[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] [cppo] 01/05: Imported Upstream version 0.9.4

Stéphane Glondu glondu at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Sep 3 12:19:37 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

glondu pushed a commit to branch master
in repository cppo.

commit 5b2862767f169a35dc295e5855099dfe68afe02b
Author: Stephane Glondu <steph at glondu.net>
Date:   Sun Aug 17 14:42:47 2014 +0200

    Imported Upstream version 0.9.4
 META                                  |   8 +
 Makefile                              |  91 ++++---
 README                                | 374 ----------------------------
 README.md                             | 449 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 ocamlbuild_plugin/_tags               |   1 +
 ocamlbuild_plugin/ocamlbuild_cppo.ml  |  30 +++
 ocamlbuild_plugin/ocamlbuild_cppo.mli |   2 +
 opam                                  |  13 +
 8 files changed, 548 insertions(+), 420 deletions(-)

diff --git a/META b/META
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b2fa06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/META
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+description = "Cppo ocamlbuild plugin"
+version = "dev"
+requires = "ocamlbuild"
+archive(byte) = "ocamlbuild_cppo.cma"
+archive(byte, plugin) = "ocamlbuild_cppo.cma"
+archive(native) = "ocamlbuild_cppo.cmxa"
+archive(native, plugin) = "ocamlbuild_cppo.cmxs"
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 6aa477a..7f9177e 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
-VERSION = 0.9.3
+VERSION = 0.9.4
+ifeq "$(shell ocamlc -config |grep os_type)" "os_type: Win32"
   OCAMLYACC = ocamlyacc
@@ -16,9 +22,31 @@ ifndef BINDIR
 export BINDIR
+BEST := opt
+NATDYNLINK ?= $(shell if [ -f `ocamlc -where`/dynlink.cmxa ]; then \
+                        echo YES; \
+                      else \
+                        echo NO; \
+                      fi)
+OCAMLBUILD_IMPL := ocamlbuild_cppo.cma
+ifeq "${BEST}" "opt"
+OCAMLBUILD_IMPL += ocamlbuild_cppo.cmxa ocamlbuild_cppo.a
+ifeq "${NATDYNLINK}" "YES"
+OCAMLBUILD_IMPL += ocamlbuild_cppo.cmxs
+OCAMLBUILD_INSTALL = ocamlbuild_plugin/_build/ocamlbuild_cppo.cmi \
+                     $(addprefix ocamlbuild_plugin/_build/,$(OCAMLBUILD_IMPL))
 .PHONY: default all opt install clean test
-default: opt
+default: opt ocamlbuild
 ML = cppo_version.ml cppo_types.ml \
      cppo_parser.mli cppo_parser.ml \
@@ -26,16 +54,27 @@ ML = cppo_version.ml cppo_types.ml \
      cppo_command.ml \
      cppo_eval.ml cppo_main.ml
+OCAMLBUILD_ML = ocamlbuild_cppo.ml
 all: $(ML)
-	ocamlc -o cppo -dtypes unix.cma $(ML)
+	ocamlc -o cppo$(EXE) -dtypes unix.cma $(ML)
 opt: $(ML)
-	ocamlopt -o cppo -dtypes unix.cmxa $(ML)
+	ocamlopt -o cppo$(EXE) -dtypes unix.cmxa $(ML)
+	cd ocamlbuild_plugin && ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind $(OCAMLBUILD_IMPL)
+install: install-bin install-lib
 	install -m 0755 cppo $(BINDIR) || \
 		install -m 0755 cppo.exe $(BINDIR)
+	ocamlfind install -patch-version ${VERSION} "cppo_ocamlbuild" \
 cppo_version.ml: Makefile
 	echo 'let cppo_version = "$(VERSION)"' > cppo_version.ml
@@ -60,44 +99,4 @@ clean:
 		cppo \
