[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] [SCM] ocamlnet packaging branch, experimental/master, updated. debian/2.2.9-8-43-gf80edf8

Stephane Glondu steph at glondu.net
Thu Jul 21 09:27:07 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the experimental/master branch:
commit d55643c022f4da40800a5038db3029d86dde2249
Author: Stephane Glondu <steph at glondu.net>
Date:   Thu Jul 21 10:02:02 2011 +0200

    Remove patch applied upstream

diff --git a/debian/patches/Add-netglob_lex.mll-from-upstream-svn.patch b/debian/patches/Add-netglob_lex.mll-from-upstream-svn.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ff0a82d..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/Add-netglob_lex.mll-from-upstream-svn.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-From: Gerd Stolpmann <gerd at gerd-stolpmann.de>
-Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2010 18:24:59 +0000
-Subject: Add netglob_lex.mll from upstream svn
-git-svn-id: https://godirepo.camlcity.org/svn/lib-ocamlnet2@1514 96e5b9e0-aa12-0410-9e2e-b23d24e56262
- src/netstring/netglob_lex.mll |  225 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 1 files changed, 225 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
- create mode 100644 src/netstring/netglob_lex.mll
-diff --git a/src/netstring/netglob_lex.mll b/src/netstring/netglob_lex.mll
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..8aa93cc
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/netstring/netglob_lex.mll
-@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
-+(* $Id$ *)
-+  exception Bracket_Unsupported
-+  exception Lexing_Error
-+  type bracket_token =
-+      Bracket_char of char
-+    | Bracket_range of (char * char)
-+    | Bracket_code of int  (* see Netglob.reparse_bracket_expr *)
-+    | Bracket_end
-+  type brace_token =
-+      Brace_literal of string
-+    | Brace_comma
-+    | Brace_braces of brace_token list  (* inner braces *)
-+    | Brace_end
-+  type glob_features =
-+      { enable_star : bool;
-+	enable_qmark : bool;
-+	enable_brackets : bool;
-+	enable_braces : bool;
-+	enable_tilde : bool;
-+	enable_escape : bool;
-+	mutable escaped : bool;  (* after a backslash *)
-+      }
-+  type glob_token =
-+      Glob_literal of string
-+    | Glob_star
-+    | Glob_qmark
-+    | Glob_brackets of (bool * bracket_token list)
-+    | Glob_braces of brace_token list
-+    | Glob_tilde of string * bool (* whether there is a slash *)
-+    | Glob_end
-+  type exploded_char =
-+      C of char   (* An unescaped character *)
-+    | E of char   (* An escaped character *)
-+    | Delim of char  (* delimiter *)
-+  let rec collect_until end_token parse_fun lexbuf =
-+    let tok = parse_fun lexbuf in
-+    if tok = end_token then
-+      []
-+    else
-+      tok :: (collect_until end_token parse_fun lexbuf)
-+  let string_of_exploded l =
-+    String.concat ""
-+      (List.map
-+	 (function
-+	    | C c -> String.make 1 c
-+	    | E c -> String.make 1 c
-+	    | Delim _ -> ""
-+	 )
-+	 l
-+      )
-+  let have_delim l =
-+    List.exists (function Delim _ -> true | _ -> false) l
-+(* bracket_rest: Scans a bracket expression beginning at the second
-+ * character (where ']' is always the terminating character)
-+ *)
-+rule bracket_rest = parse
-+    "[:" [^ ':' ] ":]" { raise Bracket_Unsupported }
-+  | "[." [^ '.' ] ".]" { raise Bracket_Unsupported }
-+  | "[=" [^ '=' ] "=]" { raise Bracket_Unsupported }
-+  | "]"                { Bracket_end }
-+  | [ ^ ']' ] "-" [^ ']' ]
-+		       { let c0 = Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 0 in
-+			 let c1 = Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 2 in
-+			 if c0 > '\127' || c1 > '\127' then raise Lexing_Error;
-+			 if c0 > c1 then raise Lexing_Error;
-+			 Bracket_range(c0,c1)
-+		       }
-+  | eof                { raise Lexing_Error }
-+  | [ ^ ']' ]          { Bracket_char (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 0) }
-+(* bracket_first: Scans the first token of a bracket expression
-+ * (after "[", "[^", or "[!").
-+ * Here, ']' is not recognized as terminating character.
-+ *)
-+and bracket_first = parse
-+    "[:" [^ ':' ] ":]" { raise Bracket_Unsupported }
-+  | "[." [^ '.' ] ".]" { raise Bracket_Unsupported }
-+  | "[=" [^ '=' ] "=]" { raise Bracket_Unsupported }
-+  | _ "-" [^ ']' ]     { let c0 = Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 0 in
-+			 let c1 = Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 2 in
-+			 if c0 > '\127' || c1 > '\127' then raise Lexing_Error;
