[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] [SCM] dh-ocaml packaging branch, master, updated. debian/0.1-4-g9dfee4d

Stephane Glondu steph at glondu.net
Thu Jan 8 17:49:30 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 9dfee4d577d5fb758482a81a0b5df8b6a6313230
Author: Stephane Glondu <steph at glondu.net>
Date:   Thu Jan 8 18:23:59 2009 +0100

    Add a preliminary documentation for Git

diff --git a/policy/appendix-git.xml b/policy/appendix-git.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a517678
--- /dev/null
+++ b/policy/appendix-git.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+  <title>Using Git for packaging</title>
+  <para>
+    This appendix is still under construction!
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    (Hopefully) All OCaml-related Debian packages are maintained using
+    centralized <ulink url="http://git-scm.com/">Git</ulink>
+    repositories. This practice reduce the efforts needed to contribute
+    work inside &ocaml-force; and, in case of need, provides a place
+    where to massively perform changes to all OCaml-related Debian
+    packages.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    In the past, we were using Subversion, but we are progressively
+    migrating our packages to Git.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    Debian users can benefit knowing we are using a Git repository
+    (they can for instance subscribe to the RSS feed for changes or
+    have a place where to look for finding patches corresponding to
+    bugs tagged "pending" in the BTS).
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    For this reason <emphasis>it is recommended to add the
+    <code>Vcs-Git</code> and <code>Vcs-Browser</code> fields to the
+    <filename>debian/control</filename> of packages maintained in
+    &ocaml-force; Git repository</emphasis>. Its name specifies that
+    we are using Git as our Version Control System
+    (<acronym>VCS</acronym>); their values are the URLs pointing to
+    the package's repository and to a browsable view of the same
+    directory. See the
+    <ulink url="http://www.debian.org/doc/developers-reference/best-pkging-practices.html#bpp-vcs">Debian
+    Developer's Reference</ulink> for more information about these
+    fields.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    The general scheme for using the fields are thus:
+<programlisting>  Vcs-Git: git://git.debian.org/git/pkg-ocaml-maint/packages/<emphasis>PACKAGE_NAME</emphasis>.git
+  Vcs-Browser: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-ocaml-maint/packages/<emphasis>PACKAGE_NAME</emphasis>.git
+    <example>
+      <title>Usage example of the Vcs-* fields, from the
+        <application>findlib</application> package
+      </title>
+<programlisting>  Source: findlib
+  Section: devel
+  Priority: optional
+  Maintainer: Debian OCaml Maintainers &lt;debian-ocaml-maint at lists.debian.org&gt;
+  Uploaders: Stefano Zacchiroli &lt;zack at debian.org&gt;
+  Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 5.0.0), ocaml (>= 3.11.0), camlp4 (>= 3.11.0), m4, gawk | awk, dpatch, cdbs, dh-ocaml
+  Standards-Version: 3.8.0
+  <emphasis>Vcs-Git: git://git.debian.org/git/pkg-ocaml-maint/packages/findlib.git</emphasis>
+  <emphasis>Vcs-Browser: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-ocaml-maint/packages/findlib.git</emphasis>
+  Homepage: http://projects.camlcity.org/projects/findlib.html
+  Package: ocaml-findlib
+  Section: devel
+  Architecture: any
+  Depends: ocaml-nox-${F:OCamlABI}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
+  Description: Management tool for OCaml programming language libraries
+  ...
+    </example>
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    This document assumes that you have the following packages
+    installed: <filename>git-buildpackage</filename>
+    and <filename>pristine-tar</filename>.
+  </para>
+    <title>How to obtain a copy of a package's Git repository</title>
+    <para>
+      There is one Git repository per package. To get the list of packages managed with git, you
+      can use the following command (your ssh must be configured properly):
+<programlisting>  ssh git.debian.org ls /git/pkg-ocaml-maint/packages
+      You can obtain a copy of the repository for a package with:
+<programlisting>  checkout-d-o-m-git-repo package
+      The <application>checkout-d-o-m-git-repos</application> script is
+      available in the Subversion repository. You can get a copy with:
+<programlisting>  svn co svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-ocaml-maint/trunk/projects/git-guide
+      You must be member of the
+      <ulink url="http://pkg-ocaml-maint.alioth.debian.org/">Debian
+      OCaml Task Force</ulink> in order to have the right to push to the central repository.
+    </para>
+    <title>Structure of a Git repository</title>
+    <para>
+        We keep all upstream sources under Git control, in a branch
+        called <emphasis>upstream</emphasis>. This branch usually
+        consists of successive unpacked upstream tarballs. When
+        importing a new upstream tarball, the following command should
+        be used:
+<programlisting>  git-import-orig --pristine-tar [--no-dch] &lt;name_version.orig.tar.gz&gt;
+        The <filename>--pristine-tar</filename> is mandatory to store
+        information for reconstructing the upstream tarball from the
+        repository. That information is not suited for human use and
+        is stored in the <emphasis>pristine-tar</emphasis>
+        branch. Optionally, <filename>--no-dch</filename> can be given
+        to automatically update the Debian changelog (without
+        committing it).
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      The <emphasis>master</emphasis> branch contains upstream sources
+      along with the <filename>debian/</filename>
+      directory. <filename>git-import-orig</filename> automatically
+      creates a (local) tag in the upstream branch, and
+      merges <emphasis>upstream</emphasis>
+      into <emphasis>master</emphasis> when importing a new