 		cppo_parser.mli cppo_parser.ml cppo_lexer.ml cppo_version.ml
 	cd examples; $(MAKE) clean
-SUBDIRS = testdata examples
-SVNURL = svn+ssh://mjambon@svn.forge.ocamlcore.org/svnroot/cppo/trunk/cppo
-	@echo "Making archive for version $(VERSION)"
-	@if [ -z "$$WWW" ]; then \
-		echo '*** Environment variable WWW is undefined ***' >&2; \
-		exit 1; \
-	fi
-	@if [ -n "$$(svn status -q)" ]; then \
-		echo "*** There are uncommitted changes, aborting. ***" >&2; \
-		exit 1; \
-	fi
-	$(MAKE) && ./cppo -help > $$WWW/cppo-help.txt
-	rm -rf /tmp/cppo /tmp/cppo-$(VERSION) && \
-	 	cd /tmp && \
-		svn co "$(SVNURL)" && \
-		for x in "." $(SUBDIRS); do \
-			rm -rf /tmp/cppo/$$x/.svn; \
-		done && \
-		cd /tmp && cp -r cppo cppo-$(VERSION) && \
-		tar czf cppo.tar.gz cppo && \
-		tar cjf cppo.tar.bz2 cppo && \
-		tar czf cppo-$(VERSION).tar.gz cppo-$(VERSION) && \
-		tar cjf cppo-$(VERSION).tar.bz2 cppo-$(VERSION)
-	mv /tmp/cppo.tar.gz /tmp/cppo.tar.bz2 ../releases
-	mv /tmp/cppo-$(VERSION).tar.gz /tmp/cppo-$(VERSION).tar.bz2 ../releases
-	cp ../releases/cppo.tar.gz $$WWW/
-	cp ../releases/cppo.tar.bz2 $$WWW/
-	cp ../releases/cppo-$(VERSION).tar.gz $$WWW/
-	cp ../releases/cppo-$(VERSION).tar.bz2 $$WWW/
-	cd ../releases && \
-		svn add cppo.tar.gz cppo.tar.bz2 \
-			cppo-$(VERSION).tar.gz cppo-$(VERSION).tar.bz2 && \
-		svn commit -m "cppo version $(VERSION)"
-	cp README $$WWW/cppo-manual-$(VERSION).txt
-	cp LICENSE $$WWW/cppo-license.txt
-	cp Changes $$WWW/cppo-changes.txt
-	echo 'let cppo_version = "$(VERSION)"' \
-		> $$WWW/cppo-version.ml
+	cd ocamlbuild_plugin; ocamlbuild -clean
diff --git a/README b/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b31e9f..0000000
--- a/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,374 +0,0 @@
-                          +=======================+
-                          |  cppo: cpp for OCaml  |
-                          +=======================+
-Cppo is an equivalent of the C preprocessor for OCaml programs.
-It allows the definition of simple macros and file inclusion.
-Cppo is:
-- OCaml-friendly (unlike cpp)
-- easy to learn without consulting a manual (unlike m4 or camlp4)
-- reasonably fast (unlike camlmix)
-- simple to install and to maintain (unlike camlp4-based tools)
-User guide
-Cppo is a preprocessor for programming languages that follow lexical rules
-compatible with OCaml.
-Cppo supports a number of directives. A directive is a '#' sign placed
-at the beginning of a line, possibly preceded by some whitespace, and followed
-by a valid directive name or by a number:
-  BLANK* "#" BLANK* ("define"|"undef"
-                    |"if"|"ifdef"|"ifndef"|"else"|"elif"|"endif"
-                    |"include"
-                    |"warning"|"error"
-                    |"ext"|"endext") ...
-Directives can be split into multiple lines by placing a backslash \ at
-the end of the line to be continued. In general, any special character
-can used as a normal character by preceding it with backslash.
-1. File inclusion
-  #include "hello.ml"
-This is how a source file "hello.ml" can be included.
-Relative paths are searched first in the directory of the current file
-and then in the search paths added on the command line using -I, if any.
