[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] [SCM] ocaml-batteries packaging annotated tag, debian/0.20090405+beta1-5, created. debian/0.20090405+beta1-5
Stefano Zacchiroli
zack at upsilon.cc
Wed Nov 25 12:55:04 UTC 2009
The annotated tag, debian/0.20090405+beta1-5 has been created
at a58acb40cd47f5e167b5708452a638a16c8cd445 (tag)
tagging 80a270aa5f00f8e1676a0fa0f9bcecf1673799e9 (commit)
replaces upstream/0.20090401
tagged by Stefano Zacchiroli
on Wed Nov 25 13:45:36 2009 +0100
- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 0.20090405+beta1-5
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
David Teller (1):
Fine-tuning for GODI.
Eric Norige (1):
Doc string "Alpha 3" -> "Beta 1"
Peng Zang (1):
fix bug in Enum.MicroLazyList.enum
Stefano Zacchiroli (110):
initial packaging
make debian/rules executable
ocamlbuild classic display
topgit support
TAB typo fixing
fix installation dir
add missing build-dep on dh-ocaml
some more missing build-deps
preliminar support for API doc
classic display even while building doc
update topgit info
typo: nurpawiki -> topgit
enlarge stack-size for ocamldoc runs
watch file
bump dep on -doc to Recommends
typo in OCAMLRUNPARAM var name
fix path of the documentation dir
proper deps for the -dev package
fill short and long descriptions
ignore debian/patches (generated content)
add missing camlp4 deps
avoid switching to master upon patch export
add future TODO items
first stab at copyright file
fill copyright for the extlib part
completed debian/copyright (pew)
add doc symlinks from ocaml-batteries-included
tg-export checkout the "current" branch at the end
generate doc-base entry for API ref
bump changelog entry date
debian/control: correct spelling of "metapackage"
debian/rules: avoid shipping .svn/ dirs within the doc
debian/control: fix sections: -dev in libdevel, -doc in doc
typo in package name
note that tg init wont be needed with future devscripts
point to upstream Git repo
Merge branch 'upstream'
new upstream release: alpha 2
port debian/rules to upstream ./configure
Merge commit 'upstream/master'
merge some bugfixes from upstream Git
doc indexes are in the -doc package
debian/rules: specify the clean target
Merge commit 'upstream/master'
symlink more doc files from /usr/share/doc/*-dev/ to *-doc/
ship /usr/bin/batteries-ocaml (fancier top-level wrapper)
debian/rules: do not compress myocamlbuild.ml, to ease its usage
Merge branch 'upstream'
ship /usr/bin/ocaml-batteries (fancier top-level wrapper)
debian/patches: new patch fixes/consistent-docroot to look for *.idex in the appropriate dir
avoid symlinking TODO, cdbs does that already
fix: create links into /usr/share/doc/*-dev/
avoid compressing *.idex files
Merge branch 'upstream'
add README.Debian, pointing out /usr/bin/ocaml-batteries
debian/control: suggest ledit, useful with ocaml-batteries
debian/patches: new patch debian/missing-doc, suggest to install -doc package when trying to access it from enhanced top-level
suggest the -doc package for help to work
releasing to experimental
debian/control: add (Build-)Depends on camlzip
fix upstream version: this is newer than alpha 2
add (build-)dep on bin-prot
debian/rules: pass -byte-plugin to ocamlbuild when ocamlopt is not available (fixes FTBFS on non-native archs)
fill bug no for FTBFS
Merge branch 'upstream'
new snapshot
add new build-dep on ocamlnet
forgot to bump version number
use ocaml.mk as a CDBS "rules" snippet
Merge branch 'upstream'
new upstream snapshot
use tg2quilt.mk snippet (shipped by topgit) to generated patches
debian/README.source: point to existing documents
add workaround for QUILT_PATCH_DIR
run autoconf upon build
bump Standards-Version to 3.8.1 (no changes needed)
mention the first upload to unstable
debian/copyright: reference version-specific common license file
remove duplicate entries
mention new patch debian/libdir
clean (generated) ocaml wrapper upon clean
add missing shebang lines to scripts
debian/rules: set archive sections to "ocaml" for lib*ocaml*
Merge commit 'ocamlcore/master' into upstream
Merge commit 'ocamlcore/master' into upstream
Merge branch 'upstream'
new upstream snapshot, commit 4CA4770
README.Debian: point to batteries-enabled command wrappers
debian/control: add ${misc:Depends} to ocaml-batteries-included
fix version number
cosmetic change (debhelper version number)
avoid building doc on bynary-only builds
ensure ocamlfind uses bytecode ocamldoc
add missing dependency on libocamlnet-ocaml-dev
new upstream release, 1.0 beta 1
drop deps from the -doc package to ocaml-nox- at ABI@
fix release for an upload for 3.11.1 transition
debian/control: bump Standards-Version to 3.8.2 (no changes needed)
bump Standards-Version to 3.8.3 (no changes needed)
switch {debhelper,patchsys-quilt}.mk: fix debian/*.log cleanup
stop using ocamldoc-api-ref-config (gone now)
use dh-ocaml to infer/provide dependencies
clean up wrong relationships on -doc package
prepare for a release
move away from TopGit to dom-{save,apply}-patches
clean up non-automatic OCaml deps
rebuild against recent sexplib (Closes: #556034)
bump build-dep on sexplib to hit dh-ocaml-enabled package
add debian/gbp.conf to enforce pristine-tar usage with gbp
add explicit dep on libbin-prot-camlp4-dev
Stephane Glondu (1):
Use new location of ocamldoc-api-ref-config
ocaml-batteries packaging
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