[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] [labltk] 01/03: Imported Upstream version 8.06.0+dfsg

Stéphane Glondu glondu at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu May 28 12:23:04 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

glondu pushed a commit to branch master
in repository labltk.

commit 54c144baacd3ae6c1489d4904b0e88c7cfd17f0e
Author: Stephane Glondu <steph at glondu.net>
Date:   Thu May 28 11:33:01 2015 +0200

    Imported Upstream version 8.06.0+dfsg
 examples_camltk/taquin.ml | 146 -------------
 examples_camltk/tetris.ml | 542 ----------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 688 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples_camltk/taquin.ml b/examples_camltk/taquin.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 70ac934..0000000
--- a/examples_camltk/taquin.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                     *)
-(*                        Caml examples                                *)
-(*                                                                     *)
-(*            Pierre Weis                                              *)
-(*                                                                     *)
-(*                        INRIA Rocquencourt                           *)
-(*                                                                     *)
-(*  Copyright (c) 1994-2011, INRIA                                     *)
-(*  All rights reserved.                                               *)
-(*                                                                     *)
-(*  Distributed under the BSD license.                                 *)
-(*                                                                     *)
-(* $Id: taquin.ml,v 1.4 2011-08-08 19:31:17 weis Exp $ *)
-open Camltk;;
-let d�coupe_image img nx ny =
-  let l = Imagephoto.width img
-  and h = Imagephoto.height img in
-  let tx = l / nx and ty = h / ny in
-  let pi�ces = ref [] in
-  for x = 0 to nx - 1 do
-    for y = 0 to ny - 1 do
-      let pi�ce =
-        Imagephoto.create [Width (Pixels tx); Height (Pixels ty)] in
-      Imagephoto.copy pi�ce img
-        [ImgFrom(x * tx, y * ty, (x + 1) * tx, (y + 1) * ty)];
-      pi�ces := pi�ce :: !pi�ces
-    done
-  done;
-  (tx, ty, List.tl !pi�ces)
-let remplir_taquin c nx ny tx ty pi�ces =
-  let trou_x = ref (nx - 1)
-  and trou_y = ref (ny - 1) in
-  let trou =
-    Canvas.create_rectangle c
-      (Pixels (!trou_x * tx)) (Pixels (!trou_y * ty))
-      (Pixels tx) (Pixels ty) [] in
-  let taquin = Array.make_matrix nx ny trou in
-  let p = ref pi�ces in
-  for x = 0 to nx - 1 do
-    for y = 0 to ny - 1 do
-      match !p with
-      | [] -> ()
-      | pi�ce :: reste ->
-          taquin.(x).(y) <-
-            Canvas.create_image c
-              (Pixels (x * tx)) (Pixels (y * ty))
-              [ImagePhoto pi�ce; Anchor NW; Tags [Tag "pi�ce"]];
-          p := reste
-    done
-  done;
-  let d�placer x y =
-    let pi�ce = taquin.(x).(y) in
-    Canvas.coords_set c pi�ce
-      [Pixels (!trou_x * tx); Pixels(!trou_y * ty)];
-    Canvas.coords_set c trou
-      [Pixels (x * tx); Pixels(y * ty); Pixels tx; Pixels ty];
-    taquin.(!trou_x).(!trou_y) <- pi�ce;
-    taquin.(x).(y) <- trou;
-    trou_x := x; trou_y := y in
-  let jouer ei =
-    let x = ei.ev_MouseX / tx and y = ei.ev_MouseY / ty in
-    if x = !trou_x && (y = !trou_y - 1 || y = !trou_y + 1)
-    || y = !trou_y && (x = !trou_x - 1 || x = !trou_x + 1)
-    then d�placer x y in
-  Canvas.bind c (Tag "pi�ce") [[], ButtonPress]
-                (BindSet ([Ev_MouseX; Ev_MouseY], jouer));;
-let rec permutation = function
-  | [] -> []
-  | l  -> let n = Random.int (List.length l) in
