[Pkg-ocaml-maint-commits] [dose3] 01/03: replace architecture triplets by tuples

Ralf Treinen treinen at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Jan 17 21:22:02 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

treinen pushed a commit to branch master
in repository dose3.

commit 984c0d5e2491e7829950fbc922281311128fe4a4
Author: Ralf Treinen <treinen at free.fr>
Date:   Tue Jan 17 21:36:55 2017 +0100

    replace architecture triplets by tuples
 debian/changelog                   |   8 +
 debian/patches/architecture-tuples | 325 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/patches/series              |   1 +
 3 files changed, 334 insertions(+)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 875c245..dda7649 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+dose3 (5.0.1-8) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Patches taken from upstream (thanks, Josch!)
+    - architecture-tuples: replace architecture triples by tuples.
+      (closes: #843409)
+ -- Ralf Treinen <treinen at debian.org>  Tue, 17 Jan 2017 21:34:51 +0100
 dose3 (5.0.1-7) unstable; urgency=medium
   * use pic options only on native architectures.
diff --git a/debian/patches/architecture-tuples b/debian/patches/architecture-tuples
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5df2f57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/architecture-tuples
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+Author: Johannes 'josch' Schauer <josch at mister-muffin.de>
+Description: Replace dpkg triplettable support by the new dpkg tupletable format
+Debian-bug: #843409
+Index: dose3/applications/deb-buildcheck.ml
+--- dose3.orig/applications/deb-buildcheck.ml	2017-01-17 21:31:44.719112595 +0100
++++ dose3/applications/deb-buildcheck.ml	2017-01-17 21:32:57.723403681 +0100
+@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
+   let dump = StdOpt.str_option ()
+   let maforeign = StdOpt.store_true ()
+   let includextra = StdOpt.store_true ()
+-  let triplettable = StdOpt.str_option ()
++  let tupletable = StdOpt.str_option ()
+   let cputable = StdOpt.str_option ()
+   let dropalternatives = StdOpt.store_true ()
+@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
+   include StdOptions.DistribOptions ;;
+   StdOptions.DistribOptions.add_debian_options options ;;
+   let group = StdOptions.DistribOptions.deb_group options in
+-  StdOptions.DistribOptions.add_option options ~group ~long_name:"deb-triplettable"
+-    ~help:"Path to an architecture triplet table like /usr/share/dpkg/triplettable" triplettable;
++  StdOptions.DistribOptions.add_option options ~group ~long_name:"deb-tupletable"
++    ~help:"Path to an architecture tuple table like /usr/share/dpkg/tupletable" tupletable;
+   StdOptions.DistribOptions.add_option options ~group ~long_name:"deb-cputable"
+     ~help:"Path to a cpu table like /usr/share/dpkg/cputable" cputable;
+   StdOptions.DistribOptions.add_option options ~group ~long_name:"deb-defaulted-m-a-foreign"
+@@ -108,15 +108,15 @@
+       with Not_found -> true
+   in
+-  if (OptParse.Opt.is_set Options.triplettable)
++  if (OptParse.Opt.is_set Options.tupletable)
+   || OptParse.Opt.is_set Options.cputable then begin
+-    let ttfile = if OptParse.Opt.is_set Options.triplettable then
+-        Some (OptParse.Opt.get Options.triplettable)
++    let ttfile = if OptParse.Opt.is_set Options.tupletable then
++        Some (OptParse.Opt.get Options.tupletable)
+       else None in
+     let ctfile = if OptParse.Opt.is_set Options.cputable then
+         Some (OptParse.Opt.get Options.cputable)