-2. Macros
-This is a simple macro that doesn't take an argument ("object-like
-macro" in the cpp jargon):
-  #define Ms Mississippi
-  match state with
-      Ms -> true
-    | _ -> false
-After preprocessing by cppo, the code above becomes: 
-match state with
-      Mississippi -> true
-    | _ -> false
-If needed, defined macros can be undefined. This is required prior to
-redefining a macro:
-  #undef X
-An important distinction with cpp is that only previously-defined
-macros are accessible. Defining, undefining or redefining a macro has
-no effect on how previous macros will expand.
-Macros can take arguments ("function-like macro" in the cpp
-jargon). Both in the definition (#define) and in macro application the
-opening parenthesis must stick to the macro's identifier:
-  #define debug(args) if !debugging then Printf.eprintf args else ()
-  debug("Testing %i" (1 + 1))
-is expanded into:
-  if !debugging then Printf.eprintf "Testing %i" (1 + 1) else ()
-Here is a multiline macro definition. Newlines occurring between
-tokens must be protected by a backslash:
-  #define repeat_until(action,condition) \
-    action; \
-    while not (condition) do \
-      action \
-    done
-All user-definable macros are constant. There are however two
-predefined variable macros: __FILE__ and __LINE__ which take the value
-of the position in the source file where the macro is being expanded.
-  #define loc (Printf.sprintf "File %S, line %i" __FILE__ __LINE__)
-Macros can be defined on the command line as follows:
-  # preprocessing only
-  cppo -D 'VERSION 1.0' example.ml
-  # preprocessing and compiling
-  ocamlopt -c -pp "cppo -D 'VERSION 1.0'" example.ml
-3. Conditionals
-Here is a quick reference on conditionals available in cppo. If you
-are not familiar with #ifdef, #ifndef, #if, #else and #elif, please
-refer to the corresponding section in the cpp manual.
-  #ifndef VERSION
-  #warning "VERSION is undefined"
-  #define VERSION "n/a"
-  #endif
-  #ifndef VERSION
-  #error "VERSION is undefined"
-  #endif
-  #if OCAML_MAJOR >= 3 && OCAML_MINOR >= 10
-  ...
-  #endif
-  #ifdef X
-  ...
-  #elif defined Y
-  ...
-  #else
-  ...
-  #endif
-The boolean expressions following #if and #elif may perform arithmetic
-operations and tests over 64-bit ints.
-Boolean expressions:
-  defined ...    followed by an identifier, returns true if such a macro exists
-  true    
-  false   
-  ( ... )
-  ... && ...
-  ... || ...
-  not ...
-Arithmetic comparisons used in boolean expressions:
-  ... = ...
-  ... < ...
-  ... > ...
-  ... <> ...
-  ... <= ...
-  ... >= ...
-Arithmetic operators over signed 64-bit ints:
-  ( ... )
-  ... + ...
-  ... - ...
-  ... * ...
-  ... /  ...
-  ... mod ...
-  ... lsl ...
-  ... lsr ...
-  ... asr ...
-  ... land ...
-  ... lor ...
-  ... lxor ...
-  lnot ... 
-Macro identifiers can be used in place of ints as long as they expand
-to an int literal, e.g.:
-  #define one 1
-  #if one + one <> 2
-  #error "Something's wrong."
-  #endif
-4. Source file location
-Location directives are the same as OCaml and are echoed in the
-output. They consist of a line number optionally followed by a file name:
-  # 123
-  # 456 "source"
-5. Messages
-Warnings and error messages can be produced by the preprocessor:
-  #ifndef X
-    #warning "Assuming default value for X"
-    #define X 1
-  #elif X = 0
-    #error "X may not be null"
-  #endif
-6. Calling an external processor
-Cppo provides a mechanism for converting sections of a file using
-and external program. Such a section must be placed between #ext and
-#endext directives.