+      tarball. Changes related to Debian should be done in this
+      branch.
+    </para>
+    <title>How to add a new package</title>
+    <para>
+        Let's take <application>dose2</application> as an example. The
+        following command (the <application>new-d-o-m-git-repo</application> is available at the same location of <application>checkout-d-o-m-git-repo</application>):
+<programlisting>  new-d-o-m-git-repo dose2 /some/where/dose2-1.2.tar.gz
+        will create the remote repository on Alioth, set up
+        notifications, and inject the given tarball in the repository
+        in the <emphasis>upstream</emphasis> branch
+        (using <filename>pristine-tar</filename>). More
+        details <ulink url="http://wiki.debian.org/Alioth/Git">there</ulink>. You
+        can then check it out and start using it.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      If the tarball name is
+      missing, <application>new-d-o-m-git-repo</application> will
+      check that the current directory is a git repository, and then
+      push it to Alioth.  This allows you to create the repository
+      locally, work on it, and only push it when it is in good
+      shape. It is recommended to check it out after, and use the
+      checked out version, to make sure everything went well, and to
+      have local branches tracking remote ones.
+    </para>
+    <title>How to set up your package for use with <application>git-buildpackage</application></title>
+    <para>
+      Put the following in <filename>debian/gbp.conf</filename>:
+<programlisting>  # Configuration file for git-buildpackage and friends
+  # the default branch for upstream sources:
+  upstream-branch = upstream
+  # the default branch for the debian patch:
+  debian-branch = master
+  # use pristine-tar:
+  pristine-tar = True
+        The first two settings are not really useful since they are
+        the defaults, but it might be handy to have them around when
+        working with several
+        branches. The <filename>pristine-tar</filename> is necessary
+        if tarballs are imported. Please see
+        the <application>git-buildpackage</application> documentation
+        for complete information.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+        If you tried <application>git-buildpackage</application>
+        before writing your <filename>debian/gbp.conf</filename>,
+        remember to delete the <filename>.orig</filename> tarball, and
+        rebuild <emphasis>after</emphasis>
+        writing <filename>debian/gbp.conf</filename>. Alternatively,
+        you can invoke <application>git-buildpackage</application>
+        with the <filename>--git-pristine-tar</filename> option.
+    </para>
+    <title>How to build a package with <application>git-buildpackage</application></title>
+    <para>
+        Please refer to the <application>git-builpackage</application>
+        documentation for more complete information. Here is just a
+        quick guide.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+        All options, except those starting on <option>--git</option>, are passed to
+        <application>dpkg-buildpackage</application>. Hence, basic
+        usage should be something like this (from the root of the
+        repository): <command>git-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc
+        -us</command>. The package will be built in place, and the
+        result will be put in the parent directory.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      <application>git-buildpackage</application> will complain when
+      your repository is not clean. You may use the
+      option <option>--git-ignore-new</option> to override this
+      behaviour.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+        If your package is ready for upload you may use
+        the <option>--git-tag</option> option for the final
+        build. This will create a tag in your local repository.
+        Provided you have commited all your changes to the Git
+        repository, this will after a successful build of the package
+        create a tag for the current version.
+    </para>
+    <tip>
+        <para>
+          Tags created by <application>git-import-orig</application>
+	  and <application>git-buildpackage</application> are not
+	  automatically pushed, you have to push them explicitly with
+	  the following command: <command>git push
+	  --tags</command>. Be careful if you use local tags!
+        </para>
+        <para>
+          You can add the <command>--dry-run</command> option
+          to <command>git push</command> to see what will be done.
+        </para>
+        <para>
+          To build with <application>pbuilder</application>
+          (or <application>cowbuilder</application>), use the
+          following:
+<programlisting>  git-buildpackage \
+    --git-builder="pdebuild --debbuildopts '-I.git -i\.git -uc -us'" \
+    --git-cleaner="fakeroot debian/rules clean"
+        </para>
+    </tip>
+    <title>Patches</title>
+    <para>
+      We have not yet decided on how to deal with patches in upstream
+      (this topic is under discussion). Possibilities include direct
+      commits in the <emphasis>master</emphasis> branch, use
+      of <ulink url="http://repo.or.cz/w/topgit.git">TopGit</ulink>
+      and quilt-serialized patches, and raw quilt or dpatch.
+    </para>
diff --git a/policy/ocaml_packaging_policy.xml b/policy/ocaml_packaging_policy.xml
index cd5b5f4..7ac4d24 100644
--- a/policy/ocaml_packaging_policy.xml
+++ b/policy/ocaml_packaging_policy.xml
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 <!ENTITY appendix-cdbs       SYSTEM "appendix-cdbs.xml">
 <!ENTITY appendix-resources  SYSTEM "appendix-resources.xml">
 <!ENTITY appendix-svn        SYSTEM "appendix-svn.xml">
+<!ENTITY appendix-git        SYSTEM "appendix-git.xml">
@@ -69,4 +70,9 @@
         <title>Using the SVN repository</title>
+    <appendix>
+        <title>Using Git for packaging</title>
+        &appendix-git;
+    </appendix>

dh-ocaml packaging

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