+       else None in
+-    Architecture.read_triplettable ~ttfile ~ctfile ()
++    Architecture.read_tupletable ~ttfile ~ctfile ()
+   end;
+   let pkglist, srclist =
+Index: dose3/applications/deb-coinstall.ml
+--- dose3.orig/applications/deb-coinstall.ml	2017-01-17 21:31:44.719112595 +0100
++++ dose3/applications/deb-coinstall.ml	2017-01-17 21:33:23.659508500 +0100
+@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
+   let sources = StdOpt.str_option ()
+   let dump = StdOpt.str_option ()
+-  let triplettable = StdOpt.str_option ()
++  let tupletable = StdOpt.str_option ()
+   let cputable = StdOpt.str_option ()
+   include StdOptions.DistcheckOptions ;;
+@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@
+     ) StdOptions.DistribOptions.default_options ["deb-host-arch";"deb-drop-b-d-indep";"deb-profiles"]
+   in
+   StdOptions.DistribOptions.add_debian_options ~default options ;
+-  StdOptions.DistribOptions.add_option options ~long_name:"deb-triplettable"
+-    ~help:"Path to an architecture triplet table like /usr/share/dpkg/triplettable" triplettable;
++  StdOptions.DistribOptions.add_option options ~long_name:"deb-tupletable"
++    ~help:"Path to an architecture tuple table like /usr/share/dpkg/tupletable" tupletable;
+   StdOptions.DistribOptions.add_option options ~long_name:"deb-cputable"
+     ~help:"Path to a cpu table like /usr/share/dpkg/cputable" cputable;
+@@ -85,16 +85,16 @@
+   let (fg,bg) = Options.parse_cmdline (`Deb,false) posargs in
+-  if (((OptParse.Opt.is_set Options.triplettable)
++  if (((OptParse.Opt.is_set Options.tupletable)
+        || OptParse.Opt.is_set Options.cputable)
+       && (OptParse.Opt.is_set Options.sources)) then begin
+-    let ttfile = if OptParse.Opt.is_set Options.triplettable then
+-        Some (OptParse.Opt.get Options.triplettable)
++    let ttfile = if OptParse.Opt.is_set Options.tupletable then
++        Some (OptParse.Opt.get Options.tupletable)
+       else None in
+     let ctfile = if OptParse.Opt.is_set Options.cputable then
+         Some (OptParse.Opt.get Options.cputable)
+       else None in
+-    Architecture.read_triplettable ~ttfile ~ctfile ()
++    Architecture.read_tupletable ~ttfile ~ctfile ()
+   end;
+   let cudftodeb_table = Hashtbl.create 30000 in
+Index: dose3/deb/architecture.ml
+--- dose3.orig/deb/architecture.ml	2017-01-17 21:31:44.719112595 +0100
++++ dose3/deb/architecture.ml	2017-01-17 21:31:44.715112578 +0100
+@@ -33,66 +33,68 @@
+ (* lines 35..41 *)  "ppc64"; "ppc64el"; "s390"; "s390x"; "sh3"; "sh3eb"; "sh4";
+ (* lines 42..44 *)  "sh4eb"; "sparc"; "sparc64" ]
+-(* from /usr/share/dpkg/triplettable
++(* from /usr/share/dpkg/tupletable
+  *
+  * the line numbers correspond to the line numbers in
+- * /usr/share/dpkg/triplettable to be quickly able to find changes
++ * /usr/share/dpkg/tupletable to be quickly able to find changes
+  *
+- *   debian triplet (abi,os,cpu)      debian arch *)
+-let triplettable = ref [
+-  (("uclibceabi","linux","arm"),     "uclibc-linux-armel"); (* line 6  *)
+-  (("uclibc","linux","<cpu>"),       "uclibc-linux-<cpu>");
+-  (("musleabihf","linux","arm"),     "musl-linux-armhf");
+-  (("musl","linux","<cpu>"),         "musl-linux-<cpu>");
+-  (("gnueabihf","linux","arm"),      "armhf");              (* line 10 *)
+-  (("gnueabi","linux","arm"),        "armel");
+-  (("gnuabin32","linux","mips64el"), "mipsn32el");
+-  (("gnuabin32","linux","mips64"),   "mipsn32");
+-  (("gnuabi64","linux","mips64el"),  "mips64el");
+-  (("gnuabi64","linux","mips64"),    "mips64");             (* line 15 *)
