[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] [react] 05/07: Merge tag 'upstream/1.2.0'

Stéphane Glondu glondu at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Oct 28 14:54:11 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

glondu pushed a commit to branch master
in repository react.

commit 71edc5632119bed82fb643710eeb1141f662b3d1
Merge: f18afb2 4e3b2a5
Author: Stephane Glondu <steph at glondu.net>
Date:   Wed Oct 28 15:12:03 2015 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/1.2.0'
    Upstream version 1.2.0

 .ocamlinit                       |    2 +-
 CHANGES                          |   31 -
 CHANGES.md                       |   78 +
 README                           |   63 -
 README.md                        |   53 +
 TODO.md                          |   52 +
 _oasis                           |   68 -
 _tags                            |   39 +-
 doc/React.E.Option.html          |   40 +
 doc/React.E.html                 |  203 +-
 doc/React.S.Bool.html            |   32 +-
 doc/React.S.Compare.html         |   16 +-
 doc/React.S.EqType.html          |    7 +-
 doc/React.S.Float.html           |   44 +-
 doc/React.S.Int.html             |   23 +-
 doc/React.S.Make.html            |   29 +-
 doc/React.S.Option.html          |   54 +
 doc/React.S.Pair.html            |   10 +-
 doc/React.S.S.html               |   29 +-
 doc/React.S.Special.Sb.html      |   29 +-
 doc/React.S.Special.Sf.html      |   29 +-
 doc/React.S.Special.Si.html      |   29 +-
 doc/React.S.Special.html         |    8 +-
 doc/React.S.html                 |  218 +-
 doc/React.Step.html              |   55 +
 doc/React.html                   |  321 +-
 doc/index_modules.html           |   13 +
 doc/index_types.html             |   10 +
 doc/index_values.html            |  128 +-
 doc/style.css                    |   56 +-
 doc/type_React.E.Option.html     |   16 +
 doc/type_React.E.html            |   32 +-
 doc/type_React.S.Bool.html       |    6 +
 doc/type_React.S.Float.html      |    3 +
 doc/type_React.S.Int.html        |    3 +
 doc/type_React.S.Make.html       |    5 +-
 doc/type_React.S.Option.html     |   19 +
 doc/type_React.S.S.html          |   10 +-
 doc/type_React.S.Special.Sb.html |    5 +-
 doc/type_React.S.Special.Sf.html |    5 +-
 doc/type_React.S.Special.Si.html |    5 +-
 doc/type_React.S.Special.html    |   15 +-
 doc/type_React.S.html            |   65 +-
 doc/type_React.Step.html         |   16 +
 doc/type_React.html              |  105 +-
 myocamlbuild.ml                  |  491 ---
 opam                             |   17 +
 pkg/META                         |   22 +
 pkg/build.ml                     |   16 +
 pkg/config.ml                    |   11 +
 pkg/git.ml                       |   14 +
 pkg/topkg-ext.ml                 |  272 ++
 pkg/topkg.ml                     |  303 ++
 setup.ml                         | 6073 --------------------------------------
 src/META                         |   11 -
 src/react.ml                     | 1785 ++++++-----
 src/react.mli                    |  727 +++--
 src/react.mllib                  |    4 -
 src/react_top.ml                 |   48 +
 test/breakout.ml                 |  289 +-
 test/clock.ml                    |   10 +-
 test/js_test.html                |   22 +
 test/js_test.ml                  |   49 +
 test/test.ml                     | 1135 +++++--
 test/tests.itarget               |    2 +-
 65 files changed, 4807 insertions(+), 8573 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ocaml-maint/packages/react.git

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