-  $ cat foo
-  ABC
-  #ext lowercase
-  DEF
-  #endext
-  GHI
-  #ext lowercase
-  KLM
-  NOP
-  #endext
-  QRS
-  $ cppo -x lowercase:'tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]"' foo
-  # 1 "foo"
-  ABC
-  def
-  # 5 "foo"
-  GHI
-  klm
-  nop
-  # 10 "foo"
-  QRS
-In the example above, "lowercase" is the name given on the
-command-line to external command 'tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]"' that reads
-input from stdin and writes its output to stdout.
-7. Escaping
-The following characters can be escaped by a backslash when needed: 
-  (
-  )
-  ,
-  #
-In OCaml # is used for method calls. It is usually not a problem
-because in order to be interpreted as a preprocessor directive, it
-must be the first non-blank character of a line and be a known
-directive. If an object has a define method and you want # to appear
-first on a line, you would have to use \# instead:
-  obj
-    \#define
-Line directives in the usual format supported by OCaml are correctly
-interpreted by cppo.
-Comments and string literals constitute single tokens even when they
-span across multiple lines. Therefore newlines within string literals
-and comments should remain as-is (no preceding backslash) even in a
-macro body:
-  #define welcome \
-  "**********
-  *Welcome!*
-  **********
-  "
-8. Concatenation
-CONCAT() is a predefined macro that takes two arguments, removes any
-whitespace between and around them and fuses them into a single identifier.
-The result of the concatenation must be a valid identifier of the
-form [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]+ or [A-Za-z], or empty.
-For example,
-  #define x 123
-  CONCAT(z, x)
-expands into:
-  z123
-However the following is illegal:
-  #define x 123
-  CONCAT(x, z)
-because 123z does not form a valid identifier.
-CONCAT(a,b) is roughly the equivalent a##b in cpp syntax.
-9. Stringification
-STRINGIFY() is a predefined macro that takes one argument, removes any leading
-and trailing whitespace, reduces each internal whitespace sequence to 
-a single space character and produces a valid OCaml string literal.
-For example,
-  #define TRACE(f) Printf.printf ">>> %s\n" STRINGIFY(f); f
-  TRACE(print_endline) "Hello"
-is expanded into:
-  Printf.printf ">>> %s\n" "print_endline"; print_endline "Hello"
-STRINGIFY(x) is the equivalent of #x in cpp syntax.
-10. Detailed command-line usage and options
-Usage: ./cppo [OPTIONS] [FILE1 [FILE2 ...]]
-  -D DEF
-          Equivalent of interpreting '#define DEF' before processing the
-          input
-          Equivalent of interpreting '#undef IDENT' before processing the
-          input
-  -I DIR
-          Add directory DIR to the search path for included files
-  -o FILE
-          Output file
-  -q 
-          Identify and preserve camlp4 quotations
-  -s 
-          Output line directives pointing to the exact source location of 
-          each token, including those coming from the body of macro 
-          definitions.  This behavior is off by default.
-  -n 
-          Do not output any line directive other than those found in the 
-          input (overrides -s).
-  -version 
-          Print the version of the program and exit.
-          Define a custom preprocessor target section starting with:
-            #ext "NAME"
-          and ending with:
-            #endext
-          NAME must be a lowercase identifier of the form [a-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*
-          CMD_TEMPLATE is a command template supporting the following
-          special sequences:
-            %F  file name (unescaped; beware of potential scripting attacks)
-            %B  number of the first line
-            %E  number of the last line
-            %%  a single percent sign
-          Filename, first line number and last line number are also
-          available from the following environment variables:
-          The command produced is expected to read the data lines from stdin
-          and to write its output to stdout.
-  -help  Display this list of options
-  --help  Display this list of options
-Martin Jambon <martin at mjambon.com>
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1a762e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+Cppo: cpp for OCaml
+Cppo is an equivalent of the C preprocessor for OCaml programs.
+It allows the definition of simple macros and file inclusion.
+Cppo is:
+* more OCaml-friendly than cpp
+* easy to learn without consulting a manual
+* reasonably fast
+* simple to install and to maintain
+User guide
+Cppo is a preprocessor for programming languages that follow lexical rules
+compatible with OCaml.
