[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] [SCM] fieldslib packaging branch, upstream, updated. upstream/107.01-24-gf6cfb28

Stephane Glondu steph at glondu.net
Sun Jun 23 21:06:21 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit f6cfb28fe3170a4c2a3b89ffb4d3957cd1d58845
Author: Stephane Glondu <steph at glondu.net>
Date:   Sun Jun 23 22:12:56 2013 +0200

    Imported Upstream version 109.19.00

diff --git a/INSTALL.txt b/INSTALL.txt
index 1fe48d7..12e5301 100644
--- a/INSTALL.txt
+++ b/INSTALL.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-(* DO NOT EDIT (digest: 9aad93748969472dc519b44a70bd8b90) *)
+(* DO NOT EDIT (digest: 68330d0f3574e8013210421e6ac4ba17) *)
 This is the INSTALL file for the fieldslib distribution.
 This package uses OASIS to generate its build system. See section OASIS for
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Dependencies
 In order to compile this package, you will need:
 * ocaml (>= 4.00.0) for all, doc fieldslib
 * findlib (>= 1.3.2)
-* type_conv (>= 3.0.5) for library pa_fields_conv
+* type_conv (>= 109.15.00) for library pa_fields_conv
diff --git a/_oasis b/_oasis
index 2b1b9fa..0388c9f 100644
--- a/_oasis
+++ b/_oasis
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ OASISFormat:      0.3
 OCamlVersion:     >= 4.00.0
 FindlibVersion:   >= 1.3.2
 Name:             fieldslib
-Version:          109.15.00
+Version:          109.19.00
 Synopsis:         OCaml record fields as first class values.
 Authors:          Jane Street Capital LLC <opensource at janestreet.com>
 Copyrights:       (C) 2009-2013 Jane Street Capital LLC <opensource at janestreet.com>
@@ -14,6 +14,12 @@ Plugins:          StdFiles (0.3), DevFiles (0.3), META (0.3)
 XStdFilesAUTHORS: false
 XStdFilesREADME:  false
 BuildTools:       ocamlbuild, camlp4o
+  Part of Jane Street’s Core library.
+  .
+  The Core suite of libraries is an industrial strength alternative to
+  OCaml's standard library that was developed by Jane Street, the
+  largest industrial user of OCaml.
 Library fieldslib
   Path:               lib
@@ -29,7 +35,7 @@ Library pa_fields_conv
   FindlibName:        syntax
   BuildDepends:       camlp4.lib,
-                      type_conv (>= 3.0.5)
+                      type_conv (>= 109.15.00)
   XMETAType:          syntax
   XMETARequires:      camlp4,type_conv,fieldslib
   XMETADescription:   Syntax extension for Fieldslib
diff --git a/lib/META b/lib/META
index daa458b..7c39dfb 100644
--- a/lib/META
+++ b/lib/META
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# DO NOT EDIT (digest: 1af46c9ae2ec7fc26bcb968d5ec37100)
-version = "109.15.00"
+# DO NOT EDIT (digest: ce7ccc07da9a2c181d0e607d13bcb856)
+version = "109.19.00"
 description = "OCaml record fields as first class values."
 archive(byte) = "fieldslib.cma"
 archive(byte, plugin) = "fieldslib.cma"
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ archive(native) = "fieldslib.cmxa"
 archive(native, plugin) = "fieldslib.cmxs"
 exists_if = "fieldslib.cma"
 package "syntax" (
- version = "109.15.00"
+ version = "109.19.00"
  description = "Syntax extension for Fieldslib"
  requires = "camlp4 type_conv fieldslib"
  archive(syntax, preprocessor) = "pa_fields_conv.cma"
diff --git a/setup.ml b/setup.ml
index 9809f50..e66132d 100644
--- a/setup.ml
+++ b/setup.ml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-(* DO NOT EDIT (digest: 3599482522ead0215d5b8628c9fc37cc) *)
+(* DO NOT EDIT (digest: 70726605df437f1673eb4d8566c43cfa) *)
    Regenerated by OASIS v0.3.0
    Visit http://oasis.forge.ocamlcore.org for more information and
@@ -5576,7 +5576,7 @@ let setup_t =
           ocaml_version = Some (OASISVersion.VGreaterEqual "4.00.0");
           findlib_version = Some (OASISVersion.VGreaterEqual "1.3.2");
           name = "fieldslib";
-          version = "109.15.00";
+          version = "109.19.00";