-          let (�l�ment, reste) = partage l n in
-          �l�ment :: permutation reste
-and partage l n =
-  match l with
-  | [] -> failwith "partage"
-  | t�te :: reste ->
-      if n = 0 then (t�te, reste) else
-      let (�l�ment, reste') = partage reste (n - 1) in
-      (�l�ment, t�te :: reste')
-let create_filled_text parent lines =
-  let lnum = List.length lines
-  and lwidth =
-    List.fold_right
-     (fun line max ->
-       let l = String.length line in
-       if l > max then l else max)
-     lines 1 in
-  let txtw = Text.create parent [TextWidth lwidth; TextHeight lnum] in
-  List.iter
-   (fun line ->
-     Text.insert txtw (TextIndex (End, [])) line [];
-     Text.insert txtw (TextIndex (End, [])) "\n" [])
-   lines;
-  txtw
-let give_help parent lines () =
- let help_window = Toplevel.create parent [] in
- Wm.title_set help_window "Help";
- let help_frame = Frame.create help_window [] in
- let help_txtw = create_filled_text help_frame lines in
- let quit_help () = destroy help_window in
- let ok_button = Button.create help_frame [Text "Ok"; Command quit_help] in
- pack [help_txtw; ok_button ] [Side Side_Bottom];
- pack [help_frame] []
-let taquin nom_fichier nx ny =
-  let fp = openTk () in
-  Wm.title_set fp "Taquin";
-  let img = Imagephoto.create [File nom_fichier] in
-  let c =
-    Canvas.create fp
-     [Width(Pixels(Imagephoto.width img));
-      Height(Pixels(Imagephoto.height img))] in
-  let (tx, ty, pi�ces) = d�coupe_image img nx ny in
-  remplir_taquin c nx ny tx ty (permutation pi�ces);
-  pack [c] [];
-  let quit = Button.create fp [Text "Quit"; Command closeTk] in
-  let help_lines =
-   ["Pour jouer, cliquer sur une des pi�ces";
-    "entourant le trou";
-    "";
-    "To play, click on a part around the hole"] in
-  let help =
-    Button.create fp [Text "Help"; Command (give_help fp help_lines)] in
-  pack [quit; help] [Side Side_Left; Fill Fill_X];
-  mainLoop ()
-if !Sys.interactive then () else begin taquin "joconde.gif" 3 5; exit 0 end;;
diff --git a/examples_camltk/tetris.ml b/examples_camltk/tetris.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index a46de60..0000000
--- a/examples_camltk/tetris.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,542 +0,0 @@
-(*                                                                     *)
-(*                        Caml examples                                *)
-(*                                                                     *)
-(*            Pierre Weis                                              *)
-(*                                                                     *)
-(*                        INRIA Rocquencourt                           *)
-(*                                                                     *)
-(*  Copyright (c) 1994-2011, INRIA                                     *)
-(*  All rights reserved.                                               *)
-(*                                                                     *)
-(*  Distributed under the BSD license.                                 *)
-(*                                                                     *)
-(* $Id: tetris.ml,v 1.6 2011-08-08 19:31:17 weis Exp $ *)
-(* A Tetris game for CamlTk.
-   Written by Jun P. Furuse.
-   Adapted to the oc examples repository by P. Weis *)
-open Camltk;;
-(* The directory where images will be found. *)
-let baseurl = "images/";;
-exception Done;;
-type cell = {
- mutable color : int;
- tag : tagOrId * tagOrId * tagOrId;
-type falling_block = {
-  mutable pattern : int array list;
-  mutable bcolor : int;
-  mutable x : int;
-  mutable y : int;
-  mutable d : int;
-  mutable alive: bool;
-let stop_a_bit = 300;;
-let colors = [|
