[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] [SCM] dose3 packaging branch, master, updated. debian/2.9.8-1-3-gaeb3b5a
Ralf Treinen
treinen at free.fr
Mon Feb 6 14:27:08 UTC 2012
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit f253468bc7aa1ec49c35c6cb8b3e33bccaa2753c
Merge: 93c7d6fb2dcb022d4762fbb0fe83a041a47908bc bb15569d79505d5fb6f15098f1ec1412f552b942
Author: Ralf Treinen <treinen at free.fr>
Date: Mon Feb 6 15:07:01 2012 +0100
Merge commit 'upstream/2.9.10'
diff --combined applications/distcheck.ml
index 8ed9038,9561804..c564cb8
--- a/applications/distcheck.ml
+++ b/applications/distcheck.ml
@@@ -14,25 -14,27 +14,27 @@@ open ExtLi
open Debian
open Common
open Algo
module Options = struct
open OptParse
- let description = "Report the broken packages in a package list"
+ let description = "Report the broken packages in a Packages list"
let options = OptParser.make ~description
include Boilerplate.MakeOptions(struct let options = options end)
let successes = StdOpt.store_true ()
let failures = StdOpt.store_true ()
let explain = StdOpt.store_true ()
+ let summary = StdOpt.store_true ()
let uuid = StdOpt.store_true ()
+ let latest = StdOpt.store_true ()
let checkonly = Boilerplate.vpkglist_option ()
let architecture = StdOpt.str_option ()
let distribution = StdOpt.str_option ()
let release = StdOpt.str_option ()
let suite = StdOpt.str_option ()
- let summary = StdOpt.store_true ()
let outfile = StdOpt.str_option ()
+ let background = Boilerplate.incr_str_list ()
+ let foreground = Boilerplate.incr_str_list ()
open OptParser
add options ~short_name:'e' ~long_name:"explain" ~help:"Explain the results" explain;
@@@ -42,19 -44,27 +44,27 @@@
add options ~long_name:"checkonly" ~help:"Check only these package" checkonly;
add options ~long_name:"summary" ~help:"Print a detailed summary" summary;
+ add options ~long_name:"latest" ~help:"Check only the latest version of each package" latest;
+ add options ~short_name:'u' ~long_name:"uid" ~help:"Generate a unique identifier for the output document" uuid;
add options ~long_name:"distrib" ~help:"Set the distribution" distribution;
add options ~long_name:"release" ~help:"Set the release name" release;
add options ~long_name:"suite" ~help:"Set the release name" suite;
add options ~long_name:"arch" ~help:"Set the default architecture" architecture;
- add options ~short_name:'u' ~long_name:"uid" ~help:"Generate a unique identifier for the output document" uuid;
+ add options ~long_name:"fg"
+ ~help:"Additional Packages lists that are checked and used for resolving dependencies (can be repeated)" foreground;
+ add options ~long_name:"bg"
+ ~help:"Additional Packages lists that are NOT checked but used for resolving dependencies (can be repeated)" background;
add options ~short_name:'o' ~long_name:"outfile" ~help:"output file" outfile;
- let debug fmt = Util.make_debug "Distcheck" fmt
- let info fmt = Util.make_info "Distcheck" fmt
- let warning fmt = Util.make_warning "Distcheck" fmt
- let fatal fmt = Util.make_fatal "Distcheck" fmt
+ let debug fmt = Util.make_debug __FILE__ fmt
+ let info fmt = Util.make_info __FILE__ fmt
+ let warning fmt = Util.make_warning __FILE__ fmt
+ let fatal fmt = Util.make_fatal __FILE__ fmt
let timer = Util.Timer.create "Solver"
@@@ -62,28 -72,53 +72,53 @@@ let main ()
let posargs =
let args = OptParse.OptParser.parse_argv Options.options in
match Filename.basename(Sys.argv.(0)),args with
- |("debcheck"|"edos-debcheck"),[] -> ["deb://-"]
- |("debcheck"|"edos-debcheck"),l -> List.map ((^) "deb://") l
+ |("debcheck"|"dose3-debcheck"),[] -> ["deb://-"]
+ |("debcheck"|"dose3-debcheck"),l -> List.map ((^) "deb://") l