           license =
@@ -5595,7 +5595,9 @@ let setup_t =
           authors = ["Jane Street Capital LLC <opensource at janestreet.com>"];
           homepage = Some "https://github.com/janestreet/fieldslib";
           synopsis = "OCaml record fields as first class values.";
-          description = None;
+          description =
+            Some
+              "Part of Jane Street\226\128\153s Core library.\n\nThe Core suite of libraries is an industrial strength alternative to\nOCaml's standard library that was developed by Jane Street, the\nlargest industrial user of OCaml.";
           categories = [];
           conf_type = (`Configure, "internal", Some "0.3");
           conf_custom =
@@ -5681,7 +5683,7 @@ let setup_t =
                            FindlibPackage ("camlp4.quotations", None);
-                               Some (OASISVersion.VGreaterEqual "3.0.5"))
+                               Some (OASISVersion.VGreaterEqual "109.15.00"))
                       bs_build_tools =
                         [ExternalTool "ocamlbuild"; ExternalTool "camlp4o"];
@@ -5746,7 +5748,7 @@ let setup_t =
      oasis_fn = Some "_oasis";
      oasis_version = "0.3.0";
-     oasis_digest = Some "y\155\204\228\158\012J\1606,\\\1309\243\017\242";
+     oasis_digest = Some "^?\244\229\001\152\026\217\170FVkw\183X\192";
      oasis_exec = None;
      oasis_setup_args = [];
      setup_update = false;
@@ -5754,6 +5756,6 @@ let setup_t =
 let setup () = BaseSetup.setup setup_t;;
-# 5760 "setup.ml"
+# 5762 "setup.ml"
 let () = setup ()
diff --git a/syntax/pa_fields_conv.ml b/syntax/pa_fields_conv.ml
index e170e2e..ab9da56 100644
--- a/syntax/pa_fields_conv.ml
+++ b/syntax/pa_fields_conv.ml
@@ -248,46 +248,38 @@ module Gen_sig = struct
     let create_fun = create_fun ~ty_name ~tps _loc ty in
     let simple_create_fun = simple_create_fun ~ty_name ~tps _loc ty in
-    if ty_name = "t" then
-      let iter        = iter_fun ~private_ ~ty_name ~tps _loc ty in
-      let fold        = fold_fun ~private_ ~ty_name ~tps _loc ty in
-      let map         = map_fun ~ty_name ~tps _loc ty in
-      let map_poly    = map_poly ~private_ ~ty_name ~tps _loc ty in
-      let and_f       = bool_fun "for_all" ~private_ ~ty_name ~tps _loc ty in
-      let or_f        = bool_fun "exists" ~private_ ~ty_name ~tps _loc ty in
-      let to_list     = to_list_fun ~private_ ~ty_name ~tps _loc ty in
-      let direct_iter = direct_iter_fun ~private_ ~ty_name ~tps _loc ty in
-      let direct_fold = direct_fold_fun ~private_ ~ty_name ~tps _loc ty in
-      <:sig_item< $getters_and_setters$ ;
-          module Fields : sig
-            value names : list string ;
-            $fields$ ;
-            $fold$ ;
-            $ if private_
-              (* The ['perm] phantom type prohibits first-class fields from mutating or
-                 creating private records, so we can expose them (and fold, etc.).
-                 However, we still can't expose functions that explicitly create private
-                 records.
-              *)
-              then <:sig_item< >>
-              else <:sig_item< $create_fun$ ; $simple_create_fun$ ; $map$ ; >>
-            $ ;
-            $iter$ ; $and_f$ ; $or_f$ ; $to_list$ ; $map_poly$ ;
-            module Direct : sig
-              $direct_iter$ ;
-              $direct_fold$ ;
-            end ;
-          end
-      >>
-    else
-      let fields_module = "Fields_of_" ^ ty_name in
-      <:sig_item<
-        $getters_and_setters$ ;
+    let fields_module = if ty_name = "t" then "Fields" else "Fields_of_" ^ ty_name in
+    let iter        = iter_fun ~private_ ~ty_name ~tps _loc ty in
+    let fold        = fold_fun ~private_ ~ty_name ~tps _loc ty in
+    let map         = map_fun ~ty_name ~tps _loc ty in
+    let map_poly    = map_poly ~private_ ~ty_name ~tps _loc ty in
+    let and_f       = bool_fun "for_all" ~private_ ~ty_name ~tps _loc ty in