-  NamedColor "red"; NamedColor "yellow"; NamedColor "blue";
-  NamedColor "orange"; NamedColor "magenta"; NamedColor "green";
-  NamedColor "cyan";
-let backgrounds =
-  List.map (fun s -> baseurl ^ s)
-    [ "dojoji.back.gif"; "Lambda2.back.gif"; "CamlBook.gif"; ];;
-(* blocks *)
-let block_size = 16
-and cell_border = 2
-let blocks = [
-  [ [|"0000"; "0000"; "1111"; "0000" |];
-    [|"0010"; "0010"; "0010"; "0010" |];
-    [|"0000"; "0000"; "1111"; "0000" |];
-    [|"0010"; "0010"; "0010"; "0010" |] ];
-  [ [|"0000"; "0110"; "0110"; "0000" |];
-    [|"0000"; "0110"; "0110"; "0000" |];
-    [|"0000"; "0110"; "0110"; "0000" |];
-    [|"0000"; "0110"; "0110"; "0000" |] ];
-  [ [|"0000"; "0111"; "0100"; "0000" |];
-    [|"0000"; "0110"; "0010"; "0010" |];
-    [|"0000"; "0010"; "1110"; "0000" |];
-    [|"0100"; "0100"; "0110"; "0000" |] ];
-  [ [|"0000"; "0100"; "0111"; "0000" |];
-    [|"0000"; "0110"; "0100"; "0100" |];
-    [|"0000"; "1110"; "0010"; "0000" |];
-    [|"0010"; "0010"; "0110"; "0000" |] ];
-  [ [|"0000"; "1100"; "0110"; "0000" |];
-    [|"0010"; "0110"; "0100"; "0000" |];
-    [|"0000"; "1100"; "0110"; "0000" |];
-    [|"0010"; "0110"; "0100"; "0000" |] ];
-  [ [|"0000"; "0011"; "0110"; "0000" |];
-    [|"0100"; "0110"; "0010"; "0000" |];
-    [|"0000"; "0011"; "0110"; "0000" |];
-    [|"0000"; "0100"; "0110"; "0010" |] ];
-  [ [|"0000"; "0000"; "1110"; "0100" |];
-    [|"0000"; "0100"; "1100"; "0100" |];
-    [|"0000"; "0100"; "1110"; "0000" |];
-    [|"0000"; "0100"; "0110"; "0100" |] ];
-let line_empty = int_of_string "0b1110000000000111"
-and line_full = int_of_string  "0b1111111111111111"
-let decode_block dvec =
-  let btoi d = int_of_string ("0b" ^ d) in
-  Array.map btoi dvec
-let init fw =
-  let scorev = Textvariable.create ()
-  and linev = Textvariable.create ()
-  and levv = Textvariable.create ()
-  and _namev = Textvariable.create () in
-  let f = Frame.create fw [BorderWidth (Pixels 2)] in
-  let c =
-    Canvas.create f
-     [Width (Pixels (block_size * 10));
-      Height (Pixels (block_size * 20));
-      BorderWidth (Pixels cell_border);
-      Relief Sunken;
-      Background Black]
-  and r = Frame.create f []
-  and r' = Frame.create f [] in
-  let nl = Label.create r [Text "Next"; Font "variable"] in
-  let nc =
-    Canvas.create r
-     [Width (Pixels (block_size * 4));
-      Height (Pixels (block_size * 4));
-      BorderWidth (Pixels cell_border);
-      Relief Sunken;
-      Background Black] in
-  let scl = Label.create r [Text "Score"; Font "variable"] in
-  let sc = Label.create r [TextVariable scorev; Font "variable"] in
-  let lnl = Label.create r [Text "Lines"; Font "variable"] in
-  let ln = Label.create r [TextVariable linev; Font "variable"] in
-  let levl = Label.create r [Text "Level"; Font "variable"] in
-  let lev = Label.create r [TextVariable levv; Font "Variable"] in
-  let newg = Button.create r [Text "New Game"; Font "variable"] in
-  let exitg = Button.create r [Text "Quit"; Font "variable"] in
-  pack [f] [];
-  pack [c; r; r'] [Side Side_Left; Fill Fill_Y];
-  pack [nl; nc] [Side Side_Top];
-  pack [scl; sc; lnl; ln; levl; lev; newg; exitg] [Side Side_Top];
-  let cells_src = Array.make_matrix 20 10 () in
-  let cells = Array.map (Array.map (fun () ->
-    {tag =
-      (let t1, t2, t3 =
-         Canvas.create_rectangle c
-           (Pixels (-block_size - 8)) (Pixels (-block_size - 8))
-           (Pixels (-9)) (Pixels (-9)) [],
-          Canvas.create_rectangle c
-           (Pixels (-block_size - 10)) (Pixels (-block_size - 10))
-           (Pixels (-11)) (Pixels (-11)) [],
-          Canvas.create_rectangle c
-           (Pixels (-block_size - 12)) (Pixels (-block_size - 12))
-           (Pixels (-13)) (Pixels (-13)) [] in
