[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] [dose3] branch experimental/master updated (c2bfd40 -> a716312)

Ralf Treinen treinen at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Feb 9 20:52:21 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

treinen pushed a change to branch experimental/master
in repository dose3.

      from  c2bfd40   Imported Debian patch 4.1~beta1-2
       new  95d8ecf   drop patch fix-doc-target-without-ocamlopt
      adds  a6c95c2   Disable call to dot during build to avoid FTBFS on some architectures
      adds  25446ba   Release to unstable
      adds  e21f2b7   Merge branch 'experimental/master'
      adds  98e6766   Imported Upstream version 4.1
      adds  19a6bfd   Merge tag 'upstream/4.1'
      adds  29766e5   new upstream 4.1
      adds  32298d0   rfreshed patch disable_dot
      adds  2538258   configure: --bindir , --libdir
      adds  a5f0d19   Fix FTBFS on bytecode architectures
      adds  25c1cc2   Release to unstable
      adds  dc791f6   Fix META file
      adds  7dd7ca2   Fix max_int on 32bits archs
      adds  8514225   Release to unstable
      adds  6f17766   package description: fix name of dose-deb-coinstall binary
      adds  3ebce3f   patcj lexing-debin-fields: debian field name syntaxe conforming to policy
      adds  b555218   add a test case for bug811569
      adds  6f9924a   compile on hardened1-linux
      adds  969b413   test cas for bug790422
      adds  3bc1447   add NEWS about changed printing of package names
       new  81708d7   Merge branch 'master' into experimental/master
       new  f2ccabf   Imported Upstream version 4.2
       new  fb4108d   Merge tag 'upstream/4.2' into experimental/master
       new  6a50009   new upstream 4.2
       new  b94490f   manpage buildcheck renamed to deb-buildcheck by upstream
       new  afce822   drop build-dependency graphviz fix-doc-target-without-ocamlopt.patch
       new  a716312   standards-version 3.9.7

The 8 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 CHANGES                                            |  46 +++++
 INSTALL                                            |  60 +++++-
 META.in                                            |   4 +-
 Makefile                                           |  32 ++-
 Makefile.config.in                                 |  45 +++--
 TODO                                               |   4 +-
 algo/defaultgraphs.ml                              | 224 +++++++++++++++------
 algo/depsolver.ml                                  | 174 +++++++++-------
 algo/depsolver.mli                                 |  31 ++-
 algo/diagnostic.ml                                 |   3 +-
 algo/diagnostic.mli                                |  35 ++--
 algo/strongconflicts.ml                            |   2 +-
 algo/strongdeps.ml                                 |  36 ++--
 algo/tests.ml                                      |  32 +++
 applications/apt-cudf.ml                           |  51 ++---
 applications/ceve.ml                               |  23 +--
 applications/deb-coinstall.ml                      |   5 +-
 applications/outdated.ml                           |   9 +-
 common/criteria.ml                                 |  20 +-
 common/criteria.mli                                |  26 +++
 common/cudfAdd.ml                                  |   4 +-
 common/cudfDiff.ml                                 |  95 ++++-----
 common/cudfDiff.mli                                |  26 +++
 common/cudfSolver.ml                               |  37 ++--
 common/format822.ml                                |   2 +-
 common/tests.ml                                    |  35 ++++
 configure                                          |  21 +-
 configure.ac                                       |   5 +-
 deb/debcudf.ml                                     |  27 ++-
 deb/debcudf.mli                                    |   3 +
 deb/evolution.ml                                   |   1 -
 deb/packages.ml                                    |   3 +-
 debian/changelog                                   |  73 ++++++-
 debian/control                                     |   6 +-
 debian/dose-builddebcheck.NEWS                     |  10 +
 debian/dose-builddebcheck.manpages                 |   2 +-
 debian/dose-distcheck.NEWS                         |  11 +
 debian/patches/add-gnuhardened1-linux              |  17 ++
 debian/patches/binaries-prefix-edos                |  44 ++--
 debian/patches/disable_dot                         |  13 ++
 .../patches/fix-doc-target-without-ocamlopt.patch  | 161 ---------------
 debian/patches/lexing-debian-fields                |  62 ++++++
 debian/patches/series                              |   4 +-
 debian/rules                                       |   6 +-
 debian/tests/{dose-debcheck => bug790422}          |   6 +-
 debian/tests/{dose-debcheck => bug811569}          |   4 +-
 debian/tests/control                               |   2 +-
 .../repos/{Packages1 => weird.fields.Packages}     |   2 +
 .../{buildcheck.pod => deb-buildcheck.pod}         |   9 +-
 doc/manpages/distcheck.pod                         |  12 +-
 doseparse/doseparseNoRpm.mlpack                    |   1 -
 doseparse/stdOptions.ml                            |   3 +-
 doseparseNoRpm                                     |   1 -
 myocamlbuild.ml.pp                                 |   2 +-
 opam/opamcudf.ml                                   |  28 ++-
 opam/packages.ml                                   |  66 +++---
 opam/tests.ml                                      | 154 ++++++++++++++
 opam_configure.sh                                  |   2 +-
 pef/packages.ml                                    |   5 +-
 scripts/doc.sh                                     |   7 +-
 60 files changed, 1205 insertions(+), 629 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 common/criteria.mli
 create mode 100644 common/cudfDiff.mli
 create mode 100644 debian/dose-builddebcheck.NEWS
 create mode 100644 debian/patches/add-gnuhardened1-linux
 create mode 100644 debian/patches/disable_dot
 delete mode 100644 debian/patches/fix-doc-target-without-ocamlopt.patch
 create mode 100644 debian/patches/lexing-debian-fields
 copy debian/tests/{dose-debcheck => bug790422} (66%)
 copy debian/tests/{dose-debcheck => bug811569} (69%)
 copy debian/tests/repos/{Packages1 => weird.fields.Packages} (80%)
 rename doc/manpages/{buildcheck.pod => deb-buildcheck.pod} (97%)
 delete mode 120000 doseparse/doseparseNoRpm.mlpack
 delete mode 120000 doseparseNoRpm
 create mode 100644 opam/tests.ml

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ocaml-maint/packages/dose3.git

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