[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] r6117 - in /trunk/packages/edos-debcheck/trunk/debian/edos-future: Makefile upclose.ml

treinen at users.alioth.debian.org treinen at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Jan 26 12:28:34 UTC 2009

Author: treinen
Date: Mon Jan 26 12:28:34 2009
New Revision: 6117

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-ocaml-maint/?sc=1&rev=6117
make it again compile with latest napkin 


Modified: trunk/packages/edos-debcheck/trunk/debian/edos-future/Makefile
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-ocaml-maint/trunk/packages/edos-debcheck/trunk/debian/edos-future/Makefile?rev=6117&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/edos-debcheck/trunk/debian/edos-future/Makefile (original)
+++ trunk/packages/edos-debcheck/trunk/debian/edos-future/Makefile Mon Jan 26 12:28:34 2009
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
 	ln -sf $(MAIN).$(FLAVOUR) $(MAIN)
 $(MAIN).byte: $(MAIN).ml
-	$(OCAMLC) -I +dose2 -o $(MAIN).byte nums.cma unix.cma zip/zip.cma str.cma dose2/util.cma ocamldeb.cma dose2/io.cma napkin.cma upclose.ml
+	$(OCAMLC) -I /usr/local/lib/ocaml/3.10.2/dose2 -o $(MAIN).byte nums.cma unix.cma zip/zip.cma str.cma util.cma pcre/pcre.cma ocamldeb.cma io.cma progress.cma napkin.cma upclose.ml
 $(MAIN).native: $(MAIN).ml
-	$(OCAMLOPT) -I +dose2 -I +zip -o $(MAIN).native nums.cmxa unix.cmxa zip/zip.cmxa str.cmxa dose2/util.cmxa ocamldeb.cmxa dose2/io.cmxa napkin.cmxa upclose.ml
+	$(OCAMLOPT) -I /usr/local/lib/ocaml/3.10.2/dose2 -I +zip -o $(MAIN).native nums.cmxa unix.cmxa zip/zip.cmxa str.cmxa dose2/util.cmxa ocamldeb.cmxa io.cmxa napkin.cmxa upclose.ml
 	-rm -f *.{cmo,cmi,cmx,o} $(MAIN).{byte,native} $(MAIN)

Modified: trunk/packages/edos-debcheck/trunk/debian/edos-future/upclose.ml
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-ocaml-maint/trunk/packages/edos-debcheck/trunk/debian/edos-future/upclose.ml?rev=6117&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/edos-debcheck/trunk/debian/edos-future/upclose.ml (original)
+++ trunk/packages/edos-debcheck/trunk/debian/edos-future/upclose.ml Mon Jan 26 12:28:34 2009
@@ -20,43 +20,34 @@
   raise (Bad "Missing input file");;
 (* the data from the Packages file *)
-let packages = read_pool_file !inputfile;;
+let packages = read_pool_file !inputfile Progress.dummy;;
 (* associates to package names the list of versions with which the package is *)
 (* mentioned in conflicts and depends relations. *)
 let versions = Hashtbl.create 10000;;
-(* extract a pure version number from a napkin versioned *)
-let number_of_versionend (pn,vs) =
-  match vs with
-    | Sel_ANY    -> ""
-    | Sel_LEQ v  -> v
-    | Sel_LT v   -> v
-    | Sel_GEQ v  -> v
-    | Sel_GT v   -> v
-    | Sel_EQ v   -> v
-(* c is a pair (packagename,version). Add it to the hashtable versions *)
-(* if it isn't already there.                                          *)
-let process_relation c =
-  let package = fst c
-  and version = number_of_versionend c
-  in
-    try
-      let oldversions = Hashtbl.find versions package
-      in
-	if not (List.mem version oldversions)
-	then Hashtbl.replace versions package (version::oldversions)
-    with
-	Not_found -> Hashtbl.add versions package [version]
+(* c is a Napkin.versionend. Add it to the hashtable versions *)
+(* if it isn't already there.                                 *)
+let store_versionend = function
+  | Glob_pattern _glob -> failwith "this cannot happen"
+  | Unit_version(package,versionend) -> match versionend with
+	Sel_ANY -> ()
+      | Sel_LEQ version | Sel_GEQ version | Sel_EQ version | Sel_LT version
+      | Sel_GT version ->
+	  try
+	    let oldversions = Hashtbl.find versions package
+	    in
+	      if not (List.mem version oldversions)
+	      then Hashtbl.replace versions package (version::oldversions)
+	  with
+	      Not_found -> Hashtbl.add versions package [version]
   (function p ->
-     List.iter process_relation p.pk_conflicts;
-     List.iter (List.iter process_relation) p.pk_depends)
-  packages
+     List.iter store_versionend p.pk_conflicts;
+     List.iter (List.iter store_versionend) p.pk_depends)

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