[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] r6349 - in /trunk/tools/ocaml_transition_monitor: ocaml_transition_monitor.js ocaml_transition_monitor.mll

glondu-guest at users.alioth.debian.org glondu-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Fri Mar 20 08:47:16 UTC 2009

Author: glondu-guest
Date: Fri Mar 20 08:47:16 2009
New Revision: 6349

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/?sc=1&rev=6349
Add the possibility to hide the packages that are OK on all archs


Modified: trunk/tools/ocaml_transition_monitor/ocaml_transition_monitor.js
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/trunk/tools/ocaml_transition_monitor/ocaml_transition_monitor.js?rev=6349&op=diff
--- trunk/tools/ocaml_transition_monitor/ocaml_transition_monitor.js (original)
+++ trunk/tools/ocaml_transition_monitor/ocaml_transition_monitor.js Fri Mar 20 08:47:16 2009
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@
     } else {
+    if ($("#hide_all_ok").is(":checked")) {
+        $(".all_ok").parent().hide();
+    }
     for (i = 0; i < nb_rounds; i++) {
         if ($(".round"+i).filter(":visible").length > 0) {
@@ -40,6 +43,7 @@
+    $("#hide_all_ok").click(update);

Modified: trunk/tools/ocaml_transition_monitor/ocaml_transition_monitor.mll
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/trunk/tools/ocaml_transition_monitor/ocaml_transition_monitor.mll?rev=6349&op=diff
--- trunk/tools/ocaml_transition_monitor/ocaml_transition_monitor.mll (original)
+++ trunk/tools/ocaml_transition_monitor/ocaml_transition_monitor.mll Fri Mar 20 08:47:16 2009
@@ -393,39 +393,43 @@
       let a_link href contents =
         a ~a:[a_href (uri_of_string href)] [pcdata contents]
-      let format_package i pkg = tr
-        (td
-           ~a:[a_class [class_of_status (M.find pkg summary_status);
-                        "src";
-                        sprintf "round%d" i]; a_id pkg]
-           [a
-              ~a:[a_href (uri_of_string ("http://packages.qa.debian.org/"^pkg));
-                  a_title
-                    (let deps = S.elements (M.find pkg dep_graph) in
-                     if deps <> [] then
-                       "dependencies: "^(String.concat ", " deps)
-                     else
-                       "no dependencies");
-                 ]
-              [pcdata pkg];
-            small [
-              pcdata " [ ";
-              a_link ("https://buildd.debian.org/~luk/status/package.php?p="^pkg) "buildd";
-              pcdata " ] "
-            ];
-            small [
-              pcdata " ( ";
-              a_link
-                (sprintf "http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/%c/%s/current/changelog" pkg.[0] pkg)
-                (M.find pkg sources).sversion;
-              pcdata " ) ";
-            ];
-           ])
-        (List.map
-           (fun x ->
-              let x = class_of_status x and xx = string_of_status x
-              in td ~a:[a_class [x]] [small [pcdata xx]])
-           (M.find pkg sources_status))
+      let format_package i pkg =
+        let bin_statuses = M.find pkg sources_status in
+        let all_ok = List.for_all (fun x -> x = Up_to_date || x = Unknown) bin_statuses in
+        let src_classes =
+          let x = [class_of_status (M.find pkg summary_status); "src"; sprintf "round%d" i] in
+          if all_ok then "all_ok"::x else x
+        in tr
+          (td
+             ~a:[a_class src_classes; a_id pkg]
+             [a
+                ~a:[a_href (uri_of_string ("http://packages.qa.debian.org/"^pkg));
+                    a_title
+                      (let deps = S.elements (M.find pkg dep_graph) in
+                       if deps <> [] then
+                         "dependencies: "^(String.concat ", " deps)
+                       else
+                         "no dependencies");
+                   ]
+                [pcdata pkg];
+              small [
+                pcdata " [ ";
+                a_link ("https://buildd.debian.org/~luk/status/package.php?p="^pkg) "buildd";
+                pcdata " ] "
+              ];
+              small [
+                pcdata " ( ";
+                a_link
+                  (sprintf "http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/%c/%s/current/changelog" pkg.[0] pkg)
+                  (M.find pkg sources).sversion;
+                pcdata " ) ";
+              ];
+             ])
+          (List.map
+             (fun x ->
+                let x = class_of_status x and xx = string_of_status x
+                in td ~a:[a_class [x]] [small [pcdata xx]])
+             bin_statuses)
       let format_section i section =
         let thead = tr ~a:[a_id (sprintf "header%d" i)]
@@ -493,6 +497,9 @@
                    pcdata "bad ";
                    input ~a:[a_input_type `Checkbox; a_id "unknown"] (); pcdata "unknown";
                    span ~a:[a_id "count"] [];
+                   br ();
+                   input ~a:[a_input_type `Checkbox; a_checked `Checked; a_id "hide_all_ok"] ();
+                   pcdata "hide fully (re-)built packages";
                    br ();
                    a_link "ocaml_transition_binNMU_request.txt" "BinNMU request";
                    pcdata " for all bad source packages."

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