[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] [SCM] Cooperative light-weight thread library for OCaml branch, master, updated. debian/2.3.2-1-9-ga88f603

Stephane Glondu steph at glondu.net
Fri Dec 7 10:29:55 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 7e397d403e89874ed5af9b35c88414e3a3dc3590
Author: Stephane Glondu <steph at glondu.net>
Date:   Fri Dec 7 10:21:40 2012 +0100

    Update debian/modules.ml
     * more verbosity when DH_VERBOSE=1
     * cmx files are now installed by upstream even for private modules
     * cmxs files are no longer installed by upstream on !natdynlink
     * new private module: Lwt_unix_jobs_generated

diff --git a/debian/modules.ml b/debian/modules.ml
index 1571cca..1ea9436 100644
--- a/debian/modules.ml
+++ b/debian/modules.ml
@@ -8,9 +8,21 @@
 let dll_dir = Sys.getenv "OCAML_DLL_DIR"
 let is_native = Sys.getenv "OCAML_HAVE_OCAMLOPT" = "yes"
+let has_natdynlink = Sys.getenv "OCAML_NATDYNLINK" = "yes"
+let dh_verbose =
+  if (try Sys.getenv "DH_VERBOSE" = "1" with Not_found -> false) then
+    (fun fmt -> Printf.printf fmt)
+  else
+    (fun fmt -> Printf.ifprintf stderr fmt)
 let is_private = function
-  | "Pa_lwt_options" | "Lwt_log_rules" | "Lwt_ocaml_completion" | "Lwt_simple_top" -> true
+  | "Pa_lwt_options"
+  | "Lwt_log_rules"
+  | "Lwt_ocaml_completion"
+  | "Lwt_simple_top"
+  | "Lwt_unix_jobs_generated"
+    -> true
   | _ -> false
 let suffix = function
@@ -42,17 +54,20 @@ let split_dll =
 let print_cma () cma =
   let component = suffix (Filename.chop_suffix (Filename.basename cma) ".cma") in
+  let () = dh_verbose "Generating module data for %s, going to lwt%s...\n%!" cma component in
   let flags = [Open_creat; Open_append] in
   let dev = open_out_gen flags 0o644 (Printf.sprintf "debian/liblwt%s-ocaml-dev.install" component) in
   let runtime = open_out_gen flags 0o644 (Printf.sprintf "debian/liblwt%s-ocaml.install" component) in
   let () = Printf.fprintf runtime "%s\n" (chop_prefix cma) in
   let () =
     let x = Filename.chop_suffix cma ".cma" in
-    if is_native then begin
+    if is_native then (
       Printf.fprintf dev "%s\n" (chop_prefix x ^ ".cmxa");
       Printf.fprintf dev "%s\n" (chop_prefix x ^ ".a");
+    );
+    if has_natdynlink then (
       Printf.fprintf runtime "%s\n" (chop_prefix x ^ ".cmxs");
-    end
+    );
   let dlls, modules =
     let objinfo = Printf.ksprintf Unix.open_process_in "ocamlobjinfo %s | sed -nr 's/^(Unit name|Extra dynamically.*): //p'" cma in
@@ -69,23 +84,20 @@ let print_cma () cma =
       | xs -> [], xs
   let dirname = Filename.dirname cma in
-  let print_module m =
-    let m = Filename.concat dirname (String.uncapitalize m) in
-    let () = if is_native then begin
-      let x = Filename.basename (m^".cmx") in
-      match FileUtil.find (FileUtil.Basename_is x) "_build" (fun o x -> assert (o = None); Some x) None with
-        | Some x -> Printf.fprintf dev "%s %s\n" x (chop_prefix dirname)
-        | None -> assert false
-    end in
-    Printf.fprintf dev "%s\n" (chop_prefix (m^".cmi"));
-    Printf.fprintf dev "%s\n" (chop_prefix (m^".mli"))
+  let print_module mname =
+    let m = Filename.concat dirname (String.uncapitalize mname) in
+    if is_native then Printf.fprintf dev "%s\n" (chop_prefix (m^".cmx"));
+    if not (is_private mname) then (
+      Printf.fprintf dev "%s\n" (chop_prefix (m^".cmi"));
+      Printf.fprintf dev "%s\n" (chop_prefix (m^".mli"));
+    )
   let print_dll m =
     let b = chop_prefix dirname in
     Printf.fprintf runtime "%s %s\n" (Filename.concat b ("dll"^m^".so")) dll_dir;
     Printf.fprintf dev "%s\n" (Filename.concat b ("lib"^m^".a"))
-  List.iter (fun x -> if not (is_private x) then print_module x) modules;
+  List.iter print_module modules;
   List.iter print_dll dlls;
   close_out dev;
   close_out runtime
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 4210d22..b56e747 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ include /usr/share/ocaml/ocamlvars.mk
 export OCAMLFIND_LDCONF=ignore

Cooperative light-weight thread library for OCaml

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