+    let or_f        = bool_fun "exists" ~private_ ~ty_name ~tps _loc ty in
+    let to_list     = to_list_fun ~private_ ~ty_name ~tps _loc ty in
+    let direct_iter = direct_iter_fun ~private_ ~ty_name ~tps _loc ty in
+    let direct_fold = direct_fold_fun ~private_ ~ty_name ~tps _loc ty in
+    <:sig_item< $getters_and_setters$ ;
         module $uid:fields_module$ : sig
-            $fields$
-        end;
-      >>
+          value names : list string ;
+          $fields$ ;
+          $fold$ ;
+          $ if private_
+            (* The ['perm] phantom type prohibits first-class fields from mutating or
+               creating private records, so we can expose them (and fold, etc.).
+               However, we still can't expose functions that explicitly create private
+               records.
+            *)
+            then <:sig_item< >>
+            else <:sig_item< $create_fun$ ; $simple_create_fun$ ; $map$ ; >>
+          $ ;
+          $iter$ ; $and_f$ ; $or_f$ ; $to_list$ ; $map_poly$ ;
+          module Direct : sig
+            $direct_iter$ ;
+            $direct_fold$ ;
+          end ;
+        end
+    >>
   let fields_of_ty_sig _loc ~ty_name ~tps ~rhs =
@@ -571,41 +563,33 @@ module Gen_struct = struct
       List.fold_right (Inspect.field_names ty) ~init:<:expr< [ ] >> ~f:(fun head tail ->
         <:expr< [ $str:head$ :: $tail$ ] >>)
-    if record_name = "t" then
-      let iter        = iter_fun ~record_name _loc ty in
-      let fold        = fold_fun ~record_name _loc ty in
-      let map         = map_fun ~record_name _loc ty in
-      let map_poly    = map_poly ~record_name _loc ty in
-      let andf        = and_fun ~record_name _loc ty in
-      let orf         = or_fun ~record_name _loc ty in
-      let direct_iter = direct_iter_fun ~record_name _loc ty in
-      let direct_fold = direct_fold_fun ~record_name _loc ty in
-      let to_list     = to_list_fun ~record_name _loc ty in
-      <:str_item<
-        $getter_and_setters$ ;
-        module Fields = struct
-          value names = $names$ ;
-          $fields$;
-          $ if private_
-            then <:str_item< >>
-            else <:str_item< $create$ ; $simple_create$; $map$; >>
-          $ ;
-          $iter$ ; $fold$ ; $map_poly$ ;
-          $andf$ ; $orf$ ; $to_list$ ;
-          module Direct = struct
-            $direct_iter$ ;
-            $direct_fold$ ;
-          end ;
-        end
-      >>
-    else
-      let fields_module = "Fields_of_" ^ record_name in
-      <:str_item<
-        $getter_and_setters$ ;
-        module $uid:fields_module$ = struct
-          $fields$ ;
-        end
-      >>
+    let fields_module = if record_name = "t" then "Fields" else "Fields_of_" ^ record_name in
+    let iter        = iter_fun ~record_name _loc ty in
+    let fold        = fold_fun ~record_name _loc ty in
+    let map         = map_fun ~record_name _loc ty in
+    let map_poly    = map_poly ~record_name _loc ty in
+    let andf        = and_fun ~record_name _loc ty in
+    let orf         = or_fun ~record_name _loc ty in
+    let direct_iter = direct_iter_fun ~record_name _loc ty in
+    let direct_fold = direct_fold_fun ~record_name _loc ty in
+    let to_list     = to_list_fun ~record_name _loc ty in
+    <:str_item<
+      $getter_and_setters$ ;
+      module $uid:fields_module$ = struct
+        value names = $names$ ;
+        $fields$;
+        $ if private_
+          then <:str_item< >>
+          else <:str_item< $create$ ; $simple_create$; $map$; >>
+        $ ;
+        $iter$ ; $fold$ ; $map_poly$ ;
+        $andf$ ; $orf$ ; $to_list$ ;
+        module Direct = struct
+          $direct_iter$ ;
+          $direct_fold$ ;
+        end ;
+      end
+    >>
   let fields_of_ty _loc ~ty_name:record_name ~tps:_ ~rhs =

fieldslib packaging

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