+-  (("gnuspe","linux","powerpc"),     "powerpcspe");
+-  (("gnux32","linux","amd64"),       "x32");
+-  (("gnuhardened1","linux","<cpu>"), "hardened1-linux-<cpu>");
+-  (("gnu","linux","<cpu>"),          "<cpu>");
+-  (("gnu","kfreebsd","<cpu>"),       "kfreebsd-<cpu>");
+-  (("gnu","knetbsd","<cpu>"),        "knetbsd-<cpu>");      (* line 20 *)
+-  (("gnu","kopensolaris","<cpu>"),   "kopensolaris-<cpu>");
+-  (("gnu","hurd","<cpu>"),           "hurd-<cpu>");
+-  (("bsd","dragonflybsd","<cpu>"),   "dragonflybsd-<cpu>");
+-  (("bsd","freebsd","<cpu>"),        "freebsd-<cpu>");
+-  (("bsd","openbsd","<cpu>"),        "openbsd-<cpu>");      (* line 25 *)
+-  (("bsd","netbsd","<cpu>"),         "netbsd-<cpu>");
+-  (("bsd","darwin","<cpu>"),         "darwin-<cpu>");
+-  (("sysv","solaris","<cpu>"),       "solaris-<cpu>");
+-  (("uclibceabi","uclinux","arm"),   "uclinux-armel");
+-  (("uclibc","uclinux","<cpu>"),     "uclinux-<cpu>");      (* line 30 *)
+-  (("tos","mint","m68k"),            "mint-m68k");
+-  (("gnu","linux","<cpu>"),          "linux-<cpu>") (* this entry is not from /usr/share/dpkg/triplettable *)
++ *   debian tuple (abi,libc,os,cpu)      debian arch *)
++let tupletable = ref [
++  (("eabi","uclibc","linux","arm"),       "uclibc-linux-armel"); (* line 6  *)
++  (("base","uclibc","linux","<cpu>"),     "uclibc-linux-<cpu>");
++  (("eabihf","musl","linux","arm"),       "musl-linux-armhf");
++  (("base","musl","linux","<cpu>"),       "musl-linux-<cpu>");
++  (("eabihf","gnu","linux","arm"),        "armhf");              (* line 10 *)
++  (("eabi","gnu","linux","arm"),          "armel");
++  (("abin32","gnu","linux","mips64el"),   "mipsn32el");
++  (("abin32","gnu","linux","mips64"),     "mipsn32");
++  (("abi64","gnu","linux","mips64el"),    "mips64el");
++  (("abi64","gnu","linux","mips64"),      "mips64");             (* line 15 *)
++  (("spe","gnu","linux","powerpc"),       "powerpcspe");
++  (("x32","gnu","linux","amd64"),         "x32");
++  (("hardened1","gnu","linux","<cpu>"),   "hardened1-linux-<cpu>");
++  (("base","gnu","linux","<cpu>"),        "<cpu>");
++  (("base","gnu","kfreebsd","<cpu>"),     "kfreebsd-<cpu>");
++  (("base","gnu","knetbsd","<cpu>"),      "knetbsd-<cpu>");      (* line 20 *)
++  (("base","gnu","kopensolaris","<cpu>"), "kopensolaris-<cpu>");
++  (("base","gnu","hurd","<cpu>"),         "hurd-<cpu>");
++  (("base","bsd","dragonflybsd","<cpu>"), "dragonflybsd-<cpu>");
++  (("base","bsd","freebsd","<cpu>"),      "freebsd-<cpu>");
++  (("base","bsd","openbsd","<cpu>"),      "openbsd-<cpu>");      (* line 25 *)
++  (("base","bsd","netbsd","<cpu>"),       "netbsd-<cpu>");
++  (("base","bsd","darwin","<cpu>"),       "darwin-<cpu>");
++  (("base","sysv","solaris","<cpu>"),     "solaris-<cpu>");
++  (("eabi","uclibc","uclinux","arm"),     "uclinux-armel");
++  (("base","uclibc","uclinux","<cpu>"),   "uclinux-<cpu>");      (* line 30 *)
++  (("base","tos","mint","m68k"),          "mint-m68k");
++  (("base","gnu","linux","<cpu>"),        "linux-<cpu>") (* this entry is not from /usr/share/dpkg/tupletable *)
+   (* the "linux-" prefix is commented in scripts/Dpkg/Arch.pm with "XXX: Might disappear in the future, not sure yet." *)
+ ]
+-let debarch_to_debtriplet = Hashtbl.create ((List.length !triplettable)*(List.length !cpulist))
+-let triplettable_done = ref false
++let debarch_to_debtuple = Hashtbl.create ((List.length !tupletable)*(List.length !cpulist))
++let tupletable_done = ref false
+-let mangle_cpu_placeholder ((abi,os,cpu),debarch) =
++let mangle_cpu_placeholder ((abi,libc,os,cpu),debarch) =