|"eclipsecheck",l -> List.map ((^) "eclipse://") l
- |("rpmcheck"|"edos-rpmcheck"),l -> List.map ((^) "synth://") l
+ |("rpmcheck"|"dose3-rpmcheck"),l -> List.map ((^) "synth://") l
|_,_ -> args
Boilerplate.enable_debug (OptParse.Opt.get Options.verbose);
Boilerplate.enable_timers (OptParse.Opt.get Options.timers) ["Solver"];
+ Boilerplate.enable_bars (OptParse.Opt.get Options.progress)
+ ["Depsolver_int.univcheck";"Depsolver_int.init_solver"] ;
let default_arch = OptParse.Opt.opt Options.architecture in
- let (universe,from_cudf,to_cudf) = Boilerplate.load_universe ~default_arch posargs in
+ let fg = posargs @ (OptParse.Opt.get Options.foreground) in
+ let bg = OptParse.Opt.get Options.background in
+ let (pkgll, from_cudf,to_cudf) = Boilerplate.load_list ~default_arch [fg;bg] in
+ let (fg_pkglist, bg_pkglist) = match pkgll with [fg;bg] -> (fg,bg) | _ -> assert false in
+ let fg_pkglist =
+ if OptParse.Opt.get Options.latest then
+ let h = Hashtbl.create (List.length fg_pkglist) in
+ List.iter (fun p ->
+ try
+ let q = Hashtbl.find h p.Cudf.package in
+ if (CudfAdd.compare p q) > 0 then
+ Hashtbl.replace h p.Cudf.package p
+ else ()
+ with Not_found -> Hashtbl.add h p.Cudf.package p
+ ) fg_pkglist;
+ Hashtbl.fold (fun _ v acc -> v::acc) h []
+ else
+ fg_pkglist
+ in
+ let universe =
+ let s = CudfAdd.to_set (fg_pkglist @ bg_pkglist) in
+ Cudf.load_universe (CudfAdd.Cudf_set.elements s)
+ in
let universe_size = Cudf.universe_size universe in
- let pkglist =
- if OptParse.Opt.is_set Options.checkonly then
- List.flatten (
- List.map (function
- |(p,None) -> Cudf.lookup_packages universe p
- |(p,Some(c,v)) ->
- let filter = Some(c,snd(to_cudf (p,v))) in
- Cudf.lookup_packages ~filter universe p
- ) (OptParse.Opt.get Options.checkonly)
- )
- else []
+ let checklist =
+ if OptParse.Opt.is_set Options.checkonly then begin
+ info "--checkonly specified, consider all packages as background packages";
+ List.flatten (
+ List.map (function
+ |(p,None) -> Cudf.lookup_packages universe p
+ |(p,Some(c,v)) ->
+ let filter = Some(c,snd(to_cudf (p,v))) in
+ Cudf.lookup_packages ~filter universe p
+ ) (OptParse.Opt.get Options.checkonly)
+ )
+ end else []
let pp pkg =
let (p,v) = from_cudf (pkg.Cudf.package,pkg.Cudf.version) in
@@@ -91,7 -126,7 +126,7 @@@
List.filter_map (fun k ->
try Some(k,Cudf.lookup_package_property pkg k)
with Not_found -> None
- ) ["architecture";"source";"sourceversion"]
+ ) ["architecture";"source";"sourcenumber"]
in (p,v,l)
info "Solving..." ;
@@@ -127,18 -162,26 +162,26 @@@
Util.Timer.start timer;
let i =
if OptParse.Opt.is_set Options.checkonly then
- Depsolver.listcheck ~callback universe pkglist
- else
- Depsolver.univcheck ~callback universe
+ Depsolver.listcheck ~callback universe checklist
+ else begin
+ if bg_pkglist = [] then
+ Depsolver.univcheck ~callback universe
+ else
+ Depsolver.listcheck ~callback universe fg_pkglist
+ end
ignore(Util.Timer.stop timer ());
if failure || success then Format.fprintf fmt "@]@.";
- let nb = universe_size in
- let nf = List.length pkglist in
+ let n1 = List.length checklist in
+ let n2 = List.length fg_pkglist in
+ let n3 = List.length bg_pkglist in
+ let nf = if n1 != 0 then n1 else n2 in
+ let nb = if n1 != 0 then n2 + n3 else n3 in
Format.fprintf fmt "background-packages: %d at ." nb;
- Format.fprintf fmt "foreground-packages: %d at ." (if nf = 0 then nb else nf);
+ Format.fprintf fmt "foreground-packages: %d at ." nf;
+ Format.fprintf fmt "total-packages: %d at ." universe_size;
Format.fprintf fmt "broken-packages: %d at ." i;
if summary then
dose3 packaging
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