-+			 if c0 > c1 then raise Lexing_Error;
-+			 Bracket_range(c0,c1)
-+		       }
-+  | eof                { raise Lexing_Error }
-+  | _                  { Bracket_char (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 0) }
-+(* brace: Collects material within brace expressions (case: backslash
-+ * is escape character
-+ *)
-+and brace = parse
-+    "}"                { Brace_end }
-+  | ","                { Brace_comma }
-+  | "{"                { let l = collect_until Brace_end brace lexbuf in
-+			 Brace_braces l }
-+  | '\\' _             { Brace_literal (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
-+  | [^ '}' ',' '\\' '{' ]  { Brace_literal (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
-+  | eof                { raise Lexing_Error }
-+  | _                  { raise Lexing_Error }
-+(* brace_noescape: Used for the case that backslash is not an escape
-+ * character
-+ *)
-+and brace_noescape = parse
-+    "}"                { Brace_end }
-+  | ","                { Brace_comma }
-+  | "{"                { let l = collect_until Brace_end brace_noescape lexbuf in
-+			 Brace_braces l }
-+  | [^ '}' ',' '{']    { Brace_literal (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
-+  | eof                { raise Lexing_Error }
-+  | _                  { raise Lexing_Error }
-+and glob_expr feat = parse
-+    "*"                { if feat.enable_star && not feat.escaped then
-+			   Glob_star
-+			 else (
-+			   feat.escaped <- false;
-+			   Glob_literal "*"
-+			 )
-+		       }
-+  | "?"                { if feat.enable_qmark && not feat.escaped then
-+			   Glob_qmark
-+			 else (
-+			   feat.escaped <- false;
-+			   Glob_literal "?"
-+			 )
-+		       }
-+  | "[" [ '!' '^' ]?   { if feat.enable_brackets && not feat.escaped then (
-+			   let negated =
-+			     String.length(Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) > 1 in
-+			   let t0 = bracket_first lexbuf in
-+			   let l = collect_until
-+				     Bracket_end bracket_rest lexbuf in
-+			   Glob_brackets (negated, t0 :: l)
-+			 )
-+			 else (
-+			   feat.escaped <- false;
-+			   Glob_literal (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
-+			 )
-+		       }
-+  | "{"                { if feat.enable_braces && not feat.escaped then (
-+			   let p =
-+			     if feat.enable_escape then
-+			       brace
-+			     else
-+			       brace_noescape in
-+			   let l = collect_until Brace_end p lexbuf in
-+			   Glob_braces l
-+			 )
-+			 else (
-+			   feat.escaped <- false;
-+			   Glob_literal "{"
-+			 )
-+		       }
-+  | "~"                { if (feat.enable_tilde && not feat.escaped &&
-+			     Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf = 0) then (
-+			   let p =
-+			     if feat.enable_escape then
-+			       generic_lex_until '/'
-+			     else
-+			       generic_lex_noescape_until '/' in
-+			   let l = p lexbuf in
-+			   let s = string_of_exploded l in
-+			   let slash = have_delim l in
-+			   Glob_tilde(s,slash)
-+			 ) else (
-+			   feat.escaped <- false;
-+			   Glob_literal "~"
-+			 )
-+		       }
-+  | "\\"               { if feat.enable_escape && not feat.escaped then (
-+			   feat.escaped <- true;
-+			   Glob_literal ""
-+			 )
-+			 else (
-+			   feat.escaped <- false;
-+			   Glob_literal "\\"
-+			 )
-+		       }
-+  | [ ^ '*' '?' '[' '{' '\\' '~' ]+
-+		       { feat.escaped <- false;
-+			 Glob_literal (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
-+		       }
-+  | eof                { if feat.escaped then raise Lexing_Error;
-+			 Glob_end
-+		       }
-+and generic_lex_until c = parse
-+    '\\' _             { let char = E (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 1) in
-+			 char :: generic_lex_until c lexbuf }
-+  | _                  { let lc = Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 0 in
-+			 if c = lc then [ Delim c ] else (
-+			   let char = C lc in
-+			   char :: generic_lex_until c lexbuf
-+			 ) }
-+  | eof                { [] }
-+and generic_lex_noescape_until c = parse
-+  | _                  { let lc = Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 0 in
-+			 if c = lc then [ Delim c ] else (
-+			   let char = C lc in
-+			   char :: generic_lex_noescape_until c lexbuf
-+			 ) }
-+  | eof                { [] }
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 9cf6d06..8b05083 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -5,4 +5,3 @@ Create-installation-directories.patch

ocamlnet packaging

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