+   if cpu = "<cpu>" then begin
+     List.iter (fun c ->
+-        let dt = (abi,os,c) in
++        let dt = (abi,libc,os,c) in
+         let _,da = String.replace ~str:debarch ~sub:"<cpu>" ~by:c in
+-        Hashtbl.replace debarch_to_debtriplet da dt
++        Hashtbl.replace debarch_to_debtuple da dt
+       ) !cpulist
+   end else begin
+-    Hashtbl.replace debarch_to_debtriplet debarch (abi,os,cpu)
++    Hashtbl.replace debarch_to_debtuple debarch (abi,libc,os,cpu)
+   end
+ ;;
+-let read_triplettable ?(ttfile=None) ?(ctfile=None) () =
+-  if !triplettable_done && ttfile = None && ctfile = None then () else begin
++let read_tupletable ?(ttfile=None) ?(ctfile=None) () =
++  if !tupletable_done && ttfile = None && ctfile = None then () else begin
+     (* if cputable file was given, overwrite built-in table *)
+     begin match ctfile with
+       | Some fn -> begin
+           cpulist := [];
+           let ic = open_in fn in
++          if input_line ic <> "# Version=1.0" then
++            fatal "Require cputable version 1.0";
+           (* to stay most compatible with dpkg, it would be best to use its
+            * regex from from scripts/Dpkg/Arch.pm to parse this file.
+            * Unfortunately Re.pcre doesnt support look-ahead/look-behind
+@@ -109,13 +111,15 @@
+           close_in ic;
+         end
+       | None -> () end;
+-    (* if triplettable was given, overwrite built-in table, otherwise parse
++    (* if tupletable was given, overwrite built-in table, otherwise parse
+      * built-in table *)
+     begin match ttfile with
+       | Some fn -> begin
+           (* this is an implicit assumption of dpkg *)
+-          mangle_cpu_placeholder (("gnu","linux","<cpu>"), "linux-<cpu>");
++          mangle_cpu_placeholder (("base","gnu","linux","<cpu>"), "linux-<cpu>");
+           let ic = open_in fn in
++          if input_line ic <> "# Version=1.0" then
++            fatal "Require tupletable version 1.0";
+           (* to stay most compatible with dpkg, it would be best to use its
+            * regex from from scripts/Dpkg/Arch.pm to parse this file.
+            * Unfortunately Re.pcre doesnt support look-ahead/look-behind
+@@ -125,43 +129,49 @@
+             else begin
+               let spaceli = String.index line '\t' in
+               let spaceri = String.rindex line '\t' in
+-              let debtriplet = String.sub line 0 spaceli in
++              let debtuple = String.sub line 0 spaceli in
+               let debarch = String.sub line (spaceri+1) ((String.length line)-spaceri-1) in
+-              match String.nsplit debtriplet "-" with
+-              | [abi;os;cpu] -> mangle_cpu_placeholder ((abi,os,cpu),debarch)
+-              | _ -> fatal "Cannot parse debtriplet: %s" debtriplet
++              match String.nsplit debtuple "-" with
++              | [abi;libc;os;cpu] -> mangle_cpu_placeholder ((abi,libc,os,cpu),debarch)
++              | _ -> fatal "Cannot parse debtuple: %s" debtuple
+             end
+           in
+           List.iter aux (Std.input_list ic);
+           close_in ic;
+         end
+       | None -> begin
+-          List.iter mangle_cpu_placeholder !triplettable;
++          List.iter mangle_cpu_placeholder !tupletable;
+         end
+     end;
+-    triplettable_done := true;
++    tupletable_done := true;
+   end
+ ;;
++(* this function performs what debarch_is form libdpkg-perl does *)
+ let src_matches_arch alias real =
+-  read_triplettable ();
++  read_tupletable ();
+   if alias=real || alias="any" || alias="all" then true else begin
