[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] [SCM] nurpawiki packaging branch, master, updated. debian/1.2.3-1-5-g52abb0b

Stephane Glondu steph at glondu.net
Sat Sep 19 22:31:28 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit f71f82411a7cfff7b27f55368183416e3c6ef5a5
Author: Stephane Glondu <steph at glondu.net>
Date:   Sun Sep 20 00:17:47 2009 +0200

    Add Use-proper-connection-dependent-escaping.patch

diff --git a/debian/patches/0001-Use-proper-connection-dependent-escaping.patch b/debian/patches/0001-Use-proper-connection-dependent-escaping.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6be9432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0001-Use-proper-connection-dependent-escaping.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+From: Stephane Glondu <steph at glondu.net>
+Date: Sat, 19 Sep 2009 13:19:01 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Use proper connection-dependent escaping
+This patch needs postgresql-ocaml >= 1.12.1.
+Signed-off-by: Stephane Glondu <steph at glondu.net>
+ database.ml |   48 ++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
+ 1 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/database.ml b/database.ml
+index fa0d5bd..a08037e 100644
+--- a/database.ml
++++ b/database.ml
+@@ -101,16 +101,8 @@ let with_conn f =
+   Lwt_preemptive.detach ConnectionPool.with_conn f
+ (* Escape a string for SQL query *)
+-let escape s =
+-  let b = Buffer.create (String.length s) in
+-  String.iter 
+-    (function
+-         '\\' -> Buffer.add_string b "\\\\"
+-       | '\'' -> Buffer.add_string b "''"
+-       | '"' -> Buffer.add_string b "\""
+-       | c -> Buffer.add_char b c) s;
+-  Buffer.contents b
++let escape ~(conn:connection) s = conn#escape_string s
+ let todos_user_login_join = "FROM nw.todos LEFT OUTER JOIN nw.users ON nw.todos.user_id = nw.users.id"
+ (* Use this tuple format when querying TODOs to be parsed by
+@@ -219,8 +211,8 @@ let update_todo_activation_date ~conn todo_id new_date =
+ let update_todo_descr ~conn todo_id new_descr =
+-  let sql = 
+-    "UPDATE nw.todos SET descr = '"^escape new_descr^"' WHERE id = "^
++  let sql =
++    "UPDATE nw.todos SET descr = '"^escape ~conn new_descr^"' WHERE id = "^
+       (string_of_int todo_id) in
+   ignore (guarded_exec ~conn sql)
+@@ -279,8 +271,8 @@ let query_upcoming_todos ~conn ~current_user_id date_criterion =
+ let new_todo ~conn page_id user_id descr =
+   (* TODO: could wrap this into BEGIN .. COMMIT if I knew how to
+      return the data from the query! *)
+-  let sql = 
+-    "INSERT INTO nw.todos(user_id,descr) values('"^(string_of_int user_id)^"','"^escape descr^"'); 
++  let sql =
++    "INSERT INTO nw.todos(user_id,descr) values('"^(string_of_int user_id)^"','"^escape ~conn descr^"');
+  INSERT INTO nw.todos_in_pages(todo_id,page_id) values(CURRVAL('nw.todos_id_seq'), "
+     ^string_of_int page_id^");"^
+       (insert_todo_activity ~user_id
+@@ -410,8 +402,8 @@ let down_task_priority id =
+   offset_task_priority id 1
+ let new_wiki_page ~conn ~user_id page =
+-  let sql = 
+-    "INSERT INTO nw.pages (page_descr) VALUES ('"^escape page^"');
++  let sql =
++    "INSERT INTO nw.pages (page_descr) VALUES ('"^escape ~conn page^"');
+      INSERT INTO nw.wikitext (page_id,page_created_by_user_id,page_text)
+              VALUES ((SELECT CURRVAL('nw.pages_id_seq')), 
+                       "^string_of_int user_id^", ''); "^
+@@ -424,7 +416,7 @@ let new_wiki_page ~conn ~user_id page =
+ let save_wiki_page ~conn page_id ~user_id lines =
+   let page_id_s = string_of_int page_id in
+   let user_id_s = string_of_int user_id in
+-  let escaped = escape (String.concat "\n" lines) in
++  let escaped = escape ~conn (String.concat "\n" lines) in
+   (* Ensure no one else can update the head revision while we're
+      modifying it Selecting for UPDATE means no one else can SELECT FOR
+      UPDATE this row.  If value (head_revision+1) is only computed and used
+@@ -458,8 +450,8 @@ COMMIT" in
+   ignore (guarded_exec ~conn sql)
+ let find_page_id ~conn descr =
+-  let sql = 
+-    "SELECT id FROM nw.pages WHERE page_descr = '"^escape descr^"' LIMIT 1" in
++  let sql =
++    "SELECT id FROM nw.pages WHERE page_descr = '"^escape ~conn descr^"' LIMIT 1" in
+   let r = guarded_exec ~conn sql in
+   if r#ntuples = 0 then None else Some (int_of_string (r#get_tuple 0).(0))
+@@ -549,8 +541,8 @@ let query_past_activity ~conn ~min_id ~max_id =
+ (* Search features *)
+ let search_wikipage ~conn str =
+-  let escaped_ss = escape str in
+-  let sql = 
++  let escaped_ss = escape ~conn str in
++  let sql =
+     "SELECT page_id,headline,page_descr FROM nw.findwikipage('"^escaped_ss^"') "^
+       "LEFT OUTER JOIN nw.pages on page_id = nw.pages.id ORDER BY rank DESC" in
+   let r = guarded_exec ~conn sql in
+@@ -585,8 +577,8 @@ let query_users ~conn =
+ let query_user ~conn username =
+-  let sql = 
+-    user_query_string ^" WHERE login = '"^escape username^"' LIMIT 1" in
++  let sql =
++    user_query_string ^" WHERE login = '"^escape ~conn username^"' LIMIT 1" in
+   let r = guarded_exec ~conn sql in
+   if r#ntuples = 0 then 
+     None 
+@@ -596,8 +588,8 @@ let query_user ~conn username =
+ let add_user ~conn ~login ~passwd ~real_name ~email =
+   let sql =
+     "INSERT INTO nw.users (login,passwd,real_name,email) "^
+-      "VALUES ("^(String.concat "," 
+-                    (List.map (fun s -> "'"^escape s^"'")
++      "VALUES ("^(String.concat ","
++                    (List.map (fun s -> "'"^escape ~conn s^"'")
+                        [login; passwd; real_name; email]))^")" in
+   ignore (guarded_exec ~conn sql)
+@@ -606,9 +598,9 @@ let update_user ~conn~user_id ~passwd ~real_name ~email =
+     "UPDATE nw.users SET "^
+       (match passwd with
+          None -> ""
+-       | Some passwd -> "passwd = '"^escape passwd^"',")^
+-      "real_name = '"^escape real_name^"',
+-          email = '"^escape email^"' 
++       | Some passwd -> "passwd = '"^escape ~conn passwd^"',")^
++      "real_name = '"^escape ~conn real_name^"',
++          email = '"^escape ~conn email^"'
+        WHERE id = "^(string_of_int user_id) in
+   ignore (guarded_exec ~conn sql)
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7826349
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

nurpawiki packaging

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