_OCAMLDOC_PACKAGES = $(OCAML_LIBDEV_PACKAGES)	# more "aggressive" default
+# space separated list of packages for which a pkg.doc-base.ocamldoc-apiref is
+# required. This file contains is the debian doc-base description of file which
+# should be located in the directory $(OCAML_OCAMLDOC_DESTDIR_HTML)
+# For debian/rules writers
 # to ensure invocations and tests on /usr/bin/ocaml* are meaningful
diff --git a/share/ocamlvars.mk b/share/ocamlvars.mk
index 3402374..e469b54 100644
--- a/share/ocamlvars.mk
+++ b/share/ocamlvars.mk
@@ -69,30 +69,6 @@ OCAML_TEAM += Sven Luther <luther at debian.org>,
 OCAML_TEAM += Sylvain Le Gall <gildor at debian.org>
 # no trailing "," (comma) on the last name
-# space separated list of packages matching the naming convention for OCaml
-# development libraries, i.e. libXXX-ocaml-dev.
-# For debian/rules writers
-OCAML_LIBDEV_PACKAGES ?= $(filter lib%-ocaml-dev,$(DEB_PACKAGES))
-# as above, but keep packages matching the convention for OCaml runtime
-# libraries, i.e. libXX-ocaml
-OCAML_LIB_PACKAGES ?= $(filter lib%-ocaml,$(DEB_PACKAGES))
-# space separated list of packages on which ocamldoc usage is required. For
-# each package listed here will have ocamldoc invoked on all *.ml/*.mli files
-# installed under $(OCAML_STDLIB_DIR) to generated html documentation which
-# will be shipped in $(OCAML_OCAMLDOC_DESTDIR_HTML).
-# For debian/rules writers
-#OCAML_OCAMLDOC_PACKAGES = $(OCAML_LIBDEV_PACKAGES)	# more "aggressive" default
-# space separated list of packages for which a pkg.doc-base.ocamldoc-apiref is
-# required. This file contains is the debian doc-base description of file which
-# should be located in the directory $(OCAML_OCAMLDOC_DESTDIR_HTML)
-# For debian/rules writers
 # ocamlfind flags which must be used in order to generate
 # correctly the ocamldoc documentation
 # For debian/rules writers

dh-ocaml packaging

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