[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] [bin-prot] 03/09: Merge tag 'upstream/113.33.03'

Stéphane Glondu glondu at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jul 28 13:36:46 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

glondu pushed a commit to branch master
in repository bin-prot.

commit 893637e3379b63a2bac2f3a1795a156d8d29b3b7
Merge: 9e3e152 0304745
Author: Stephane Glondu <steph at glondu.net>
Date:   Thu Jul 28 14:34:00 2016 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/113.33.03'
    Upstream version 113.33.03

 CHANGES.md                        |    19 +
 CHANGES.txt                       |    99 +
 COPYRIGHT.txt                     |     2 +-
 INSTALL.txt                       |    40 -
 META.ab                           |    20 +
 Makefile                          |    55 +-
 README.md                         |   105 +-
 _oasis                            |   138 +-
 _tags                             |    84 +-
 bench/bench.ml                    |    38 +-
 bench/bench_numbers.ml            |   269 +
 config/arch.sh                    |    25 -
 configure                         |    24 +-
 descr                             |     5 +
 install.ml                        |    10 +
 lib/META                          |    22 -
 lib/bin_prot.mldylib              |     4 -
 lib/bin_prot.mllib                |     4 -
 lib/bin_prot.mlpack               |    12 -
 lib/config.h                      |     0
 lib/libbin_prot_stubs.clib        |     5 -
 myocamlbuild.ml                   |   663 +-
 opam                              |    21 +
 postconf.sh                       |     9 +
 setup.ml                          |  7204 +-------------
 {lib => src}/binable.ml           |     0
 {lib => src}/blit_stubs.c         |     4 +
 src/blit_stubs_xen.c              |     1 +
 {lib => src}/blob.ml              |     0
 {lib => src}/blob.mli             |     1 -
 {lib => src}/common.ml            |     0
 {lib => src}/common.mli           |     0
 src/detect-arch.sh                |    28 +
 {lib => src}/float_stubs.c        |     0
 src/float_stubs_xen.c             |     1 +
 {lib => src}/int_codes.mlh        |     0
 {lib => src}/nat0.ml              |     0
 {lib => src}/nat0.mli             |     0
 {lib => src}/read.ml              |   372 +-
 {lib => src}/read.mli             |     0
 {lib => src}/size.ml              |     0
 {lib => src}/size.mli             |     0
 {lib => src}/std.ml               |     0
 {config => src}/test.c            |     0
 {lib => src}/type_class.ml        |     0
 {lib => src}/type_class.mli       |     0
 {lib => src}/utils.ml             |   121 +-
 {lib => src}/utils.mli            |    15 +-
 {lib => src}/write.ml             |   291 +-
 {lib => src}/write.mli            |     0
 syntax/pa_bin_prot.ml             |  1297 ---
 syntax/pa_bin_prot.mldylib        |     4 -
 syntax/pa_bin_prot.mli            |     1 -
 syntax/pa_bin_prot.mllib          |     4 -
 test/bin_prot_test.ml             |   981 --
 test/bin_prot_test_nonrec.ml      |    27 -
 test/blob_test.ml                 |   101 -
 test/example.ml                   |   117 -
 test/integers_repr.expected       | 18292 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/integers_repr.expected-32bit | 14413 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/integers_repr.ml             |   335 +
 test/mac_test.ml                  |   108 -
 test/microbench.ml                |    76 -
 test/qtest.ml                     |     5 -
 test/test.ml                      |     9 -
 test/test_runner.ml               |     3 -
 66 files changed, 34039 insertions(+), 11445 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ocaml-maint/packages/bin-prot.git

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