-       Canvas.raise_top c t1;
-       Canvas.raise_top c t2;
-       Canvas.lower_bot c t3;
-       t1, t2, t3);
-     color = 0})) cells_src in
-  let nexts_src = Array.make_matrix 4 4 () in
-  let nexts =
-   Array.map (Array.map (fun () ->
-    {tag =
-      (let t1, t2, t3 =
-         Canvas.create_rectangle nc
-           (Pixels (-block_size - 8)) (Pixels (-block_size - 8))
-           (Pixels (-9)) (Pixels (-9)) [],
-         Canvas.create_rectangle nc
-           (Pixels (-block_size - 10)) (Pixels (-block_size - 10))
-           (Pixels (-11)) (Pixels (-11)) [],
-         Canvas.create_rectangle nc
-           (Pixels (-block_size - 12)) (Pixels (-block_size - 12))
-           (Pixels (-13)) (Pixels (-13)) [] in
-       Canvas.raise_top nc t1;
-       Canvas.raise_top nc t2;
-       Canvas.lower_bot nc t3;
-       t1, t2, t3);
-     color = 0})) nexts_src in
-  let game_over () = ()
-  in
-  [f; c; r; nl; nc; scl; sc; levl; lev; lnl; ln], newg, exitg,
-  (c, cells), (nc, nexts), scorev, linev, levv, game_over
-let cell_get (c, cf) x y = cf.(y).(x).color;;
-let cell_set (c, cf) x y col =
-  let cur = cf.(y).(x) in
-  let t1, t2, t3 = cur.tag in
-  if cur.color = col then () else
-  if cur.color <> 0 && col = 0 then begin
-    Canvas.move c t1
-      (Pixels (- block_size * (x + 1) -10 - cell_border * 2))
-      (Pixels (- block_size * (y + 1) -10 - cell_border * 2));
-    Canvas.move c t2
-      (Pixels (- block_size * (x + 1) -10 - cell_border * 2))
-      (Pixels (- block_size * (y + 1) -10 - cell_border * 2));
-    Canvas.move c t3
-      (Pixels (- block_size * (x + 1) -10 - cell_border * 2))
-      (Pixels (- block_size * (y + 1) -10 - cell_border * 2))
-  end else begin
-    Canvas.configure_rectangle c t2
-      [FillColor (Array.get colors (col - 1));
-       Outline (Array.get colors (col - 1))];
-    Canvas.configure_rectangle c t1
-      [FillColor Black;
-       Outline Black];
-    Canvas.configure_rectangle c t3
-      [FillColor (NamedColor "light gray");
-       Outline (NamedColor "light gray")];
-    if cur.color = 0 && col <> 0 then begin
-      Canvas.move c t1
-        (Pixels (block_size * (x + 1) + 10 + cell_border * 2))
-        (Pixels (block_size * (y + 1) + 10 + cell_border * 2));
-      Canvas.move c t2
-        (Pixels (block_size * (x + 1) + 10 + cell_border * 2))
-        (Pixels (block_size * (y + 1) + 10 + cell_border * 2));
-      Canvas.move c t3
-        (Pixels (block_size * (x + 1) + 10 + cell_border * 2))
-        (Pixels (block_size * (y + 1) + 10 + cell_border * 2))
-    end
-  end;
-  cur.color <- col
-let draw_block field col d x y =
-  for iy = 0 to 3 do
-    let base = ref 1 in
-    let xd = Array.get d iy in
-    for ix = 0 to 3 do
-      if xd land !base <> 0 then begin
-        try cell_set field (ix + x) (iy + y) col with _ -> ()
-      end;
-      base := !base lsl 1
-    done
-  done
-let timer_ref = (ref None : Timer.t option ref);;
-let remove_timer () =
-  match !timer_ref with
-  | None -> ()
-  | Some t -> Timer.remove t
-let do_after milli f = timer_ref := Some (Timer.add milli f);;
-let copy_block c =
-  { pattern = !c.pattern;
-    bcolor = !c.bcolor;
-    x = !c.x;
-    y = !c.y;
-    d = !c.d;
-    alive = !c.alive }
-let start_game () =
-  let top = openTk () in
-  Wm.title_set top "";
-  let lb = Label.create top []
-  and fw = Frame.create top [] in
-  let set_message s = Label.configure lb [Text s] in
-  pack [lb; fw] [Side Side_Top];
-  let score = ref 0 in
-  let line = ref 0 in
-  let level = ref 0 in
-  let time = ref 1000 in
-  let blocks = List.map (List.map decode_block) blocks in
-  let field = Array.make 26 0 in
-  let widgets, newg, exitg, cell_field, next_field,
-      scorev, linev, levv, game_over = init fw in