+Cppo supports a number of directives. A directive is a `#` sign placed
+at the beginning of a line, possibly preceded by some whitespace, and followed
+by a valid directive name or by a number:
+BLANK* "#" BLANK* ("define"|"undef"
+                  |"if"|"ifdef"|"ifndef"|"else"|"elif"|"endif"
+                  |"include"
+                  |"warning"|"error"
+                  |"ext"|"endext") ...
+Directives can be split into multiple lines by placing a backslash `\` at
+the end of the line to be continued. In general, any special character
+can used as a normal character by preceding it with backslash.
+File inclusion
+#include "hello.ml"
+This is how a source file `hello.ml` can be included.
+Relative paths are searched first in the directory of the current file
+and then in the search paths added on the command line using `-I`, if any.
+This is a simple macro that doesn't take an argument ("object-like
+macro" in the cpp jargon):
+#define Ms Mississippi
+match state with
+    Ms -> true
+  | _ -> false
+After preprocessing by cppo, the code above becomes: 
+match state with
+    Mississippi -> true
+  | _ -> false
+If needed, defined macros can be undefined. This is required prior to
+redefining a macro:
+#undef X
+An important distinction with cpp is that only previously-defined
+macros are accessible. Defining, undefining or redefining a macro has
+no effect on how previous macros will expand.
+Macros can take arguments ("function-like macro" in the cpp
+jargon). Both in the definition (`#define`) and in macro application the
+opening parenthesis must stick to the macro's identifier:
+#define debug(args) if !debugging then Printf.eprintf args else ()
+debug("Testing %i" (1 + 1))
+is expanded into:
+if !debugging then Printf.eprintf "Testing %i" (1 + 1) else ()
+Here is a multiline macro definition. Newlines occurring between
+tokens must be protected by a backslash:
+#define repeat_until(action,condition) \
+  action; \
+  while not (condition) do \
+    action \
+  done
+All user-definable macros are constant. There are however two
+predefined variable macros: `__FILE__` and `__LINE__` which take the value
+of the position in the source file where the macro is being expanded.
+#define loc (Printf.sprintf "File %S, line %i" __FILE__ __LINE__)
+Macros can be defined on the command line as follows:
+# preprocessing only
+cppo -D 'VERSION 1.0' example.ml
+# preprocessing and compiling
+ocamlopt -c -pp "cppo -D 'VERSION 1.0'" example.ml
+Here is a quick reference on conditionals available in cppo. If you
+are not familiar with `#ifdef`, `#ifndef`, `#if`, `#else` and `#elif`, please
+refer to the corresponding section in the cpp manual.
+#ifndef VERSION
+#warning "VERSION is undefined"
+#define VERSION "n/a"
+#ifndef VERSION
+#error "VERSION is undefined"
+#if OCAML_MAJOR >= 3 && OCAML_MINOR >= 10
+#ifdef X
+#elif defined Y
+The boolean expressions following `#if` and `#elif` may perform arithmetic
+operations and tests over 64-bit ints.
+Boolean expressions:
+* `defined` ...  followed by an identifier, returns true if such a macro exists
+* `true`
+* `false`
+* `(` ... `)`
+* ... `&&` ...
+* ... `||` ...
+* `not` ...
+Arithmetic comparisons used in boolean expressions:
+* ... `=` ...
+* ... `<` ...
+* ... `>` ...
+* ... `<>` ...
+* ... `<=` ...
+* ... `>=` ...
+Arithmetic operators over signed 64-bit ints:
+* `(` ... `)`
+* ... `+` ...
+* ... `-` ...
+* ... `*` ...
+* ... `/` ...
+* ... `mod` ...
+* ... `lsl` ...
+* ... `lsr` ...
+* ... `asr` ...
+* ... `land` ...
+* ... `lor` ...
+* ... `lxor` ...
+* `lnot` ... 
+Macro identifiers can be used in place of ints as long as they expand
+to an int literal, e.g.:
+#define one 1
+#if one + one <> 2
+#error "Something's wrong."