+-    let real = Hashtbl.find_option debarch_to_debtriplet real in
++    let real = Hashtbl.find_option debarch_to_debtuple real in
++    (* see libdpkg-perl function debwildcard_to_debtuple *)
+     let alias = match String.nsplit alias "-" with
+-      | ["any";os;cpu] ->  Some ("any",os,cpu)
+-      | [abi;"any";cpu] -> Some (abi,"any",cpu)
+-      | [abi;os;"any"] ->  Some (abi,os,"any")
+-      | ["any";cpu] ->     Some ("any","any",cpu)
+-      | [os;"any"] ->      Some ("any",os,"any")
+-      | ["any"] ->         Some ("any","any","any")
++      | ["any";libc;os;cpu] ->  Some ("any",libc,os,cpu)
++      | [abi;"any";os;cpu] ->   Some (abi,"any",os,cpu)
++      | [abi;libc;"any";cpu] -> Some (abi,libc,"any",cpu)
++      | [abi;libc;os;"any"] ->  Some (abi,libc,os,"any")
++      | ["any";os;cpu] ->   Some ("any","any",os,cpu)
++      | [libc;"any";cpu] -> Some ("any",libc,"any",cpu)
++      | [libc;os;"any"] ->  Some ("any",libc,os,"any")
++      | ["any";cpu] ->     Some ("any","any","any",cpu)
++      | [os;"any"] ->      Some ("any","any",os,"any")
++      | ["any"] ->         Some ("any","any","any","any")
+       | _ -> begin
+           (* only look up in the table if none of the parts is "any" *)
+-          Hashtbl.find_option debarch_to_debtriplet alias
++          Hashtbl.find_option debarch_to_debtuple alias
+         end
+     in
+     match real,alias with
+-    | Some (r1,r2,r3), Some (a1,a2,a3) ->
+-      ((a1=r1 || a1="any") && (a2=r2 || a2="any") && (a3=r3 || a3="any"))
++    | Some (r1,r2,r3,r4), Some (a1,a2,a3,a4) ->
++      ((a1=r1 || a1="any") && (a2=r2 || a2="any") && (a3=r3 || a3="any") && (a4=r4 || a4="any"))
+     | _ -> false
+   end
+ ;;
+Index: dose3/deb/architecture.mli
+--- dose3.orig/deb/architecture.mli	2017-01-17 21:31:44.719112595 +0100
++++ dose3/deb/architecture.mli	2017-01-17 21:31:44.715112578 +0100
+@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@
+ *)
+ val src_matches_arch: string -> string -> bool
+-(** fill the lookup table mapping debian architectures to debian triplets
++(** fill the lookup table mapping debian architectures to debian tuples
+  *  this function is called by src_matches_arch without supplying anything
+  *  for the optional ttfile and ctfile arguments. If they are not None,
+- *  then they can point to a file like /usr/share/dpkg/triplettable or
++ *  then they can point to a file like /usr/share/dpkg/tupletable or
+  *  /usr/share/dpkg/cputable respectively.
+  *)
+-val read_triplettable: ?ttfile:(string option) -> ?ctfile:(string option) -> unit -> unit
++val read_tupletable: ?ttfile:(string option) -> ?ctfile:(string option) -> unit -> unit
+Index: dose3/doc/manpages/deb-buildcheck.pod
+--- dose3.orig/doc/manpages/deb-buildcheck.pod	2017-01-17 21:31:44.719112595 +0100
++++ dose3/doc/manpages/deb-buildcheck.pod	2017-01-17 21:31:44.715112578 +0100
+@@ -200,9 +200,9 @@
+ Add builds-from relationship of binary packages on source packages as
+ dependency. This allows one to create graphs for bootstrapping purposes.
+-=item B<--deb-triplettable=>I<file>
++=item B<--deb-tupletable=>I<file>
+-Path to an architecture triplet table like /usr/share/dpkg/triplettable
++Path to an architecture tuple table like /usr/share/dpkg/tupletable
+ =item B<--deb-cputable=>I<file>
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 292df09..3ac1fe0 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -9,3 +9,4 @@ binaries-prefix-edos

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ocaml-maint/packages/dose3.git

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