-  let canvas = fst cell_field in
-  let init_field () =
-    for i = 0 to 25 do
-      field.(i) <- line_empty
-    done;
-    field.(23) <- line_full;
-    for i = 0 to 19 do
-      for j = 0 to 9 do
-        cell_set cell_field j i 0
-      done
-    done;
-    for i = 0 to 3 do
-      for j = 0 to 3 do
-        cell_set next_field j i 0
-      done
-    done in
-  let draw_falling_block fb =
-    draw_block cell_field fb.bcolor
-      (List.nth fb.pattern fb.d) (fb.x - 3) (fb.y - 3)
-  and erase_falling_block fb =
-    draw_block cell_field 0 (List.nth fb.pattern fb.d) (fb.x - 3) (fb.y - 3) in
-  let stone fb =
-    for i = 0 to 3 do
-      let cur = field.(i + fb.y) in
-      field.(i + fb.y) <-
-         cur lor ((List.nth fb.pattern fb.d).(i) lsl fb.x)
-    done;
-    for i = 0 to 2 do field.(i) <- line_empty done
-  and clear fb =
-    let l = ref 0 in
-    for i = 0 to 3 do
-      if i + fb.y >= 3 && i + fb.y <= 22 &&
-         field.(i + fb.y) = line_full then begin
-        incr l;
-        field.(i + fb.y) <- line_empty;
-        for j = 0 to 9 do cell_set cell_field j (i + fb.y - 3) 0 done
-      end
-    done;
-    !l
-  and fall_lines () =
-    let eye = ref 22 (* bottom *)
-    and cur = ref 22 (* bottom *) in
-    try
-      while !eye >= 3 do
-        while field.(!eye) = line_empty do
-          decr eye;
-          if !eye = 2 then raise Done
-        done;
-        field.(!cur) <- field.(!eye);
-        for j = 0 to 9 do
-          cell_set cell_field j (!cur-3) (cell_get cell_field j (!eye-3))
-        done;
-        decr eye;
-        decr cur
-      done
-    with Done -> ();
-      for i = 3 to !cur do
-        field.(i) <- line_empty;
-        for j = 0 to 9 do cell_set cell_field j (i - 3) 0 done
-      done in
-  let next = ref 42 (* THE ANSWER *)
-  and current =
-    ref { pattern= [[|0; 0; 0; 0|]];
-          bcolor = 0; x = 0; y = 0; d = 0; alive = false} in
-  let draw_next () =
-    draw_block next_field (!next + 1) (List.hd (List.nth blocks !next)) 0 0
-  and erase_next () =
-    draw_block next_field 0 (List.hd (List.nth blocks !next)) 0 0 in
-  let set_nextblock () =
-    current :=
-       { pattern = (List.nth blocks !next);
-         bcolor = !next + 1;
-         x = 6; y = 1; d = 0; alive = true};
-    erase_next ();
-    next := Random.int 7;
-    draw_next () in
-  let death_check fb =
-    try
-      for i=0 to 3 do
-        let cur = field.(i + fb.y) in
-        if cur land ((List.nth fb.pattern fb.d).(i) lsl fb.x) <> 0
-        then raise Done
-      done;
-      false
-    with
-      Done -> true in
-  let try_to_move m =
-    if !current.alive then
-      let sub m =
-        if death_check m then false
-        else
-          begin
-            erase_falling_block !current;
-            draw_falling_block m;
-            current := m;
-            true
-          end in
-      if sub m then () else begin
-        m.x <- m.x + 1;
-        if sub m then () else begin
-          m.x <- m.x - 2;
-          ignore (sub m)
-        end
-      end
-    else () in
-  let image_load =
-    let i =
-      Canvas.create_image canvas
-        (Pixels (block_size * 5 + block_size / 2))
-        (Pixels (block_size * 10 + block_size / 2))
-        [Anchor Center] in
-    Canvas.lower_bot canvas i;
-    let img = Imagephoto.create [] in
-    fun file ->
-      try
-        Imagephoto.configure img [File file];
-        Canvas.configure_image canvas i [ImagePhoto img]
-      with _ -> Printf.eprintf "%s : No such image...\n" file; flush stderr in
-  let add_score l =
-    let pline = !line in
-    if l <> 0 then
-      begin
-        line := !line + l;
-        score := !score + l * l;