+Source file location
+Location directives are the same as OCaml and are echoed in the
+output. They consist of a line number optionally followed by a file name:
+# 123
+# 456 "source"
+Warnings and error messages can be produced by the preprocessor:
+#ifndef X
+  #warning "Assuming default value for X"
+  #define X 1
+#elif X = 0
+  #error "X may not be null"
+Calling an external processor
+Cppo provides a mechanism for converting sections of a file using
+and external program. Such a section must be placed between `#ext` and
+`#endext` directives.
+$ cat foo
+#ext lowercase
+#ext lowercase
+$ cppo -x lowercase:'tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]"' foo
+# 1 "foo"
+# 5 "foo"
+# 10 "foo"
+In the example above, `lowercase` is the name given on the
+command-line to external command `'tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]"'` that reads
+input from stdin and writes its output to stdout.
+The following characters can be escaped by a backslash when needed: 
+In OCaml `#` is used for method calls. It is usually not a problem
+because in order to be interpreted as a preprocessor directive, it
+must be the first non-blank character of a line and be a known
+directive. If an object has a define method and you want `#` to appear
+first on a line, you would have to use `\#` instead:
+  \#define
+Line directives in the usual format supported by OCaml are correctly
+interpreted by cppo.
+Comments and string literals constitute single tokens even when they
+span across multiple lines. Therefore newlines within string literals
+and comments should remain as-is (no preceding backslash) even in a
+macro body:
+#define welcome \
+`CONCAT()` is a predefined macro that takes two arguments, removes any
+whitespace between and around them and fuses them into a single identifier.
+The result of the concatenation must be a valid identifier of the
+form [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]+ or [A-Za-z], or empty.
+For example,
+#define x 123
+CONCAT(z, x)
+expands into:
+However the following is illegal:
+#define x 123
+CONCAT(x, z)
+because 123z does not form a valid identifier.
+`CONCAT(a,b)` is roughly equivalent to `a##b` in cpp syntax.
+`STRINGIFY()` is a predefined macro that takes one argument,
+removes any leading and trailing whitespace, reduces each internal
+whitespace sequence to a single space character and produces
+a valid OCaml string literal.
+For example,
+#define TRACE(f) Printf.printf ">>> %s\n" STRINGIFY(f); f
+TRACE(print_endline) "Hello"
+is expanded into:
+Printf.printf ">>> %s\n" "print_endline"; print_endline "Hello"
+`STRINGIFY(x)` is the equivalent of `#x` in cpp syntax.
+Ocamlbuild plugin
+An ocamlbuild plugin is available. To use it, you can call ocamlbuild with the argument `--plugin-tag package(cppo_ocamlbuild)` (only since 4.01).
+With Oasis :
+OCamlVersion: >= 4.01
+AlphaFeatures: ocamlbuild_more_args
+XOCamlbuildPluginTags: package(cppo_ocamlbuild)
+After that, you need to add in your `myocamlbuild.ml` :
+let () =
+  Ocamlbuild_plugin.dispatch
+    (fun hook ->
+      Ocamlbuild_cppo.dispatcher hook ;
+    )
+The plugin will apply cppo on all files ending in `.cppo.ml` in order to produce`.ml` files. The following tags are available:
+* `cppo_D(X)` ≡ `-D X`
+* `cppo_U(X)` ≡ `-U X`
+* `cppo_q` ≡ `-q`
+* `cppo_s` ≡ `-s`
+* `cppo_n` ≡ `-n`
+* The tag `cppo_I(foo)` can behave in two way:
+  * If `foo` is a directory, it's equivalent to `-I foo`.
+  * If `foo` is a file, it adds `foo` as a dependency and apply `-I parent(foo)`.
+Detailed command-line usage and options
+Usage: ./cppo [OPTIONS] [FILE1 [FILE2 ...]]