-        set_message (Printf.sprintf "%d pts" (1 lsl ((l - 1) * 2)))
-      end;
-    Textvariable.set linev (string_of_int !line);
-    Textvariable.set scorev (string_of_int !score);
-    if !line / 10 <> pline / 10 then
-      (* update the background every 10 lines. *)
-      begin
-        let num_image = List.length backgrounds - 1 in
-        let n = !line / 10 in
-        let n = if n > num_image then num_image else n in
-        let file = List.nth backgrounds n in
-        image_load file;
-        (* Future work: We should gain level after an image is put... *)
-        incr level;
-        Textvariable.set levv (string_of_int !level)
-      end in
-  let rec newblock () =
-    set_message "TETRIS";
-    set_nextblock ();
-    draw_falling_block !current;
-    if death_check !current then begin
-        !current.alive <- false;
-        set_message "GAME OVER";
-        game_over ()
-    end else begin
-      time := 1100 - (!level / 4 * 300) - ((!level mod 4) * 200);
-      if !time < 60 - !level * 3 then time := 60 - !level * 3;
-      do_after stop_a_bit loop
-    end
-  and loop () =
-    let m = copy_block current in
-    m.y <- m.y + 1;
-    if death_check m then begin
-      !current.alive <- false;
-      stone !current;
-      do_after stop_a_bit (fun () ->
-        let l = clear !current in
-        if l > 0 then
-          do_after stop_a_bit (fun () ->
-            fall_lines ();
-            add_score l;
-            do_after stop_a_bit newblock)
-        else newblock ())
-    end else begin
-      erase_falling_block !current;
-      draw_falling_block m;
-      current := m;
-      do_after !time loop
-    end in
-  let bind_game w =
-    bind w [([], KeyPress)] (BindSet ([Ev_KeySymString],
-      fun e ->
-        match e.ev_KeySymString with
-        | "h" ->
-            let m = copy_block current in
-            m.x <- m.x - 1;
-            try_to_move m
-        | "j" ->
-            let m = copy_block current in
-            m.d <- m.d + 1;
-            if m.d = List.length m.pattern then m.d <- 0;
-            try_to_move m
-        | "k" ->
-            let m = copy_block current in
-            m.d <- m.d - 1;
-            if m.d < 0 then m.d <- List.length m.pattern - 1;
-            try_to_move m
-        | "l" ->
-            let m = copy_block current in
-            m.x <- m.x + 1;
-            try_to_move m
-        | "m" ->
-            remove_timer ();
-            loop ()
-        | "space" ->
-            if !current.alive then
-              begin
-                let m = copy_block current
-                and n = copy_block current in
-                while
-                  m.y <- m.y + 1;
-                  if death_check m then false
-                  else begin n.y <- m.y; true end
-                do () done;
-                erase_falling_block !current;
-                draw_falling_block n;
-                current := n;
-                remove_timer ();
-                loop ()
-              end
-        | _ -> ()
-      )) in
-  let game_init () =
-    (* Game Initialization *)
-    set_message "Initializing ...";
-    remove_timer ();
-    image_load (List.hd backgrounds);
-    time := 1000;
-    score := 0;
-    line := 0;
-    level := 1;
-    add_score 0;
-    init_field ();
-    next := Random.int 7;
-    set_message "Welcome to TETRIS";
-    set_nextblock ();
-    draw_falling_block !current;
-    do_after !time loop in
-  bind_game top;
-  Button.configure newg [Command game_init];
-  Button.configure exitg [Command (fun () -> exit 0)];
-  game_init ()
-let tetris () =
- start_game ();
- Printexc.print mainLoop ()
-if !Sys.interactive then () else begin tetris (); exit 0 end;;

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