+  -D DEF
+          Equivalent of interpreting '#define DEF' before processing the
+          input
+          Equivalent of interpreting '#undef IDENT' before processing the
+          input
+  -I DIR
+          Add directory DIR to the search path for included files
+  -o FILE
+          Output file
+  -q 
+          Identify and preserve camlp4 quotations
+  -s 
+          Output line directives pointing to the exact source location of 
+          each token, including those coming from the body of macro 
+          definitions.  This behavior is off by default.
+  -n 
+          Do not output any line directive other than those found in the 
+          input (overrides -s).
+  -version 
+          Print the version of the program and exit.
+          Define a custom preprocessor target section starting with:
+            #ext "NAME"
+          and ending with:
+            #endext
+          NAME must be a lowercase identifier of the form [a-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*
+          CMD_TEMPLATE is a command template supporting the following
+          special sequences:
+            %F  file name (unescaped; beware of potential scripting attacks)
+            %B  number of the first line
+            %E  number of the last line
+            %%  a single percent sign
+          Filename, first line number and last line number are also
+          available from the following environment variables:
+          The command produced is expected to read the data lines from stdin
+          and to write its output to stdout.
+  -help  Display this list of options
+  --help  Display this list of options
+Martin Jambon <martin at mjambon.com>
diff --git a/ocamlbuild_plugin/_tags b/ocamlbuild_plugin/_tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc946a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamlbuild_plugin/_tags
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+true: package(ocamlbuild)
diff --git a/ocamlbuild_plugin/ocamlbuild_cppo.ml b/ocamlbuild_plugin/ocamlbuild_cppo.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42cf246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamlbuild_plugin/ocamlbuild_cppo.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+open Ocamlbuild_plugin
+let dispatcher = function
+  | After_rules -> begin
+      let dep = "%(name).cppo.ml" in
+      let prod1 = "%(name: <*> and not <*.cppo>).ml" in
+      let prod2 = "%(name: <**/*> and not <**/*.cppo>).ml" in
+      let f prod env _build =
+        let dep = env dep in
+        let prod = env prod in
+        let tags = tags_of_pathname prod ++ "cppo" in
+        Cmd (S[A "cppo"; T tags; S [A "-o"; P prod]; P dep ])
+      in
+      rule "cppo1" ~dep ~prod:prod1 (f prod1) ;
+      rule "cppo2" ~dep ~prod:prod2 (f prod2) ;
+      pflag ["cppo"] "cppo_D" (fun s -> S [A "-D"; A s]) ;
+      pflag ["cppo"] "cppo_U" (fun s -> S [A "-U"; A s]) ;
+      pflag ["cppo"] "cppo_I" (fun s ->
+        if Pathname.is_directory s then S [A "-I"; P s]
+        else S [A "-I"; P (Pathname.dirname s)]
+      ) ;
+      pdep ["cppo"] "cppo_I" (fun s ->
+        if Pathname.is_directory s then [] else [s]) ;
+      flag ["cppo"; "cppo_q"] (A "-q") ;
+      flag ["cppo"; "cppo_s"] (A "-s") ;
+      flag ["cppo"; "cppo_s"] (A "-n") ;
+      pflag ["cppo"] "cppo_x" (fun s -> S [A "-x"; A s])
+    end
+  | _ -> ()
diff --git a/ocamlbuild_plugin/ocamlbuild_cppo.mli b/ocamlbuild_plugin/ocamlbuild_cppo.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..692d887
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamlbuild_plugin/ocamlbuild_cppo.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+val dispatcher : Ocamlbuild_plugin.hook -> unit
diff --git a/opam b/opam
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8af947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opam
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+opam-version: "1"
+maintainer: "contact at ocamlpro.com"
+authors: ["Martin Jambon"]
+homepage: "http://mjambon.com/cppo.html"
+license: "BSD-3-Clause"
+build: [
+  [make]
+  [make "install-lib"]
+remove: [
+  ["ocamlfind" "remove" "cppo_ocamlbuild"]
\ No newline at end of file

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ocaml-maint/packages/cppo.git

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